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Barton community college lsec fort riley

05/12/2021 Client: muhammad11 Deadline: 2 Day




Alissa Duncan, M.A., RDT


Gil Cloud, M.A.T.S., M. Div.


Angela Lewis, M.A.



Course Number: COMM 1230

Course Title: Public Speaking

Credit Hours: 3

Prerequisite: None

Division/Discipline: Humanities/Speech & Drama

Course Description: Public Speaking (COMM 1230) is an introductory course that familiarizes the student with basic knowledge of creating and delivering speeches in an effective and ethical way. Students will learn concepts of public speaking and utilize those concepts in prepared speeches. Students will also learn aspects of being a good audience member as well as critically think about speeches they hear.

Variable Credit: None


Students and faculty of Barton County Community College constitute a special community engaged in the process of education. The College assumes that its students and faculty will demonstrate a code of personal honor that is based upon courtesy, integrity, common sense, and respect for others both within and outside the classroom, including the electronic classroom setting.

The College reserves the right to suspend a student for conduct that is detrimental to the College's educational endeavors as outlined in the College catalog.

Plagiarism on any academic endeavors at Barton County Community College will not be tolerated. Learn the rules of, and avoid instances of, intentional or unintentional plagiarism.

Be familiar with BCCC policy on plagiarism. Students are expected to provide written assignments and speeches that are original. Using another’s ideas or words as your own is a violation and will result in at least a “0” for that assignment.

Please refer to the full Barton CCC Academic Integrity Policy:


Anyone seeking an accommodation under provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act should notify Student Support Services.

Student grievance procedure: Barton Community College policy is to secure, at the lowest possible level, equitable solutions to problems which may arise during the conduct of our LSEC, College, BSEP, or bartonline academic programs. The place to start is with the course instructor. If there is no resolve after the course instructor, then go to one of the following (appropriate for your need).

Other Barton assistance staff members: Michelle Koch ( kochm@bartonccc.edu ), LSEC and BSEP/GT Coordinator; Ange Sullivan ( sullivana@bartonccc.edu ), Associate Dean of Distance Learning; Janet Balk ( balkj@bartonccc.edu ), CP Coordinator; Kandi LeClear ( lecleark@bartonccc.edu ), VA Certifying Official; Rey Domingo ( domingor@bartonccc.edu ), Assistant Dean of Student Services.

Student academic concerns that cannot be resolved with the course instructor and others in the above list, should then be directed to Ashley Arnold, Dean of Military Academic Services, 785-784-6606 or arnolda@bartonccc.edu .


The purpose of Public Speaking is to equip students with the tools they need to become effective, ethical and responsible communicators in their personal, professional, and academic lives. This course will challenge students to think critically about the subject matter and apply these concepts to communication opportunities beyond the public speaking classroom.

Public Speaking is an approved general education course at BCCC.

This course transfers to most Kansas Regent Universities, and may be used to help fulfill program requirements.

Course Transferability to Regent Universities

Public Speaking (COMM 1230) at BCCC is equivalent to:




Emporia State University

SP 101 Public Speaking (3 cr)

1998 ESU Transfer Guide

Fort Hays State University

207 Speech Communication

1998 FHSU Equivalency Guide

Kansas State University

SPCH 106 Public Speaking

K-State Equivalency Courses

http://www.ksu.edu/ Internet 9/27/98

Pittsburg State University

COMM 205 Intermediate Speech (3 cr)

1998 PSU Transfer Guide

University of Kansas

COM 0130 Speaker-Audience (3 cr)

University of Kansas

www.cc.ukans.ed Internet 10/30/97

Wichita State University

COMM 111 Public Speaking (3 cr)

1998 WSU Transfer Publication

a Highlighted (boldface font) courses may be used at the institution to fulfill general education requirements.

b Include both the name (location) and date of the source of information.

The transferability of all college courses will vary among institutions, and perhaps even among departments, colleges, or programs within an institution. Institutional requirements may also change without prior notification. It is the student's responsibility to obtain relevant information from intended transfer institutions to insure that the courses the student enrolls in are the most appropriate set of courses for the transfer program.


Barton County Community College assesses student learning at several levels: institutional, program, degree and classroom. The goal of these assessment activities is to improve student learning. As a student in this course, you will participate in various assessment activities. Results of these activities will be used to improve the content and delivery of Barton’s instructional program.

The learning outcomes and competencies detailed in this syllabus meet, or exceed, the learning outcomes and competencies specified by the Kansas Core Outcomes Project for this course, as sanctioned by the Kansas Board of Regents.

Course Outcomes

This course is intended to help students:

 Develop a high degree of understanding and skill in effective oral communication.

 Address participation, problem solving and audience analysis.

 Develop the use of informative and/or persuasive communication in a public speaking situation.

 Foster a desire to give and receive purposeful and constructive criticism.

 Create effective oral communication that generates messages and delivers them with attention to vocal variety, articulation and nonverbal signals.


After completing the course, a competent speaker and thus a competent listener should be able to recognize and exhibit the following competencies:

1. Determine the purpose of oral discourse.

2. Choose and restrict a topic according to the purpose and the audience, recognizing main ideas and supporting details.

3. Discriminate between fact and opinion and between emotional and logical arguments.

4. Fulfill the purpose of oral discourse by providing adequate support in a suitable organizational pattern.

5. Demonstrate careful choice of words and provide effective transitions.

6. Transmit the message by using delivery skills employing vocal variety and clear articulation.

7. Use language and nonverbal behavior appropriate to the audience.

8. Detect bias and prejudice and how they impact a spoken message.

9. Synthesize and evaluate by drawing logical inferences and conclusions.

10. Employ active listening techniques when appropriate.


Attendance Policy : Electronic Attendance is important for your grade. The time you spend on the electronic class site is logged and known by your instructor and will be monitored. Make sure you read all areas and download all available material.

Students are expected to complete required readings and assignments as outlined in the course outline. The instructor expects students to be courteous with all classmates.


Dropping this course: You will be responsible for dropping this course prior to or by the drop date discussed on the Bartonline schedule. Your instructor cannot drop you from the class.



Osborn, Michael / Osborn, Suzanne / Osborn, Randall


9TH 12


Allyn & Bacon, Inc.







Students may purchase their books at Akademos Bookstore - http://bartonline.org/index.real?action=Services&subaction=Bookstore

At times, additional outside reading may be assigned.

Webcam or digital video recorder with video and audio capability for sound video recording of speeches. You will need to make sure you have equipment that is compatible with your computer.

You will also need a Youtube account (this should be a free account) to load speech video and then to link to our course site.

There will be a need to have 7 adults as an audience for the 4 major speeches. Failure to produce living, adult audience members will be penalized as the following:

7 audience members full credit (no letter grade deduction)

5-6 audience members – half a letter grade deduction

3-4 audience members- one letter grade deduction

1-2 audience members- 2 letter grade deductions

0 audience members- speech will not be graded; “0” given for speech

In addition, all major speeches will be required to pass the course. Failure to present one of the major speeches will result in an “F” for the course

Additional materials may be supplied by the instructor.


Osborn, Michael and Osborn, Suzanne (1997). Instructor’s Resource Manual with Randall Parrish Osborn. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin. There may be a variety of suggested movies.


Each topic is introduced through chapter readings from Public Speaking. The course will stress instructional methods which provide experiential learning. Class directed and free discussions online, short lectures via Notes and PowerPoint, and video will be used to complement the course content. Final grades are based on prepared speeches, quizzes, activities/homework, audience critiques, class participation, and final comprehensive exam.

Class Grading Scale:

Public Speaking (COMM 1230) is based on a possible total of 2150 points:

1) Quizzes: worth 30 points each 210

2) Academic Integrity Quiz 50

3) Bartonline Quiz 20

4) Pre and Post Exam: worth 20 points each 40

5) Welcome Thread with video welcome 50

6) Mini Speeches: worth 50 points each 150

7) Self-introductory Speech 100

8) Self Intro Outline 25

9) Informative Speech 300

10) Informative Outline 50

11) Persuasive Speech 300

12) Persuasive Outline 50

13) Ceremonial Speech 200

14) Ceremonial Outline 25

15) Listening Threads: 50 points each 300

16) Persuasive Planning Assignment 50

17) Self and Audience Feedback (10, 10, 20, 15) 55

18) Reading and Response Thread: 25 points each 175

A = 90% and above of the possible total points

B = 80% and above of the possible total points

C = 70% and above of the possible total points

D = 60% and above of the possible total points

F = 59% and below of the possible total points


Attendance Policy : Electronic Attendance is important for your grade. The time you spend on the electronic class site is logged and known by your instructor and will be monitored. Make sure you read all areas and download all available material.

Students are expected to complete required readings and assignments as outlined in the course outline. The instructor expects students to be courteous with all classmates.


The course outline is located in our electronic course at “Course Home,” under the title “Complete Course Schedule” and a changeable schedule also follows this section. Each week also has a schedule in the electronic platform, using that very title to assist students for successful learning. The schedule below is subject to change.

Week 1 Schedule: (All of the following items can be found under "Course Home" of this eCompanion Shell)

1. Read Syllabus for Course

2. Review the entire Schedule for the Course

3. Read BARTOnline Orientation for Course

4. Complete the Welcome Thread

5. Complete BARTonline Quiz

6. Complete Academic Integrity Quiz

7. Complete Pretest for Course

8. Visit the "Virtual Office" for Course

Week 2 Schedule:

1. Read Chapter 1, 2, and 3

2. Create a Self Intro Speech (see "Speech of the Week" under Week 2 for requirements)

3. Deliver Self Intro speech and post to the YouTube shell by Sunday, midnight, of Week 2 (see "Speech of the Week" under Week 2 for requirements)

4. Complete Quiz 1 by Sunday, midnight, of Week 2

5. Complete Reading Response by Sunday, midnight, of Week 2

6. Complete the Self and Audience Feedback by Sunday, midnight, of Week 2

Week 3 Schedule:

1. Read Chapter 4, 6, and 16

2. Complete the Listening Thread by Sunday, midnight, of Week 3 (see "Listening Thread" under Week 3 for requirements)

3. Create and deliver Mini Speech by Sunday, midnight, of Week 3 (see "Mini Speech Thread" under Week 3 for requirements)

4. Review the Requirements for the Ceremonial Speech that will be due next unit and begin working on this speech (see "Speech of the Week" under Week 3 for requirements)

5. Complete Quiz for Week 3 by Sunday, midnight, of Week 3

6. Complete Reading Response by Sunday, midnight, of Week 3

Week 4 Schedule:

1. Read Chapter 9 (pages 169-190 to Speaker’s Notes), 12, and (for Reference) 16

2. Create and Deliver Ceremonial speech by Sunday, midnight, of Week 4 (see "Speech of the Week" under Week 4 for requirements)

3. Complete Quiz for Week 4 by Sunday, midnight, of Week 4

4. Complete Reading Response by Sunday, midnight, of Week 4

5. Complete the Self and Audience Feedback by Sunday, midnight, of Week 4

Week 5 Schedule:

1. Read Chapter 13, 7, 8, and 9 (pages 190 – 199)

2. Complete the Listening Thread of Ceremonial Speech by Sunday, midnight, of Week 5 (see "Listening Thread" under Week 5 for requirements)

3. Create and deliver Mini Speech by Sunday, midnight, of Week 5 (see "Mini Speech Thread" under Week 5 for requirements)

4. Review the Requirements for the Informative Speech that will be due next unit and begin working on this speech (see "Speech of the Week" under Week 5 and 6 for requirements)

5. Complete Quiz for Week 5 by Sunday, midnight, of Week 5

6. Complete Reading Response by Sunday, midnight, of Week 5

Week 6 Schedule:

1. Read Chapter 5, 10, and (for Reference) 13

2. Create and Deliver Informative speech by Sunday, midnight, of Week 6 (see "Speech of the Week" under Week 6 for requirements)

3. Complete the Listening Thread by Sunday, midnight, of Week 6 (see "Listening Thread" under Week 6 for requirements)

4. Complete Quiz for Week 6 by Sunday, midnight, of Week 6

5. Complete Reading Response by Sunday, midnight, of Week 6

6. Complete the Self and Audience Feedback by Sunday, midnight, of Week 6

Week 7 Schedule:

1. Read Chapter 14

2. Complete the Listening Thread of Informative Speech by Sunday, midnight, of Week 7 (see "Listening Thread" under Week 7 for requirements)

3. Create and deliver Mini Speech by Sunday, midnight, of Week 7 (see "Mini Speech Thread" under Week 7 for requirements)

4. Review the Requirements for the Persuasive Speech that will be due Unit 8 and begin working on this speech (see "Speech of the Week" under Week 7 and 8 for requirements)

5. Complete the Persuasive Planning for the Persuasive Speech by Sunday, midnight, of Week 7 (see "Persuasive Planning" under Week 7 and 8 for requirements)

6. Complete Quiz for Week 7 by Sunday, midnight, of Week 7

7. Complete Reading Response by Sunday, midnight, of Week 7

Week 8 Schedule:

1. Read Chapter 15 and 11

2. Revise and Deliver Persuasive speech by Sunday, midnight, of Week 8 (see "Speech of the Week" under Week 8 for requirements)

3. Complete the Listening Thread by Sunday, midnight, of Week 6 (see "Listening Thread" under Week 6 for requirements)

4. Complete Quiz for Week 8 by Sunday, midnight, of Week 8

5. Complete Reading Response by Sunday, midnight, of Week 8

6. Complete the Self and Audience Feedback by Sunday, midnight, of Week 8

Week 9 Schedule:

1. Complete the Listening Thread of Persuasive Speech by Sunday, midnight, of Week 9 (see "Listening Thread" under Week 9 for requirements)

2. Complete Post Test for course by Sunday, midnight, of Week 9

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