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Practice, Engage, Apply • Personalize Learning with MyBCommLab—MyBCommLab is an online

homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with this text to engage students and improve results. Within its structured environment, students practice what they learn, test their understanding, and pursue a personalized study plan that helps them better absorb course material and understand difficult concepts.

• Branching, Decision-Making Simulations—Put your students in the role of manager as they make a series of decisions based on a realistic business challenge. The simulations change and branch based on their decisions, creating various scenario paths. At the end of each simulation, students receive a grade and a detailed report of the choices they made with the associated consequences included.

• MediaShare for Business—Consisting of a curated collection of business videos tagged to learning outcomes and customizable, auto-scored assignments, MediaShare for Business helps students understand why they are learning key concepts and how they will apply those in their careers. Instructors can also assign favorite YouTube clips or original content and employ MediaShare's powerful repository of tools to maximize student accountability and interactive learning, and provide contextualized feedback for students and teams who upload presentations, media, or business plans.

• Writing Space—Better writers make great learners who perform better in their courses. Designed to help you develop and assess concept mastery and critical thinking, the Writing Space offers a single place to create, track, and grade writing assignments, provide resources, and exchange meaningful, personalized feedback with students, quickly and easily. Thanks to auto-graded, assisted-graded, and create-your-own assignments, you decide your level of involvement in evaluating students' work. The auto-graded option allows you to assign writing in large classes without having to grade essays by hand. And because of integration with Turnitin®, Writing Space can check students' work for improper citation or plagiarism.

• Dynamic Study Modules—Helps students study effectively on their own by continuously assessing their activity and performance in real time. Here's how it works: students complete a set of questions with a unique answer format that also asks them to indicate their confidence level. Questions repeat until the student can answer them all correctly and confidently. Once completed, Dynamic Study Modules explain the concept using materials from the text. These are available as graded assignments prior to class, and accessible on smartphones, tablets, and computers.

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with MyBCommLab®

• Reporting Dashboard—View, analyze, and report learning outcomes clearly and easily, and get the information you need to keep your students on track throughout the course with the new Reporting Dashboard. Available via the MyLab Gradebook and fully mobile- ready, the Reporting Dashboard presents student performance data at the class, section, and program levels in an accessible, visual manner.

• Enhanced eText—Keeps students engaged in learning on their own time, while helping them achieve greater conceptual understanding of course material. The worked examples bring learning to life, and algorithmic practice allows students to apply the very concepts they are reading about. Combining resources that illuminate content with accessible self-assessment, MyLab with Enhanced eText provides students with a complete digital learning experience—all in one place.

• Quizzes and Tests—Pre-built quizzes and tests allow you to quiz students without having to grade the assignments yourself.

• Video Exercises—These engaging videos explore a variety of business topics related to the theory students are learning in class. Quizzes assess students' comprehension of the concepts covered in each video.

• Learning Catalytics™—Is an interactive, student response tool that uses students' smartphones, tablets, or laptops to engage them in more sophisticated tasks and thinking. Now included with MyLab with eText, Learning Catalytics enables you to generate classroom discussion, guide your lecture, and promote peer-to-peer learning with real-time analytics. Instructors, you can:

■ ■■ Pose a variety of open-ended questions that help your students develop critical thinking skills

■ ■■ Monitor responses to find out where students are struggling ■ ■■ Use real-time data to adjust your instructional strategy and

try other ways of engaging your students during class ■ ■■ Manage student interactions by automatically grouping

students for discussion, teamwork, and peer-to-peer learning


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Giving Students the Skills and Insights They Need to Thrive in Today’s Digital Business Environment The essential skills of writing, listening, collaborating, and public speaking are as important as ever, but they’re not enough to succeed in today’s business world. As business communication continues to get rocked by waves of innovation—first digital media, then social media, now mobile communication, and watch out for the upcoming invasion of chatbots—the nature of communication is changing. And the changes go far deeper than the tools themselves.

In this exciting but complex new world, no other textbook can match the depth and range of coverage offered by Business Communication Today.

ChaPter 1 Professional communication in a Digital, social, Mobile World 15

the soCial CommuniCation model

The basic model presented in Figure 1.5 illustrates how a single idea moves from one sender to one receiver. In a larger sense, it also helps represent the traditional nature of much business communication, which was primarily defined by a publishing or broadcasting mindset. For external communication, a company issued carefully scripted messages to a mass audience that didn’t have many options for responding to those messages or initiating messages of their own. Customers and other interested parties had few ways to connect with one another to ask questions, share information, or offer support. Internal communication tended to follow the same “we talk, you listen” model, with upper managers issuing directives to lower-level supervisors and employees.

In recent years, however, a variety of technologies have enabled and inspired a new approach to business communication. In contrast to the publishing mindset, this social communication model is interactive, conversational, and usually open to all who wish to participate. Audience members are no longer passive recipients of messages but active participants in a conversation. Social media have given customers and other stake- holders a voice they did not have in the past. And businesses are listening to that voice. In fact, one of the most common uses of social media among U.S. businesses is monitoring online discussions about a company and its brands.19

Instead of transmitting a fixed message, a sender in a social media environment initi- ates a conversation by asking a question or sharing valuable information. Information shared this way is often revised and reshaped by the web of participants as they forward it and comment on it. People can add to it or take pieces from it, depending on their needs and interests. Figure 1.7 lists some of the significant differences between the traditional and social models of business communication.

The social communication model offers many advantages, but it has a number of disadvantages as well. Potential problems include information overload, a lower level

The conversational and inter- active social communication model is revolutionizing business communication.

The social communication model can increase the speed of com- munication, reduce costs, improve access to expertise, and boost employee satisfaction.

For all their advantages, social media tools also present a number of communication challenges.

Figure 1.7 The Social Communication Model The social communication model differs from conventional communication strategies and practices in a number of significant ways. You’re probably already an accomplished user of many new-media tools, and this experience will help you on the job.

Tendencies Publication, broadcast

Lecture Intrusion

Unidirectinal One to many; mass audience

Control Low message frequency

Few channels Information hoarding

Static Hierarchical Structured

Isolated Planned Resistive

Conventional Promotion: “We Talk, You Listen”

The Social Model: “Let’s Have a Conversation”

Tendencies Converstion Discussion Permission

Bidirectional, multidirectional One to one; many to many

Influence High message frequency

Many channels Information sharing

Dynamic Egalitarian Amorphous

Collaborative Reactive


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Tools, Techniques, and Insights for Communicating Successfully in a Mobile, Digital, Social World 

CHAPTER 7 Digital Media 183

aggregating the knowledge of groups ranging from individual departments to the public at large.

●● Blogging and microblogging. The ability to update content quickly and easily makes blogs and microblogs (such as Twitter) a natural medium when communicators want to get messages out in a hurry.

●● Online video. Digital and online video have transformed what used to be a fairly specialized tool into a mainstream business communication medium.

The first four of these—email, messaging, web content, and podcasting—are cov- ered in this chapter. Digital media with a strong social element, from social networks to microblogs, are addressed in Chapter 8. Online video, along with other visual media, is covered in Chapter 9.

Note that the lines between these media often get blurred as systems expand their capabilities or people use them in new ways. Moreover, the mobile variants of all these technologies add another layer of challenges and opportunities for business communica- tors. For example, the ability to scan coded labels such as barcodes or the similar Quick Response (QR) codes attached to printed materials, products, or store windows (or the ability to pick up radio signals from near-field communication tags) gives smartphone users a way to get more information—from companies themselves and from other con- sumers providing reviews on social websites.

Most of your business communication is likely to be via digital means, but don’t over- look the benefits of printed messages. (For more on formatting printed letters and memos, see Chapter 6 and Appendix A.) Here are several situations in which you should consider using a printed message rather than digital alternatives:

●● When you want to make a formal impression. For special messages, such as sending congratulations or condolences, the formality of printed documents usually makes them a much better choice than digital messages.

●● When you are legally required to provide information in printed form. Business con- tracts and government regulations sometimes require that information be provided on paper.

●● When you want to stand out from the flood of digital messages. If your audience’s computers are overflowing with Twitter updates, email messages, and messaging notifications, sometimes a printed message can stand out enough to get noticed.

●● When you need a permanent, unchangeable, or secure record. Letters and memos are reliable. Once printed, they can’t be erased with a single keystroke or surreptitiously modified the way some digital messages can be. Printed documents also require more effort to copy and forward.


As you practice using various media and channels in this course, it’s best to focus on the fundamentals of planning, writing, and completing messages, rather than on the specific details of any one medium or system.2 Fortunately, the basic communication skills required usually transfer from one system to another. You can succeed with written communication in virtually all digital media by using one of nine compositional modes:

●● Conversations. Messaging is a great example of a written medium that mimics spoken conversation. And just as you wouldn’t read a report to someone sitting in your office, you wouldn’t use conversational modes to exchange large volumes of information or to communicate with more than a few people at once.

●● Comments and critiques. One of the most powerful aspects of social media is the opportunity for interested parties to express opinions and provide feedback, whether by leaving comments on a blog post or reviewing products on an e-commerce site. Sharing helpful tips and insightful commentary is also a great way to build your

Even with the widespread use of digital media, printed memos and letters still play an important role in business communication.

Communicating successfully with digital media requires a wide range of writing approaches.

These tips will help you make the best choice in various business situations. Go to real-timeupdates.com/bct14 and select Learn More in the Students section.



Should you email, text, or pick up the phone?

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ChaPter 16 Developing Presentations in a social Media environment 477

incorporating technology in Your presentation Like much of the rest of business communication, presentations can be high-tech affairs in many companies. Two aspects you will most likely encounter on the job are the back- channel and online presentations.

emBraCing the BaCkChannel

Many business presentations these days involve more than just the spoken conversation between the speaker and his or her audience. Using Twitter and other digital media, audi- ence members often carry on their own parallel communication during a presentation via the backchannel, which the presentation expert Cliff Atkinson defines as “a line of com- munication created by people in an audience to connect with others inside or outside the room, with or without the knowledge of the speaker.”29 Chances are you’ve participated in an informal backchannel already, such as when texting with your classmates or live- blogging during a lecture.

The backchannel presents both risks and rewards for business presenters. On the negative side, for example, listeners can research your claims the instant you make them and spread the word quickly if they think your information is shaky. The backchannel also gives contrary audience members more leverage, which can cause presentations to spin out of control. On the plus side, listeners who are excited about your message can build support for it, expand on it, and spread it to a much larger audience in a matter of seconds. You can also get valuable feedback during and after presentations.30

By embracing the backchannel, rather than trying to fight it or ignore it, presenters can use this powerful force to their advantage. Follow these tips to make the backchannel work for you:31

●● Integrate social media into the presentation process. For example, you can create a website for the presentation so that people can access relevant resources during or after the presentation, create a Twitter hashtag that everyone can use when sending tweets, or display the Twitterstream during Q&A so that everyone can see the ques- tions and comments on the backchannel.

●● Monitor and ask for feedback. Using a free service such as TweetDeck to organize tweets by hashtag and other variables, you can monitor comments from the audience. To avoid trying to monitor the backchannel while speaking, you can schedule “Twitter breaks,” during which you review comments and respond as needed.

●● Review comments to improve your presentation. After a presentation is over, review comments on audience members’ Twitter accounts and blogs to see which parts con- fused them, which parts excited them, and which parts seemed to have little effect (based on few or no comments).

●● Automatically tweet key points from your presentation while you speak. Add-ons for presentation software can send out prewritten tweets as you show specific slides during a presentation. By making your key points readily available, you make it easy for listeners to retweet and comment on your presentation.

●● Establish expectations with the audience. Explain that you welcome audience participation but that to ensure a positive experience for everyone, comments should be civil, relevant, and productive.

giving PreSentationS online

Online presentations offer many benefits, including the opportunity to communicate with a geographically dispersed audience at a fraction of the cost of travel and the ability for a project team or an entire organization to meet at a moment’s notice. However, this format also presents some challenges for the presenter, thanks to that

4 learning oBjeCtiveExplain the growing importance of the backchannel in presentations, and list six steps for giving effective presentations online.

Twitter and other social media are dramatically changing busi- ness presentations by making it easy for all audience members to participate in the backchannel.

Resist the urge to ignore or fight the backchannel; instead, learn how to use it to your advantage.

Online presentations give you a way to reach more people in less time, but they require special preparation and skills.

moBile app

SlideShark lets you present and share PowerPoint slides with mobile and PC users.

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CHAPTER 9 Visual Media 251

Producing Business Videos No matter what career path you pursue, chances are you’ll have the need or opportunity to produce (or star in) a business video. For videos that require the highest production quality, companies usually hire specialists with the necessary skills and equipment. For most routine needs, however, any business communicator with modest equipment and a few basic skills can create effective videos.

The three-step process adapts easily to video; professionals refer to the three steps as preproduction, production, and postproduction (see Figure 9.15). You can refer to one of the many books available on basic video production techniques for more detail, but here are the key points to consider in all three steps. (A note on terminology: digital video- graphy has inherited a number of terms from film that don’t make strict technical sense but are in common use anyway, including footage to indicate any amount of recorded video and filming to indicate video recording.)


When you’re recording speeches, seminars, and other events, planning is crucial because you have only one opportunity to get the footage you need. And even when you have the flexibility to retake footage, thoughtful planning will save time and money and lead to bet- ter-looking results. For any video, be sure to think through the following seven elements:

●● Purpose and scope. With every communication effort, of course, it’s essential to iden- tify the purpose of your message and define the scope of what you will address before

6 LEARNING OBJECTIVEIdentify the most important considerations in the preproduction, production, and postproduction stages of producing basic business videos.

The process of creating videos is divided into preproduction, pro- duction, and postproduction.

Figure 9.15 Creating Effective Business Videos By following a methodical process in the preproduction, production, and postproduction stages, any business communicator with even basic equipment can create effective videos.

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ChaPter 8 social Media 217

adaPting the three-steP ProCess for sUCCessfUl Blogging

The three-step writing process is easy to adapt to blogging. The planning step is particularly important if you’re considering starting a blog because you’re planning an entire commu- nication channel, not just a single message. Pay close attention to your audience, your pur- pose, and your scope.

●● Audience. Except with team blogs and other efforts that have an obvious and well- defined audience, defining the target audience for a blog can be challenging. You want an audience that is large enough to justify the time you’ll be investing but nar- row enough that you can provide a clear focus. For instance, if you work for a firm that develops computer games, would you focus your blog on “hardcore” players, the types who spend thousands of dollars on super-fast PCs optimized for video games, or would you broaden the reach to include all video gamers? The decision often comes down to business strategy.

●● Purpose. A business blog needs to have a business-related purpose that is impor- tant to your company and to your chosen audience. Moreover, the purpose has to “have legs”—that is, it needs to be something that can drive the blog’s content for months or years—rather than focus on a single event or an issue of only tem- porary interest. For instance, if you’re a technical expert, you might create a blog to give the audience tips and techniques for using your company’s products more effectively—a never-ending subject that’s important to both you and your audience.

Before you launch a blog, make sure you have a clear understand- ing of your target audience, the purpose of your blog, and the scope of subjects you plan to cover.

Figure 8.2 Business Applications of Blogging This Xerox blog illustrates the content, writing style, and features that make an effective, reader-friendly company blog. Source: Courtesy of Xerox Corporation.

Like many large corporations, Xerox has a variety of blogs. This menu give quick access to all of them. The search box lets visitors quickly find posts on topics of interest. A large photo helps draw readers in.

Readers can subscribe to future posts via email or RSS newsfeed.

The post title is brief and clear, and it incorporates key terms likely to trigger hits in search engines (Internet of Everything and energy).

These links provide access to other posts by this author and other posts tagged with “innovation.” Social media share buttons make it easy for readers to share this post with their followers.

The sidebar lists recent posts and recent com- ments left by readers.

The post positions the company as an expert in an important technology field, without overtly selling Xerox products and services.

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CHAPTER 2 Collaboration, Interpersonal Communication, and Business Etiquette 45

by invitation only). Many intranets have now evolved into social networking systems that include a variety of communication and collaboration tools, from microblogging to video clip libraries. For example, the performance troupe Blue Man Group uses a social intranet to help its 500 employees plan, stage, and promote shows all over the world.30

Social Networks and Virtual Communities Social networking technologies are redefining teamwork and team communication by helping erase the constraints of geographic and organization boundaries. Some companies use social networks to form virtual communities or communities of practice that link employees with similar professional interests throughout the company and sometimes with customers and suppliers as well.

Social networks foster collaboration by identifying and connecting the best people to work on each problem or project, no matter where they are around the world or what their official roles are in the organization. Such communities are similar to teams in many respects, but one major difference is in the responsibility for accumulating organizational knowledge over the long term, beyond the duration of any specific project. For example, the pharmaceutical company Pfizer has a number of permanent product-safety commu- nities that provide specialized advice on drug safety issues to researchers throughout the organization.31

Social networking can also help a company maintain a sense of community even as it grows beyond the size that normally permits extensive daily interaction. At the online retailer Zappos, fostering a supportive work environment is the company’s top priority. To encourage the sense of community among its expanding workforce, Zappos uses social networking tools to track employee connections and encourage workers to reach out and build relationships.32

Collaboration via Mobile Devices Mobile devices add another layer of options for collaborative writing and other commu- nication projects, particularly when used with cloud computing. Today’s mobile systems can do virtually everything that fixed-web collaboration systems can do, from writing on virtual whiteboards to sharing photos, videos, and other multimedia files.33 Mobility lets workers participate in online brainstorming sessions, seminars, and other formal or infor- mal events from wherever they happen to be at the time (see Figure 2.3). This flexibility can

A community of practice links professionals with similar job interests; a key benefit is accumu- lating long-term organizational knowledge.

Internal social networks help companies assemble the best resources for a given task, regard- less of where the employees are located.

Collaboration apps for mobile devices support nearly all the features of computer-based platforms.

Figure 2.3 Collaboration on Mobile Devices Mobile connectivity is transforming collaboration activities, helping teams and work groups stay connected no matter where their work takes them. For example, this team was able to discuss and edit a press release using their tablets in different locations.

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The Unique Demands of Mobile Business


Intriguing Glimpses into the Future of Business Communication 

16 Part 1 Understanding the Foundations of business communication

of engagement with tasks and other people, fragmented attention, information secu- rity risks, reduced productivity, and the difficulty of maintaining a healthy boundary between personal and professional lives.20 All business professionals and managers need to choose and use digital tools wisely to control the flow of information they receive.

Of course, no company, no matter how enthusiastically it embraces the social com- munication model, is going to be run as a club in which everyone has a say in every business matter. Instead, a hybrid approach is emerging in which some communications (such as strategic plans and policy documents) follow the traditional approach, whereas others (such as project management updates and customer support messages) follow the social model.

You can learn more about business uses of social media in Chapter 8.

the mobile Revolution As much of a game changer as social media have been, some experts predict that mobile communication will change the nature of business and business communication even more. The venture capitalist Joe Schoendorf says that “mobile is the most disruptive technology that I have seen in 48 years in Silicon Valley.”21 The researcher Maribel Lopez calls mobile “the biggest technology shift since the Internet.”22

Companies recognize the value of integrating mobile technology, from communica- tion platforms to banking to retail. Mobile apps and communication systems can boost employee productivity, help companies form closer relationships with customers and busi- ness partners, and spur innovation in products and services (see Figure 1.8). Given the advantages and the rising expectations of employees and customers, firms on the leading edge of the mobile revolution are working to integrate mobile technology throughout their organizations.23

This section offers a high-level view of the mobile revolution, and you’ll see coverage of specific topics integrated throughout the book—everything from collaborative writing and research to presentations and job search strategies.

4 leaRninG oBJeCtiVeOutline the challenges and opportunities of mobile communication in business.

Figure 1.8 Mobile Communication Tools Mobile technologies offer multiple ways to improve communication and other key business processes. For example, note-taking apps such as Note Taker HD offer an easy and unobtrusive way to take notes during meetings, site visits, and other business functions.

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M01B_BOVE2186_14_SE_C01.indd 16 9/21/16 12:56 PM

ChaPter 1 Professional communication in a Digital, social, Mobile World 17

the rise of moBile as a CommuniCation Platform

Whether it’s emailing, social networking, watching videos, or doing research, the percent- age of communication and media consumption performed on mobile devices continues to grow. For millions of people around the world, a mobile device is their primary way, if not their only way, to access the Internet. Globally, more than 80 percent of Internet users access the web with a mobile device at least some of the time.24

Mobile has become the primary communication tool for many business professionals, including a majority of executives under age 40.25 Email and web browsing rank first and second in terms of the most common nonvoice uses of smartphones, and more email mes- sages are now opened on mobile devices than on PCs.26 Roughly half of U.S. consumers use a mobile device exclusively for their online search needs, and many online activities that eventually migrate to a PC screen start out on a mobile screen.27 For many people, the fact that a smartphone can make phone calls is practically a secondary consideration; data traffic from mobile devices far outstrips voice traffic.28

Moreover, mobile phones—particularly smartphones—have become intensely per- sonal devices in ways that PCs never did. For many users, the connection is so close they feel a sense of panic when they don’t have frequent access to their phones.29 When people are closely attached to their phones, day and night, they are more closely tied to all the information sources, conversations, and networks that those phones can connect to. As a result, mobile connectivity can start to resemble a continuous stream of conversations that never quite end, which influences the way businesses need to interact with their stakeholders. If wearable technologies become mainstream devices, they will contribute even more to this shift in behaviors (see Figure 1.9).

The parallels between social media and mobile commu- nication are striking: Both sets of technologies change the nature of communication, alter the relationships between senders and receivers, create opportunities as well as challenges, and force business professionals to hone new skills. In fact, much of the rise in social com- munication can be attributed to the connectivity made possible by mobile devices. Com- panies that work to understand and embrace mobile, both internally and externally, stand the best chance of capitalizing on this monumental shift in the way people communicate.

hoW moBile teChnologies are Changing Business CommuniCation

The rise of mobile communication has some obvious implications, such as the need for websites to be mobile friendly. If you’ve ever tried to browse a conventional website on a tiny screen or fill in complicated online forms using the keypad on your phone, you know how frustrating the experience can be. Users increasingly expect websites to be mobile friendly, and they’re likely to avoid sites that aren’t optimized for mobile.30

Mobile devices are rapidly taking over as the primary communica- tion platform for many business professionals.

Will wearable technologies influence business and business communication? These presentations explore the potential. Go to real-timeupdates.com/bct14 and select Learn More in the Students section.

real-time uPdates

Learn MOre by vieWing these PresentatiOns

exploring the potential of wearable technologies

Figure 1.9 Wearable Technology Smartwatches and other wearable mobile devices offer intriguing possibilities for business communication. The Uno Noteband incorporates Spritz speed-reading technology that makes it easier to read message content quickly.

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M01B_BOVE2186_14_SE_C01.indd 17 9/21/16 12:56 PM

ChaPter 1 Professional communication in a Digital, social, Mobile World 17

the rise of moBile as a CommuniCation Platform

Whether it’s emailing, social networking, watching videos, or doing research, the percent- age of communication and media consumption performed on mobile devices continues to grow. For millions of people around the world, a mobile device is their primary way, if not their only way, to access the Internet. Globally, more than 80 percent of Internet users access the web with a mobile device at least some of the time.24

Mobile has become the primary communication tool for many business professionals, including a majority of executives under age 40.25 Email and web browsing rank first and second in terms of the most common nonvoice uses of smartphones, and more email mes- sages are now opened on mobile devices than on PCs.26 Roughly half of U.S. consumers use a mobile device exclusively for their online search needs, and many online activities that eventually migrate to a PC screen start out on a mobile screen.27 For many people, the fact that a smartphone can make phone calls is practically a secondary consideration; data traffic from mobile devices far outstrips voice traffic.28

Moreover, mobile phones—particularly smartphones—have become intensely per- sonal devices in ways that PCs never did. For many users, the connection is so close they feel a sense of panic when they don’t have frequent access to their phones.29 When people are closely attached to their phones, day and night, they are more closely tied to all the information sources, conversations, and networks that those phones can connect to. As a result, mobile connectivity can start to resemble a continuous stream of conversations that never quite end, which influences the way businesses need to interact with their stakeholders. If wearable technologies become mainstream devices, they will contribute even more to this shift in behaviors (see Figure 1.9).

The parallels between social media and mobile commu- nication are striking: Both sets of technologies change the nature of communication, alter the relationships between senders and receivers, create opportunities as well as challenges, and force business professionals to hone new skills. In fact, much of the rise in social com- munication can be attributed to the connectivity made possible by mobile devices. Com- panies that work to understand and embrace mobile, both internally and externally, stand the best chance of capitalizing on this monumental shift in the way people communicate.

hoW moBile teChnologies are Changing Business CommuniCation

The rise of mobile communication has some obvious implications, such as the need for websites to be mobile friendly. If you’ve ever tried to browse a conventional website on a tiny screen or fill in complicated online forms using the keypad on your phone, you know how frustrating the experience can be. Users increasingly expect websites to be mobile friendly, and they’re likely to avoid sites that aren’t optimized for mobile.30

Mobile devices are rapidly taking over as the primary communica- tion platform for many business professionals.

Will wearable technologies influence business and business communication? These presentations explore the potential. Go to real-timeupdates.com/bct14 and select Learn More in the Students section.

real-time uPdates

Learn MOre by vieWing these PresentatiOns

exploring the potential of wearable technologies

Figure 1.9 Wearable Technology Smartwatches and other wearable mobile devices offer intriguing possibilities for business communication. The Uno Noteband incorporates Spritz speed-reading technology that makes it easier to read message content quickly.

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144 PART 2 Applying the Three-Step Writing Process

In some instances combining approaches in a single para- graph is an effective strategy. Notice how the example pro- vided for “Problem and solution” in Table 5.6 also includes an element of illustration by listing some of the unique products that could be part of the proposed solution. When combining approaches, however, do so carefully so that you don’t lose readers partway through the paragraph.

In addition, before settling for the first approach that comes to mind, consider alternatives. Think through various methods before committing yourself, or even write several test

paragraphs to see which method works best. By avoiding the easy habit of repeating the same old paragraph pattern time after time, you can keep your writing fresh and interesting.

Writing Messages for Mobile Devices One obvious adaptation to make for audiences using mobile devices is to modify the design and layout of your messages to fit smaller screen sizes and different user interface features(see Chapter 6). However, modifying your approach to writing is also an important step. Reading is more difficult on small screens, and consequently users’ ability to compre- hend what they read on mobile devices is lower than it is on larger screens.18 In fact, research shows that comprehension can drop by 50 percent when users move from reading on a full-size screen to reading on a smartphone, and they can scroll right past vital information without noticing it.19 Use these five techniques to make your mobile messages more effective:

●● Use a linear organization. In a printed document or on a larger screen, readers can easily take in multiple elements on a page, such as preview or summary boxes, tables and other supporting visuals, and sidebars with related information. All these elements are in view at the same time, so readers can jump around the page to read various parts without feel- ing lost. With small mobile device screens, however, a complicated organization requires readers to zoom in and out and pan around to see all these elements at readable text sizes. This makes reading slower and increases the odds that readers will get disoriented and lose the thread of the message because they can’t see the big picture. In addition, using a touch screen momentarily obscures some of the information, so the more that users have to hunt and scroll, the more likely they will miss something.20 To simplify reading, organize with a linear flow from the top to the bottom of the message or article.

●● Prioritize information. Small screens make it difficult for readers to scan the page to find the information they want most. Prioritize the information based on what you know about their needs and put that information first.21 Use the inverted pyra- mid style favored by journalists, in which you reveal the most important information briefly at first and then provide successive layers of detail that readers can consume if they want. Note that you may need to avoid using the indirect approach (see page 114) if your message is complicated because it will be more difficult for readers to follow your chain of reasoning.

●● Write shorter and more focused messages and documents. Mobile users often lack the patience or opportunity to read lengthy messages or documents, so keep it short.22 In some cases this could require you to write two documents, a shorter executive sum- mary (see page 425) for mobile use and a longer supporting document that readers can access with their PCs if they want more details.

●● Use shorter subject lines and headings. Mobile devices, particularly phones, can’t display as many characters in a single line of text as the typical computer screen can. Depending on the app or website, email subject lines and page headings will be truncated or will wrap around to take up multiple lines. Both formats make reading more difficult. A good rule of thumb is to keep subject lines and headlines to around 25 characters.23 This doesn’t give you much text to work with, so make every word count and make sure you start with the key words so readers can instantly see what the subject line or heading is about.24

●● Use shorter paragraphs. In addition to structuring a message according to discrete blocks of information, paragraphs have a visual role in written communication as

7 LEARNING OBJECTIVEList five techniques for writing effective messages for mobile readers.

Usability experts at Nielsen Norman Group offer dozens of research- based articles on effective communication using mobile devices and other technologies. Go to real-timeupdates.com/bct14 and select Learn More in the Students section.



Expert advice on making technologies usable

To write effectively for mobile devices • Use a linear organization • Prioritize information • Write short, focused messages • Use short subject lines and

headings • Use short paragraphs

M05_BOVE2186_14_SE_C05.indd 144 9/20/16 6:23 PM

168 PART 2 Applying the Three-Step Writing Process

Regarding, is sometimes used instead of Subject.) Memos usually don’t use a salutation, complimentary close, or signature, although signing your initials next to your name on the From line is standard practice in most companies. Bear in mind that memos are often distributed without sealed envelopes, so they are less private than most other message formats.


In addition to making your content mobile-friendly using the writing tips in Chapter 4 (see page 108), you can follow these steps in formatting that content for mobile devices:

●● Think in small chunks. Remember that mobile users consume information one screen at a time, so try to divide your message into independent, easy-to-consume bites. If readers have to scroll through a dozen screens to piece together your message, they might miss your point or just give up entirely.

●● Make generous use of white space. White space is always helpful, but it’s critical on small screens because readers are trying to get the point of every message as quickly as possible. Keep your paragraphs short (four to six lines), and separate them with blank lines so the reader’s eyes can easily jump from one point to the next.6

●● Format simply. Avoid anything that is likely to get in the way of fast, easy reading, including busy typefaces, complex graphics, and complicated layouts.

●● Consider horizontal and vertical layouts. Most phones and tablets can automatically rotate their screen content from horizontal to vertical as the user rotates the device. A layout that doesn’t work well with the narrow vertical perspective might be acceptable at the wider horizontal perspective.

Compare the two messages in Figure 6.4; notice how much more difficult the screen in Figure 6.4a is to read.

Figure 6.4 Designing for Mobile Devices Compare the readability of Figures 6.4a and 6.4b. Even simple changes such as revising with shorter paragraphs, choosing cleaner typefaces, and making generous use of white space in and around the text can dramatically improve readability on mobile screens.

Figure 6.4a Figure 6.4b

White space between the heading and the body text helps readers perceive the heading as a single block of text.

The sans serif typeface (right) is easier to read than the serif typeface (left).

Shorter paragraphs simplify reading and allow for more white space breaks between paragraphs.

Generous margins reduce the visual clutter on screen.

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chaPter 17 enhancing Presentations with slides and Other visuals 499

Completing slides and support materials Just as you would review any message for content, style, tone, readability, clarity, and conciseness, you should apply the same quality control to your slides and other visuals. As you look over your presentation for the final time, make sure that all visuals are

●● Readable. Can text be read from the back of the room? Does the text stand out from the background?

●● Consistent. Are colors and design elements used consistently? ●● Simple. Is each slide and the entire presentation as simple as possible? Can you elimi-

nate any slides? ●● Audience centered. Are the message and the design focused on the audience? ●● Clear. Is the main point of a slide obvious? Easy to understand? Can the audience

grasp the main point in just a few seconds?19 ●● Concise and grammatical. Is text written in concise phrases? Are bulleted phrases

grammatically parallel? ●● Focused. Does each slide cover only one thought, concept, or idea (or summarize a

group of related ideas)? Does the slide grab the viewer’s attention in the right place and support the key points of the message? Are arrows, symbols, or other techniques used to draw the audience’s attention to the key sections of a chart or diagram?

●● Fully operational. Have you verified every slide in your presentation? Do all the ani- mations and other special effects work as you intended?

The slide sorter view (different programs have different names for this feature) lets you see some or all of the slides in your presentation on a single screen. Use this view to add and delete slides, reposition slides, check slides for design consistency, and verify the operation of any effects. Moreover, the slide sorter is a great way to review the flow of your story.20

With your slides working properly and in clear, logical order, you’re just a few steps away from being ready. Now is a good time to think about a backup plan. What will you do if your laptop won’t turn on or the projector dies? Can you get by without your slides? For important presentations, consider having backup equipment on standby, loaded with

5 learninG objeCtiVeExplain the role of navigation slides, support slides, and handouts.

Review each slide carefully to make sure it is clear and readable.

Use the slide sorter view to verify and modify the organization of your slides.

Figure 17.6 Using Mobile Devices in Presentations A variety of mobile apps and cloud-based systems can free presenters and audiences from the constraints of a conventional conference room.

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278 PART 4 Brief Messages

Figure 10.6 Announcing Good News Encouraging online conversations is an important element of brand socialization. In this Facebook post celebrating its inaugural flight from Boston to Detroit, JetBlue asked residents of Detroit to recommend their favorite places around the city.


The bots are back. Automated bots (short for robots) made a small wave a decade or so ago when “chatbots” began appear- ing on websites to help companies handle online conversations with customers. Ikea’s Anna, perhaps the first chatbot to get widespread attention, was built to answer routine questions from customers looking for advice regarding the chain’s fur- niture products. Other chatbots followed, smartphones gained virtual “voicebot” assistants, and non-chatty bots continued to do automated work of various kinds on the Internet, but bots didn’t really take off as a mainstream technology.

With advances in artificial intelligence and the growing use of messaging systems for both consumer and business communication, however, a new wave of bots as personal digital assistants has taken off. Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella goes so far as to say, “Bots are the new apps,” suggesting they’ll transform technology usage the same way mobile apps have. As bot capability is added to more messaging systems— through which a growing number of employees now conduct increasing amounts of their routine business communica- tion—bots are finally entering the mainstream.

Bots are wildly popular on the Slack messaging system (see page 181), for example, where they can do everything from ordering lunch to monitoring the mood of team conversations. The Howdy bot, for example, can perform such tasks as simul- taneously interviewing all the members of a project team to give the team leader a real-time status update. On Slack, bots are treated just like human team members in many ways— they can send and receive messages, be assigned tasks, and be invited to join specific groups and communication channels.

As bots get better at understanding language, they’ll be able to contribute to conversations, such as finding background information that could help solve a problem colleagues are discussing, without anyone asking for their help.

How far this bot revolution will go is anybody’s guess, but the appeal of this new generation of digital genies is unde- niable. They are more connected to the systems that people use every day on the job, and they can reduce the need to navigate yet another website or learn yet another app in order to get something done. Instead, you just message your bot and let it figure out how to make things happen.

To see a chatbot in action, check out BusCommBot, created by Courtland L. Bovée, one of the authors of this book. Log onto Facebook and search for his name, then on his page, select “Message” under the photo at the top of the page.

WHAT’S YOUR PREDICTION? Research the current state of bot communication to iden- tify one way in which the technology is changing or has the potential to change business communication practices. Do you agree with the predictions the experts make? Why or why not?

Sources: Kelly Evans,” “Chatbots Rise, and the Future May be ‘Re-written,’” CNBC, 10 April 2016, www.cnbc.com; Casey Newton, “The Search for the Killer Bot,” The Verge, 6 January 2016, www.theverge.com; Clint Boulton, “How Mes- saging Bots Will Change Workplace Productivity,” CIO, 1 February 2016, www .cio.com; Ben Brown, “Your New Digital Coworker,” Howdy blog, 20 October 2015, blog.howdy.ai; “Bot Users,” Slack, accessed 10 April 2016, www.slack.com; Molly McHugh, “Slack Is Overrun with Bots. Friendly, Wonderful Bots.” Wired, 21 August 2015, www.wired.com.

Communication Bots

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14 Part 1 Understanding the Foundations of business communication

How Audiences Respond to Messages Your message has been delivered, received, and correctly decoded. Now what? Will audience members respond in the way you’d like them to? Only if three events occur.

First, the recipient has to remember the message long enough to act on it. Simplifying greatly, memory works in several stages: Sensory memory momentarily captures incom- ing data from the senses; then, whatever the recipient pays attention to is transferred to short-term memory. Information in short-term memory quickly disappears if it isn’t transferred to long-term memory, which can be done either actively (such as when a per- son memorizes a list of items) or passively (such as when a new piece of information con- nects with something else the recipient already has stored in long-term memory). Finally, the information needs to be retrieved when the recipient wants to act on it.18 In general, people find it easier to remember and retrieve information that is important to them per- sonally or professionally. Consequently, by communicating in ways that are sensitive to your audience’s wants and needs, you greatly increase the chance that your messages will be remembered and retrieved.

Second, the recipient has to be able to respond as you wish. Obviously, if recipients simply cannot do what you want them to do, they will not respond according to your plan. By understanding your audience (you’ll learn more about audience analysis in Chapter 4), you can work to minimize these unsuccessful outcomes.

Third, the recipient has to be motivated to respond. You’ll encounter many situations in which your audience has the option of responding but isn’t required to. For instance, a record company may or may not offer your band a contract, or your boss may or may not respond to your request for a raise. Throughout this course, you’ll learn techniques for crafting messages that can help motivate readers to respond positively to your messages.

Audiences will likely respond to a message if they remember it, if they’re able to respond, and if they’re properly motivated to do so.

By explaining how audiences will benefit by responding positively to your messages, you’ll increase their motivation to respond.

the future of CommuniCation

The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the billions of devices now connected to the Internet and the networking potential of having all these gadgets communicate with each other, feed data into vast information warehouses, and interact with peo- ple and the physical environment. These “things” range from simple sensors that measure temperature, location, and other parameters all the way up to robots and other complex systems. People and animals with Internet-capable sensors (such as implanted chips) or devices also qualify as things in this model.

Imagine you walk into a department store and your mobile phone automatically gives you directions to the aisle where you could find the clothing styles you have recently been browsing online or discussing in social media. When you reach that aisle and start browsing, a coupon pops up on your phone, offering discounts on the specific items you’re considering. When you pull a garment off the rack, the store’s customer database checks other purchases you’ve made and suggests which items you already own that coordinate with this piece. If you could use an accessory to complete the outfit, the store’s computers can tell your phone just where to take you. And if you need more advice, you can text or talk—and possibly not know whether you’re conversing with a store employee or an automated chatbot on a computer somewhere.

Now imagine this simple concept expanded and applied in various ways to industrial facilities, agriculture, transporta- tion, buildings, health care, and other systems. By relying on

networked IoT devices for such communication functions as observing, measuring, and reporting, these enhanced systems can supplement or replace communication flows that were previously carried out by human participants.

IoT is poised to reshape many business processes on a scale that some experts compare to the Industrial Revolution of the 19th century. It also seems likely to influence business communication as it takes over some routine tasks and brings the power of smart networking and computing to others. Basic communication skills will remain as essential as ever, but don’t be surprised if some of the conversations you have in the future aren’t with your fellow humans.

What’s YouR pRediCtion? Research the current state of IoT innovation to identify one way in which the technology has the potential to change busi- ness communication practices, such as automated report writing or conversational bots that mimic human speech or writing. Do you agree with the predictions the experts make? Why or why not?

Sources: Stacey Higginbotham, “IBM Is Bringing in Watson to Conquer the Internet of Things,” Fortune, 15 December 2015, fortune.com; Jacques Bughin, Michael Chui, and James Manyika, “An Executive’s Guide to the Internet of Things,” McKinsey Quarterly, August 2015, www.mckinsey.com; Cora Cloud, “Internet of Things (IOT) Role in Business Communications,” Digium, 9 April 2015, blogs.digium.com; Danial Burrus, “The Internet of Things Is Far Bigger Than Anyone Realizes,” Wired, accessed 3 March 2016, www.wired.com.

the internet of things

processes, including business communication. Go to real- timeupdates.com/bct14 and select Learn More in the Students section.

real-time uPdates

Learn MOre by Watching this viDeO

the internet of things

See how the IoT is reshaping numerous business

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16 Part 1 Understanding the Foundations of business communication

of engagement with tasks and other people, fragmented attention, information secu- rity risks, reduced productivity, and the difficulty of maintaining a healthy boundary between personal and professional lives.20 All business professionals and managers need to choose and use digital tools wisely to control the flow of information they receive.

Of course, no company, no matter how enthusiastically it embraces the social com- munication model, is going to be run as a club in which everyone has a say in every business matter. Instead, a hybrid approach is emerging in which some communications (such as strategic plans and policy documents) follow the traditional approach, whereas others (such as project management updates and customer support messages) follow the social model.

You can learn more about business uses of social media in Chapter 8.

the mobile Revolution As much of a game changer as social media have been, some experts predict that mobile communication will change the nature of business and business communication even more. The venture capitalist Joe Schoendorf says that “mobile is the most disruptive technology that I have seen in 48 years in Silicon Valley.”21 The researcher Maribel Lopez calls mobile “the biggest technology shift since the Internet.”22

Companies recognize the value of integrating mobile technology, from communica- tion platforms to banking to retail. Mobile apps and communication systems can boost employee productivity, help companies form closer relationships with customers and busi- ness partners, and spur innovation in products and services (see Figure 1.8). Given the advantages and the rising expectations of employees and customers, firms on the leading edge of the mobile revolution are working to integrate mobile technology throughout their organizations.23

This section offers a high-level view of the mobile revolution, and you’ll see coverage of specific topics integrated throughout the book—everything from collaborative writing and research to presentations and job search strategies.

4 leaRninG oBJeCtiVeOutline the challenges and opportunities of mobile communication in business.

Figure 1.8 Mobile Communication Tools Mobile technologies offer multiple ways to improve communication and other key business processes. For example, note-taking apps such as Note Taker HD offer an easy and unobtrusive way to take notes during meetings, site visits, and other business functions.

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M01B_BOVE2186_14_SE_C01.indd 16 9/21/16 12:56 PM

82 Part 1 Understanding the Foundations of business communication

action Details to Consider

Understand social customs ●● How do people react to strangers? Are they friendly? Hostile? Reserved? ●● How do people greet each other? Should you bow? Nod? Shake hands? ●● How do you express appreciation for an invitation to lunch, dinner, or someone’s home? Should you bring a gift?

Send flowers? Write a thank-you note? ●● Are any phrases, facial expressions, or hand gestures considered rude? ●● How do you attract the attention of a waiter? Do you tip the waiter? ●● When is it rude to refuse an invitation? How do you refuse politely? ●● What topics may or may not be discussed in a social setting? In a business setting? ●● How do social customs dictate interaction between men and women? Between younger people and older people?

Learn about clothing and food preferences

●● What occasions require special attire? ●● What colors are associated with mourning? Love? Joy? ●● Are some types of clothing considered taboo for one gender or the other? ●● How many times a day do people eat? ●● How are hands or utensils used when eating? ●● Where is the seat of honor at a table?

Assess political patterns ●● How stable is the political situation? ●● Does the political situation affect businesses in and out of the country? ●● Is it appropriate to talk politics in social or business situations?

Understand religious and social beliefs

●● To which religious groups do people belong? ●● Which places, objects, actions, and events are sacred? ●● Do religious beliefs affect communication between men and women or between any other groups? ●● Is there a tolerance for minority religions? ●● How do religious holidays affect business and government activities? ●● Does religion require or prohibit eating specific foods? At specific times?

Learn about economic and business institutions

●● Is the society homogeneous or heterogeneous? ●● What languages are spoken? ●● What are the primary resources and principal products? ●● Are businesses generally large? Family controlled? Government controlled? ●● What are the generally accepted working hours? ●● How do people view scheduled appointments? ●● Are people expected to socialize before conducting business?

Appraise the nature of ethics, values, and laws

●● Is money or a gift expected in exchange for arranging business transactions? ●● Do people value competitiveness or cooperation? ●● What are the attitudes toward work? Toward money? ●● Is politeness more important than factual honesty?

table 3.1 doing business in Other cultures

the future Of cOMMunicatiOn

If you’ve ever tried to converse in a language other than you native tongue, you know what a challenge this can be. As a listener, you have to convert the incoming sounds to discrete words and assemble these words into coherent phrases and sentences in order to extract the meaning. And unlike reading a written document, you have to do all this processing almost instantaneously, without the luxury of going back over some- thing you didn’t get. As a speaker, you have to find the right words, assemble them into phrases and sentences using the second language’s grammar rules, and then pronounce them all correctly enough so they make sense to the other party. Reaching this level of proficiency can take years of study and practice.

Translating speech in real time is a challenging technical proposition, but a number of companies are making prog- ress. Perhaps most notable so far is Skype Translator, which can translate voice and video calls and instant messages in

multiple languages. A variety of smartphone and smartwatch apps offer translation, where speakers take turns talking to the device, then listen as it outputs the translated speech. The technology promises to keep evolving, becoming more versa- tile and more accurate, but it has already reached the point of being a useful business communication tool.

WHat’s Your preDiCtion? Research several apps and other solutions that offer real-time translation. Are they being used successfully in business com- munication? Do you think they will ever make it unnecessary to learn other languages in order to communicate effectively with diverse, global audiences?

Sources: “Skype Translator,” Skype, accessed 14 March 2016, www.skype.com; Stu Robarts, “Google Translate App Now Translates Street Signs and Real-Time Conversations,” Gizmag, 14 January 2015, www.gizmag.com; iTranslate Voice website, accessed 14 March 2016, itranslatevoice.com.

real-time translation

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ChaPter 12 Writing Persuasive Messages 343

relations. However, you may be called on to review the work of these specialists or even to write such messages in smaller companies, and having a good understanding of how these messages work will help you be a more effective manager.

Planning Marketing and SaleS MeSSageS

Everything you’ve learned about planning messages applies in general to marketing and sales messages, but the planning steps for these messages have some particular aspects to consider as well:

●● Assessing audience needs. As with every other business message, successful marketing and sales messages start with an understanding of audience needs. Depending on the product and the market, these needs can range from a few functional considerations (such as the size, weight, and finish of office paper) to a complicated mix of emotional and logical issues (all the factors that play into buying a house, for example).

●● Analyzing your competition. Marketing and sales messages nearly always compete with messages from other companies trying to reach the same audience. When Nike plans a marketing campaign to introduce a new shoe model to current customers, the company knows its audience has also been exposed to messages from Adidas, New Balance, Reebok, and other shoe companies. Finding a unique message in crowded markets can be quite a challenge.

●● Determining key selling points and benefits. With some insight into audience needs and the alternatives offered by your competitors, your next step is to decide which features and benefits to highlight. Selling points are the most attractive features of a product, whereas benefits are the particular advantages purchasers can realize from those features. In other words, selling points focus on what the product does. Benefits focus on what the user experiences or gains. Benefits can be practical, emotional, or a combination of the two. For example, the feature of a thin, flexible sole in a running shoe offers the practical benefit of a more natural feel while running. In contrast, the visual design features of the shoe offer no practical benefits but can offer the emo- tional benefit of wearing something stylish or unusual.

●● Anticipating purchase objections. Marketing and sales messages usually encounter objec- tions, and as with persuasive business messages, the best way to handle them is to identify

Understanding the purchase deci- sion from the buyer’s perspective is a vital step in framing an effec- tive marketing or sales message.

Marketing and sales messages have to compete for the audi- ence’s attention.

Selling points focus on the prod- uct; benefits focus on the user.

Anticipating objections is crucial to effective marketing and sales messages.

Assessing an audience’s emotional response is an important step in judging the success of many communication efforts. If you’re presenting a new idea to upper management, for exam- ple, you can try to read facial clues and other nonverbal signals to determine whether the executives seem excited, annoyed, bored, or anywhere in between.

But what if you’re not there in person and your message has to stand on its own? How can you judge the audience’s reaction? This challenge has been taken up by a range of artificial intelli- gence software tools that attempt to measure people’s emotional states based on their facial gestures or voice tones. This capabil- ity is being incorporated into mobile apps and other systems to measure such things as emotional reactions to TV commercials and other video material, stress levels, and emotional states as people interact with new products. The technology also holds some promise for people on the autism spectrum who have difficulty deciphering emotions from facial gestures.

Like many emerging technologies, emotion recognition has to navigate some complex issues surrounding ethics,

privacy, accuracy, and what might be called the “creepiness factor” of knowing that a device is trying to read your feel- ings. On the plus side, having apps that respond to user moods could make device usage more satisfying and give businesses a powerful tool for improving communication.

What’s YouR pReDiCtion? Research the current state of emotion recognition to identify one way in which the technology has the potential to change business communication practices. Do you agree with the pre- dictions the experts make? Why or why not?

Sources: Hannah Jane Parkinson, “Happy? Sad? Forget Age, Microsoft Can Now Guess Your Emotions,” Guardian, 11 November 2015, www.theguardian .com; Microsoft Cognitive Services, accessed 19 April 2016, www.microsoft .com; Eyeris website, accessed 19 April 2016, emovu.com; Bill Doerrfeld, “20+ Emotion Recognition APIs That Will Leave You Impressed, and Concerned,” Nordic APIs blog, 31 December 2015, nordicapis.com; Nederlandse Omroep Stichting, “Computer Leert Autisten Emoties Herkennen,” 14 November 2015, nos.nl.

emotion recognition software

the future of CoMMuniCation

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518 Part 7 Writing employment Messages and interviewing for jobs

buiLding your netWork

Networking is the process of making informal connections with mutually beneficial busi- ness contacts. Networking takes place wherever and whenever people talk: at industry functions, at social gatherings, at alumni reunions—and all over the Internet, from LinkedIn and Twitter to Facebook and Google+. In addition to making connections through social media tools, you might get yourself noticed by company recruiters.

Networking is more essential than ever because the vast majority of job openings are never advertised to the general public. To avoid the time and expense of sifting through thousands of applications and the risk of hiring complete strangers, most companies prefer to ask their employees for recommendations first.5 The more people who know you, the better chance you have of being recommended for one of these hidden job openings.

Start building your network now, before you need it. Your classmates could end up being some of your most valuable contacts, if not right away, then possibly later in your career. Then branch out by identifying people with similar interests in your target profes- sions, industries, and companies. Read news sites, blogs, and other online sources. Follow industry leaders on Twitter. You can also follow individual executives at your target com- panies to learn about their interests and concerns.6 Be on the lookout for career-oriented Tweetups, in which people who’ve connected on Twitter get together for in-person net- working events. Connect with people on LinkedIn and Facebook, particularly in groups

Start thinking like a networker now; your classmates could turn out to be some of your most important business contacts.

Put your network in place before you need it.

digitaL + SoCiaL + mobiLe: today’S CommuniCation environment

The mobile business communication revolution is changing the way employers recruit new talent and the way job candi- dates look for opportunities. Many companies have optimized their careers websites for mobile access, and some have even developed mobile apps that offer everything from background information on what it’s like to work there to application forms that you can fill out right on your phone.

However, don’t be too quick to abandon a job applica- tion or an investigation into an employer just because the firm doesn’t have a careers app or a mobile-friendly job site. Creat- ing apps and mobile-friendly websites takes time and money, and many employers are still in the process of optimizing their online career materials for mobile devices. In a recent survey, 40 percent of mobile users said they would abandon a non- mobile job application—a distressingly high number in a slow job market. Don’t miss a great opportunity just because an employer hasn’t caught up to your mobile habits.

In addition to researching companies and applying for openings, integrating a mobile device into your job-search strategy can help with networking and staying on top of your active job applications. For instance, some companies don’t wait long after extending an offer; if they don’t hear from the top candidate in a short amount of time, they’ll move on their next choice. By staying plugged in via your mobile device, you won’t let any opportunities pass you by.

Think of ways to use your mobile device to enhance your personal brand and your online portfolio. If you want to work in retail, for example, you could take photos of par- ticularly good or particularly bad merchandizing displays and post them with commentary on your social media accounts. Employers doing background research on you on will see these posts and recognize you as a candidate who is invested in his or

her career and the industry as a whole. Many of the tools you can use to build your personal brand are available as mobile apps, including blogging platforms, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Dozens of apps are available to help with various aspects of your job search. Résumé creation apps let you quickly modify your résumé if you come across a good opportunity. Business card scanning apps make it easy to keep digital cop- ies of business cards, so you’ll never lose important contact information. Note-taking apps are a great way to plan for interviews and record your postinterview notes. Use your phone’s scheduling capability to make sure you never miss an interviewing or a filing deadline. Polish your interviewing skills with your phone’s audio- and video-recording features or a practice-interview app. If an employer wants to interview you via Cisco WebEx or another online meeting system, those apps are available for your phone or tablet as well.

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Chartered Accountant
Calculation Master
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Engineering Solutions
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Instant Assignment Writer


Instant Assignment Writer

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Chartered Accountant


Chartered Accountant

Being a Ph.D. in the Business field, I have been doing academic writing for the past 7 years and have a good command over writing research papers, essay, dissertations and all kinds of academic writing and proofreading.

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Calculation Master


Calculation Master

I am an experienced researcher here with master education. After reading your posting, I feel, you need an expert research writer to complete your project.Thank You

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Top Quality Assignments


Top Quality Assignments

I reckon that I can perfectly carry this project for you! I am a research writer and have been writing academic papers, business reports, plans, literature review, reports and others for the past 1 decade.

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Engineering Solutions


Engineering Solutions

Being a Ph.D. in the Business field, I have been doing academic writing for the past 7 years and have a good command over writing research papers, essay, dissertations and all kinds of academic writing and proofreading.

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A Grade Exams


A Grade Exams

I have read your project details and I can provide you QUALITY WORK within your given timeline and budget.

$36 Chat With Writer

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