are race and ethnicity, and how are they
created by society?
prejudice, discrimination, stereotypes, and
the interactions of minority and majority groups
today via a critical look at: pluralism, assimilation,
segregation, genocide.
are race and ethnicity important dimensions of
social inequality today [Stratification revisited]?
The systematic killing of one category of
people by another
Deadly form of racism and ethnocentrism
Violates every moral standard
Common throughout history
Important to recognize the degree to which
U.S. society was built
Segregation of African Americans
Genocide of Native Americans
Race Ethnicity in the United States
...Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.
From the
New Colossus
By Emma Lazarus (Base of Statue of Liberty) 1883
Native Americans
Refers to hundreds of societies who first
settled the Western Hemisphere
century: Numbered in the millions
By 1900: Numbered 250,000
Centuries of conflict and genocide
Indigenous Language Families -
North America
Listed but could not copy.
Depopulation/ Genocide
1492: Pop. 25 -40 million
1890: Official US government census of
“reservations” Pop. 225,000
So for the US to exist, Native Americans lost as
99 out of 100 people
This is a major ethnohistorical finding that should
no longer be ignored
Benjamin Franklin 1750s
“If it be the design of
Providence to extirpate
these Savages in order to,
make room for cultivators
of the Earth, it seems not
improbable that rum may
be the appointed means. It
has already annihilated all
the tribes who formerly
inhabited the sea-coast.”
Orders of George Washington
to General John Sullivan,
May 31, 1779
The immediate
objectives are the total
destruction and
devastation of their
settlements and the
capture of as many
prisoners of every age
and sex as possible. It
will be essential to ruin
their crops in the ground
and prevent their planting
John Quincy Adams
, 1802, when rationalizing
territorial imperatives as God’s will
“What is the right of the
huntsman to the forest of a
thousand miles over which
he has accidentally ranged
in quest of prey? Shall the
fields and vallies, which a
beneficent God has formed
to teem with the life of
innumerable multitudes, be
condemned to everlasting
General Philip Henry Sheridan
Commissioner of Indian Affairs
, 1887
took away
their country and
their means of
support, broke up
their mode of
living, their habits
of life, introduced
disease and decay
among them and it
was for this and
against this they
made war. Could
anyone expect
General Philip Henry Sheridan
“The only good Indian is a dead Indian.”
“This language which is good enough for a white
man or a black man ought to be good enough for
the red man. It is also believed that teaching an
Indian youth in his own barbarous dialect is a
positive detriment to him. The impractibility, if not
impossibility, of civilizing the Indians of this country
in any other tongue than our own would seem
obvious (1887)
Theodore Roosevelt
“The settler and pioneer
have at bottom had justice
on their side; this great
continent could not have
been kept as nothing but a
game preserve for squalid
savages. Moreover, to the
most oppressed Indian
nations the whites often
acted as a protection, or, at
least, they deferred instead
of hastening their fate.”
Image Bank
Native Americans
What cultural factors have led to the low
social standing of Native Americans? What
can be done to improve their social standing?
Noncompetitive view of life [Oneness]
Reluctance to pursue higher education
Dark skin made them targets of prejudice and
SOCY 100 Reflection:
1. Considering the genocide committed upon Native Americans,
the stereotypical images of the "Indian" that is a fixture in the US
media, their virtual exclusion from the history books in schools.
and their socio-economic status of poverty to date, are Native
American team mascots in American Schools and Sports teams
honoring Native American Peoples?
Or, do such logos and mascots further the vicious cycle of
prejudice and discrimination against them?
What do you think?
2. Will Billy Mills and others win this battle? Why or Why not?
Dishonorable Mention
(2004 HBO Sports)
The Social Meaning of Race and Ethnicity
People often confuse race and ethnicity.
Millions of people in the United States do not
think of themselves in terms of a single
category but as having a mixed ancestry.
A socially constructed category of people
who share biologically transmitted traits that
members of a society consider important
Why do people display “racial characteristics”?
Variety of racial traits is the product of
We think of race in biological terms, but it is a
socially constructed concept
Race is a matter of social definitions and is a
highly variable concept
Social Race
The meaning and importance of race not only
differ from place to place but also changes
over time
Today in the US, the Census Bureau allows
people to describe themselves using more
than one racial category
Racial types
Scientists invented the concept of race to organize
the world’s physical diversity
Caucasoid – Caucus Mountains
Negroid – Dark/ Black Continent
Mongoloid - Mongolia
How could the terminology used to describe racial
categories be misleading and harmful?
Such categories allow societies to rank/
stratify people in a hierarchy...
Gives some more money, power, and prestige
Allow some people to feel they are naturally
“better” than others (Ethnocentrism)
Because race matters so much, societies
construct racial categories in extreme ways
A trend toward mixture
Genetic traits from around the world have
become mixed
Today, people are willing to define themselves as
Researchers have found that biracial and
multiracial people choose different racial
identities in different settings...
depending on whom they are with.
Have you every experienced such a
“racial shift”?
According to the scientific research
There is more genetic variation
category than
From a
point of view, knowing people’s
racial category allows us to predict nothing about
A shared cultural heritage
People define themselves as members of an
ethnic category that have a distinctive identity
Common ancestors
Like race, ethnicity is socially constructed and
its meaning has changed over time
Race is constructed from
Ethnicity is constructed from
Any category of people distinguished by physical or
cultural difference that a society sets apart and
subordinates via differential and unequal treatment
Based on race, ethnicity, age or both
Two Important characteristics
Unequal treatment /Experience
Lack power compared to the dominant (most powerful) group
Share a
distinct identity (physical cultural linguistic traits)
Involuntary membership into group
Awareness of subordination
High rate of in-group marriage
Minority Groups
Minority groups usually make up a small
proportion of a society’s population
But there are exceptions...
- blacks in South Africa
- women in the U.S.
Prejudice and Stereotypes
Prejudice may target people of:
A particular social class
Sexual orientation
Political affiliation
Biased thinking
Beliefs, thoughts, feelings, attitudes about a group
A rigid and unfair generalization about an
entire category of people
Prejudices are prejudgments
Rooted in culture so everyone has some measure
of prejudice
Often takes the form of
An exaggerated description applied to every
person in some category
Especially harmful to minorities in the
Are there stereotypes in common phrases or
images in our society? Explain and provide
Harmful images of them... never of us
Measuring Prejudice: The Social Distance
Social Distance
Refers to how closely people are willing to interact
with members of some category
introduced by
Emory Bogardus
Found that people felt more social distance from some
categories than others
Measuring Prejudice: The Social Distance
Three major findings
Student opinion shows a trend toward greater
social acceptance
People see less difference between various
The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, might
have reduced social acceptance of Arabs and
A type of prejudice used to justify
the belief that one racial category is
innately superior or inferior to another
Powerful and harmful form of prejudice
Existed throughout world history
Widespread throughout U.S. history
Do you believe that racism is still a serious problem
throughout our society today?
Theories of Prejudice
Scapegoat theory
Prejudice springs from frustration among people
who are themselves disadvantaged
A person or category of people, typically with little
power, whom other people unfairly blame for their own
Minorities often are used as scapegoats
They have little power
Usually are “safe targets”
(X) Theories of Prejudice
Authoritarian personality theory
Extreme prejudice is a personality trait of certain
Research indicates
that people who show strong prejudice toward one minority
are intolerant of all minorities
Rigidly conform to conventional cultural values
See moral issues as clear-cut matters of right and wrong
People with little education and raised by cold, demanding
parents tend to develop authoritarian personalities
Theories of Prejudice
Culture theory
Claims that although extreme prejudice is found in
certain people, some prejudice is found in
“Culture of prejudice”
Taught to view certain categories of people as “better”
or “worse” than others
Rem: ethnocentrism... US/ Them
Unequal treatment of various categories of people
NOTE: while
refers to
is a matter of
Positive or negative
Subtle to blatant
Does prejudice and discrimination always go
together? Explain and give examples. Discrimination
Unequal treatment of various categories of people
NOTE: while
refers to
is a matter of
Positive or negative
Subtle to blatant
Does prejudice and discrimination always go
together? Explain and give examples.
Prejudice and Discrimination
Bias built into the operation of society’s
Why are people often slow to condemn or
recognize institutional prejudice?
Often involves respected public officials and
long-established traditions
A girl like me: featurette
the doll test used in arguments to demonstrate separate and
unequal in education.
Prejudice and discrimination reinforce each
Situations that are defined as real become
real in their consequences...
Real to people who believe them
Real to those victimized by them
Majority and Minority:
Patterns of Interaction
Four models
A state in which people of all races and ethnicities
are distinct but have equal social standing
The process by which minorities gradually adopt
patterns of the dominant culture
Segregation enforces separation that harms a
The systematic killing of one category of people by
Is the United States a Pluralistic Society?
Assimilation/ Amalgamation Melting Pots
-vs- Pluralism Salads Bowl
U.S. is a pluralistic society on paper only...
All “Men are Created Equal”
but is not a pluralistic society because:
Our tolerance for social diversity goes only so far
People of various colors and cultures do not have equal social
standing in our society.
If we Americans were truly a cultural
Melting Pot
we’d all be viewed as same/ assimilated
[unable to preserve our cultures]... and therefore equal.
We are more of a cultural
Salad Bowl
distinct cultures and ethnicities are like the ingredients
of a salad.
Individual ingredients come together to form
a better tasting and more nutritious whole, while
retaining their flavor and not becoming one
homogeneous/ same.