Students should demonstrate their ability to review and critique the digital forensic hackathons hosted in recent
years and their write-ups. Understanding these digital forensic tasks and their technical solutions will significantly
help students deepen the understanding of the industry’s standard practice and general expectations of forensic
abilities in the job market. Hackathon experiences and achievements have been valuable in the cybersecurity
industry. Students will identify, investigate, and evaluate six forensic hackathon tasks and the associated write-ups.
Students will be assessed on their ability to identify the appropriate tasks and write-ups, reproduce the technical
solutions, justify the technical findings, reflect on the learning experiences, and present a professionally written
Students are required to independently write an essay of approximately 4,000 words and exhibits to support the
findings and a bibliography. This essay should consist of the following parts:
• a professionally made title page with student name and student ID
• an abstract of 200 words capturing the highlights of the findings
• a non-technical section summarizing the six identified hackathon tasks and brief descriptions of their
write-ups along with justifications of their digital forensic relevance
• a non-technical section critiquing the issues of the existing write-ups of each hackathon task in multiple
• a technical section reproducing the solutions of the six hackathon tasks by using proper digital forensic
tools with supporting evidence (screenshots)
• a non-technical section reflecting personal learning experiences towards solving these tasks and aligning
these to our curriculum
• conclusion (around 150 words)
• reference (Harvard style)