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1. Play Therapy Summarize
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3. What are the implications for treatment in a therapeutic relationship?
Book- Axline, V. (1978). Play therapy. NY: Ballantine Book.
Play Therapy Ivo Peixoto, Elona Dashi, Asilay Şeker
Published on: Jul 09, 2019
EFPT Psychotherapy Guidebook • EFPT Psychotherapy Guidebook Play Therapy
Brief historic overview Historically, Play Therapy (PT) has emerged from the conceptual understandings found in
psychoanalytic and humanistic psychology, psychotherapy and child development literature. In Europe
in the early 1900s, Melanie Klein and Anna Freud (the daughter of Sigmund Freud) included play in
their psychoanalytic treatment of children.
In 1935, Margaret Lowenfeld first published Play in Childhood documenting her in-depth observations
of children whilst working at the ‘Clinic for nervous and difficult children’ in London. In the United
States, Virginia Axline focused her work on conceptualising and documenting Non Directive Play
Therapy (NDPT) by drawing from the humanistic and relational perspective of her teacher and
colleague Carl Rogers (Axline, 1969). Rogers (1951) was instrumental in establishing treatment plans
based on necessary and sufficient conditions for growth. These included therapeutic congruence,
unconditional positive regard, empathic understanding and acceptance.
From these beginnings, several different theoretical models of PT have emerged. Based on Axline’s
principles, the most well-known is Non-Directive or Child-Centred Play Therapy (CCPT) which has
been further developed by Garry Landreth and colleagues and integrated into teaching parents or
guardians the principles found in CCPT, known as Filial Play.
EFPT Psychotherapy Guidebook • EFPT Psychotherapy Guidebook Play Therapy
Description PT is an effective means of responding to the mental health needs of young children and is widely
accepted as a valuable and developmentally appropriate intervention.
EFPT Psychotherapy Guidebook • EFPT Psychotherapy Guidebook Play Therapy
Play is the natural world of the child. Children learn about themselves, others, and their world
through play. Play is also considered a right for all children, everywhere, to achieve optimal
development. The therapeutic potential of play has been extensively reviewed by Charles E. Schaefer
He states that play helps overcome resistance to therapy through the creation of a nonthreatening
environment, while serving as a developmentally appropriate means of communication for children.
Play assists the child in a multitude of developmental tasks: it enhances the child’s ability to develop
mastery that leads to a sense of efficacy and competence; it stimulates creative thinking and problem-
solving skills; it offers a means to express and reenact strong emotions, making them more
manageable and integrated; it allows role-playing and fantasy play, promoting empathy, affect
regulation, curiosity and sense of agency. Developing themes and metaphors in play gives meaning to
life by shaping the child’s belief systems. By the same token, the use of toys allows for creative and
emotional expression, testing of limits, and role-playing reality. Play therapists have a sound
theoretical rationale for selecting and placing toys and materials in a play therapy playroom. Types of
toys include, but are not limited to, dolls and dollhouses, play kitchens, building blocks, farm and wild
animals, toy knives and swords, dress-up costumes, art supplies, musical instruments, and puppets
(Landreth 2002). Each play therapist’s theoretical orientation dictates whether play with the toys and
games is child directed or directed by the professional.
EFPT Psychotherapy Guidebook • EFPT Psychotherapy Guidebook Play Therapy
In this context, PT can be used when working with children who have shyness, peer relationship
problems, poor stress tolerance or inadequate communication/social skills. It can also be used during
times of grief or loss and for children with chronic illnesses.
PT can also help children with aggression, poor motor co-ordination and self-harming behavior.
Responses to family and relationship
problems, such as family violence, parental
separation, attachment problems, trauma and
abuse can also benefit from PT.
Children who struggle with educational issues
such as poor organizational skills, poor
planning and execution of tasks, poor story
comprehension can resort to PT, and there is
evidence that CCPT has a significant positive
impact on academic achievement and
moderate to large treatment effect on second graders’ reading achievement scores and 4- to 6-year-
olds’ receptive and expressive language skills.
PT also makes it possible to work with children who have learning disabilities and sensory impairment.
Other than Play Therapy’s individual application, it can also be used as a facilitator of other therapy
techniques to help smaller children. Systematic desensitization techniques can be presented through
EFPT Psychotherapy Guidebook • EFPT Psychotherapy Guidebook Play Therapy
All in all, thorough review (meta-analyses and systematic review), rigorous controlled research
designs (RCT), quantitative and experimental explorations (SCED, quasi-experimental, and cohort),
and qualitative studies support the use of play therapy with children ages 3 to 12 years old. Research
signifies that PT is an effective intervention for children who present with externalizing and
internalizing problems, self-concept issues, reactions to traumatic events and complexities,
developmental delays, social-emotional challenges, and relationship difficulties. Research studies
thematically support the use of play as the primary communication tool for young children. Last but
not least, research supports the implementation of PT by well-trained and knowledgeable play
therapists that have been educated and supervised in the practice of PT for results closer to optimal.
Axline,V.M (1969) Play Therapy, New York, Ballantine Books
Landreth, G. L. (2002) Play Therapy: The Art of the Relationship. 2 nd ed. NY:Brunner-Routledge
O’Connor, K. J., Schaefer C., Braverman L.D (2016) Handbook of Play therapy, John Wiley& Sons, Inc.
Rogers. C (1951) Client Centered Therapy: Its current practice, implications and theory. London
Schaefer, C.E. (2011) Integrative Play Therapy. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Thomas J. (2011) Play Therapy in the UK
Comment from an expert and/or quote from a famous psychotherapist:
Play is a child’s work and this is not a trivial pursuit
Alfred Adler
Play bridges the gap between concrete experience and abstract thought
EFPT Psychotherapy Guidebook • EFPT Psychotherapy Guidebook Play Therapy
published online courses or international association
Certified Courses There are Certificate, diploma and master courses in play therapy with international accreditation:
Play Therapy International
APAC, PTUK, PTC & PTirl have permanent training centres in Canada, France, Ireland and the United
Play Therapy in Portugal
Axline, V. (1984) Dibs In Search of Self: The moving story of an emotionally lost child who found his
way back. Penguin Books: Buckinghamshire.
Axline, V. M. (1989) Play Therapy. Churchill Livingstone: London
Cattanach, A. (2003) Introduction to Play Therapy. Hove: Brunner-Routledge
Clinics of Turkey - Psychotherapy Issue (2017) , Play Therapy Chapter
Gaskill, R. L. (2010). Neurobiology of play therapy. Play Therapy, 5(4). CA, USA:Association for Play
Giordano, M., Landreth, G. & Jones, L. (2005) A Practical handbook for Building the Play Therapy
Relationship. New Jersey: Jason Aronson
Josefi, O., & Ryan, V. (2004). Non-directive play therapy for young children with autism: A case study.
Clinical child psychology and psychiatry, 9(4), 533 – 551.
Kevin J. O’Connor, Charles E.Schaefer, Lisa D.Braverman, Handbook of Play Therapy (2016) John
Wiley & Sons, Inc. USA
McCarthy, D. (2012) A Manual of Dynamic Play Therapy: Helping Things Fall Apart, the Paradox of
Play. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
McMahon, L. (2009) 2nd Ed. The Handbook of Play Therapy. East Sussex: Routledge
Melanie Klein (1975) The Psychoanalysis of Children
Oaklander, V. (2007) Hidden treasure: A map to the child’s inner self. Bungay, Suffolk: Catch Limited.
Oaklander, V. (2007) Windows to Our Children A Gestalt Therapy Approach to Children and
Adolescents. Gouldsboro, Maine: The Gestalt Journal Press. First published 1978
Sunderland, M. (2000) Using Story telling as a Therapeutic Tool with Children. Oxon: Winslow Press.
EFPT Psychotherapy Guidebook • EFPT Psychotherapy Guidebook Play Therapy
The International Journal of Play Creative Art Therapies - This Journal will be published in
addition to Play for Life, which is a practitioners' publication, published by PTUK and PTI, where
articles may be written in a more informal style.
Popular Play Therapy Books - Books on this list may be purchased through PTUK either from
Amazon or directly from us.
Play Therapy - Publications and Books - Play Therapy UK (PTUK) publications.
PTUK Members' Site Links - Below is a list of links to PTUK members' websites.
Professional Support Services - A range of management consultancy services to support other
professionals and organisations who work with children are available from PTUK
West, J. (1996) Child Centred Play Therapy. London: Arnold
Association for Play Therapy website has
recommendations of workshops, books and audio programs.
Family Enhancement and Play Therapy Center
The Play Therapy UK (PTUK) website has useful resource links: Conferences & Events - View a
list of upcoming conferences and events.
EFPT Psychotherapy Guidebook • EFPT Psychotherapy Guidebook Play Therapy
Research Possibilities Studies suggest that many and various research designs are contributory to the understanding of play
therapy. RCTs and the replication of RCTs (meta-analyses and systematic reviews) for specific
presenting problems and issues serve as the most credible evidence supporting the use of play
therapy. However, RCTs are only one source of information on the process and outcome of play
therapy. Small-group experimental, correlational, single-case experimental, and qualitative designs
offer substantial information on the format and process of play therapy. In using these methods, play
therapists benefit from conducting research through rigorous design implementation and staying
within the confines of the design limitation when stating conclusions about their findings. Research
studies conducted with detail and integrity offer valuable information to the field, even if they are
limited in addressing the overall effectiveness of play therapy
Links to Societies The accreditation of the Play Therapy United Kingdom (PTUK) Register was the first recognition of
Play Therapy as a distinct professional at national government level in the world Play Therapy
International (PTI) and its affiliated professional organisations administer these standards outside the
UK, on behalf of PTUK, to ensure that practitioners of therapeutic play, play therapy and filial play
coaching meet the standards required by the Register.
In order to become Certified Play Therapist it is necessary to follow certain qualification standards
that follow a four stage training model
Links Association for Play Therapy, (APT) USA:
British Association of Play Therapy (BAPT):
Other Societies around the world:
EFPT Psychotherapy Guidebook • EFPT Psychotherapy Guidebook Play Therapy
EFPT Psychotherapy Guidebook • EFPT Psychotherapy Guidebook Play Therapy
EFPT Psychotherapy Guidebook • EFPT Psychotherapy Guidebook Play Therapy
EFPT Psychotherapy Guidebook • EFPT Psychotherapy Guidebook Play Therapy
EFPT Psychotherapy Guidebook • EFPT Psychotherapy Guidebook Play Therapy
EFPT Psychotherapy Guidebook • EFPT Psychotherapy Guidebook Play Therapy
Affiliation: Asilay Şeker
Elona Dashi
Ivo Peixoto