I’m working on a Programming question and need guidance to help me study.
For this homework assignment, you will edit your Homework 6 to add functionality to play a simplified version of the classic game of Battleship on the screen/console. (I WILL ATTACH MY HOMEWORK 6 PROGRAM: homework6 program.docx )
You shall organize your program into three files:
• prgm.h will hold #includes, #defines, templates of any structure types, and a list of function prototypes.
• main.c will hold the local #include file as well as the main()function for the program.
• func.c will hold the local #include file as well all other functions (except main(), of course) used in the program.
2. Define a structure that contains the following four members: (1) a character member that holds the row used for the torpedo’s position on the board – note that this character may be a single character in the range ‘A’ – ‘J’; (2) an integer member that holds the column used for the torpedo’s position on the board –note that this integer has a range 1 – 10; (3) an integer member that keeps track of the number of hits on the aircraft carrier – note that an aircraft carrier is sunk
after 5 hits; and (4) an integer member that keeps track of the number of hits on
the battleship – note that a battleship is sunk after 4 hits.
3. Update the function to display the game board by adding another parameter used to indicate whether or not to “reveal” the solution with ship positions visible or to display the current, active board. In displaying the board, you will display an ‘X’ for each position where a torpedo shot hit either ship and ‘O’ for each position where a torpedo shot missed a ship. If the “reveal” is not set, you will display a blank space for any position that is open (i.e., no ship is assigned, nor has a torpedo shot been fired) or contains a ship. If the “reveal” is set, you will still display a blank space for any position that is open, but will you display a ‘B’ for each position containing a battleship that has not been hit and an ‘A’ for each position containing an aircraft carrier that has not been hit. You will call this function to display the updated board after every torpedo shot fired by the user. During the game, “reveal” will not be set. However, after the game is won or lost, you will call this function with “reveal” set to display the board.