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Bayfield mud company case study excel

21/10/2021 Client: muhammad11 Deadline: 2 Day


Section A 12:00 – 12:50, MWF, Room 265

Instructor: Angela Wicks, Ph.D. in Operations Management

Suite B, Room 324



Office Hours: MWF: 10:00-11:00; 2:00-4:00
And By Appointment

Office hours are not a substitute for missed lectures.

Identification: All e-mails and submitted assignments must include your full name and class section.

Bryant University Mission: Bryant University is a student-centered University, focused on excellence, which prepares its students to achieve their personal best in life and business.

Course Prerequisite: MATH201

Course Objective: The objective of this course is to introduce the subject of operations management, with a focus on problem solving and decision making in both the manufacturing and service sectors. The goals of this course are to prepare you to effectively interact with operations colleagues and to use analytical decision making techniques. Basic concepts we will cover include operations strategy, manufacturing and service processes, quality management, facility location and layout, the production planning hierarchy, and materials management. We will also cover the more recent operations topics of just-in-time systems, supply chain management and global operations. Key analytical techniques we will utilize include process analysis, project management, statistical process control, forecasting, inventory modeling and material requirements planning.

Lectures will provide a theoretical basis and illustrate the practical application of operations management concepts through the use of examples solved in class. Homework, class discussion and write-up of cases, exams, and a team-based project will be utilized to reinforce the material and provide a variety of learning modes.

Required Course Materials – All sections of MGT201 will use these same materials:

· Lecture Notes are available as a packet in the bookstore under MGT 201.

· A Case Book is also available at the Bookstore under MGT 201.

It is strongly suggested you bring a calculator to class and to work the in-class problems using a pencil.

Blackboard: Blackboard will be used throughout the semester for the posting of class materials. The digital drop box will not be utilized. To ensure the correct formatting when printing posted Word documents, follow these steps:

1. right mouse click the link for the file

2. select “save target as …” and download to a destination of your choice

3. open the document in Word and print from Word

It is strongly advised that you do not open the document in Blackboard with a left mouse click and then print from the Web. This will create formatting problems such as the splitting of tables & graphs.

Blackboard will also be used to upload the individual and assignments, and grades will be posted.

As teams are formed, groups will be created in Blackboard and all the communication tools will be available to the teams. One team member must upload the team assignments under the appropriate link in Blackboard under Assignments. Remember that you may upload a number of files under each Assignment Link. Grades for each assignment will be entered under the Assignment Link and will be automatically posted for all teams members in the Gradebook. Assignments must be uploaded to Blackboard prior to the beginning of class on the due date of the assignment.

Homework: For most chapters, homework problems with detailed solutions are contained at the end of each exam section in the Lecture Notes. It is strongly suggested that you solve the homework as a way to prepare for exams. If you are having difficulty solving the problems, collaborate with your classmates or contact the instructor.

Cases: A total of seven (7) cases will be discussed during the semester. Students are required to submit five (5) of the seven cases for grading. The Business Textbook Supply Chain Case is a practice case and will be used as an example of how to evaluate a case and prepare recommendations. This case will not be written up or graded, but you must be prepared to discuss the case in class when we go over the example. The case will be posted on Blackboard and emailed. Each submitted case is worth 4% towards your final grade, and the cases are worth a total of 20%. Cases are to be done as individual assignments and should meet the following requirements:

· Your name, class section, and case title on a title page.

· A one-page, single-spaced recommendation, i.e., given the information from the case, what would you recommend the company do.

· 12 point Times New Roman font, 1” margins all around.

· You may include an appendix for charts, tables, and diagrams, etc., but they must be labeled, have a title, and be mentioned in your recommendation.

· The cases must include the Excel Spreadsheets if applicable. Upload the Excel Spreadsheets separately; do not paste them into the Word document.

Cases often contain a number of questions. These questions will help you analyze the case and prepare your recommendations. Therefore, do not prepare a list of answers to the questions but write your report as if you were preparing it for the CEO of the company. The focus of the report should be your recommendation(s) to address the problems presented in the case. Be sure you state your recommendation(s) and then provide the support for your recommendation(s). You will be graded on how well you support your recommendation(s). Excel must be used in cases where you are provided data. For example, you will calculate control limits and numbers of “out of control” data points in the Bayfield and Seattle Concrete cases. The Excel spreadsheets must include the formulas ; do not do not use your calculator and type the data into the Spreadsheet. The spreadsheets must be uploaded with your case.

In addition to the Business Textbook Supply Chain Case, the following seven (7) cases will be available in the case packet or posted on Blackboard:

1. Bayfield Mud Company Case

2. Early Supply Integration in the Design of the Skid Steer Loader

3. Narragansett Brewery Case -- posted on Blackboard, not in the case book

4. Pyrex

5. Six Sigma at 3M

6. The Mount Rundle Hotel Banff

7. Seattle Concrete Company

Students should be prepared to discuss the cases in class, even if they do not submit a write-up for grading. Case information may be included on the exams. Cases must be uploaded in Blackboard prior to the beginning of class. If there are any problems with the Blackboard link, bring a hard copy to class. No late assignments will be accepted since we will discuss the cases in class.

Exams: Exams are used to assess independent subject knowledge. For each exam, an exam review will be posted on Blackboard in the Course Documents area. Exams will be a mix of mainly multiple choice questions and some True/False questions, problem solving, and short-answer questions. The exact number of exam questions and the value of each question will be provided to the class when the exam review is posted. A total of three (3), non-cumulative exams will be given, each worth 20% towards your final grade. During the exam you may not share calculators nor use your cell phone as a calculator. Additional procedures for exams will be disclosed in class. Please do not ask me the answer(s) to exam questions when you submit your exam. Exams are not returned; you may view your exam during office hours or by appointment.

Term Project and Paper: A term project is required. This will be a team project and will involve working on a quality improvement project with a company of your choosing. You must interact with the company; this is not an observational assignment. The requirements include a formal report and a presentation to the class. The report should detail the kaizen event and implementation results (if the company adopted the process improvement) or expected results. There are no length requirements for the report but the team must thoroughly analyze the problem and thoroughly discuss your recommendations and results or expected results. Examples of project reports may be reviewed in Suite B. Please see Karen Miller, the Suite Coordinator to access the examples. In general, the report should include a cover page, a title page, an index, and sections that provide (1) an executive summary, (2) a brief history and environmental analysis of the company (a complete environmental scan document should be included in the appendix; only discuss the factors relevant to your recommendations in the paper itself), (3) a statement of the problem, (4) analysis of the problem, (5) recommendation(s) for improvement including a cost/benefit analysis, (6) and future recommendation and conclusion. Small figures and charts should be included in the report; large figures and charts should be included in an appendix.

A preliminary and final Site Supervisor Feedback Reports and two status reports are required. Once the company has been selected, provide the instructor with the company contact information. The instructor will email the forms and instructions to the contact person. The Feedback Report information will be included in the grading process.

The grading rubrics for this assignment are posted on Blackboard.

Extra Credit Research Assignment: Instructions for the extra credit assignment are posted on Blackboard under Content/Extra Credit. This is a research report. You may receive anywhere from zero to three additional points added to your final grade calculation. Other extra credit assignments may be available during the course of the semester that will add points to an exam score.

Grades: All assignments and exams will be graded on a scale of 100 and based on the following:

Exams (20% each) 60% Group Project Consulting Report 15%

Cases (5 of 7, 4% each) 20% Attendance/Participation 5%

Your final cumulative score will be rounded-up to the nearest whole number (92.2 {A-} = 93 {A}).

A = 93-100 B+ = 86-89 C+ = 76-79 D+ = 66-69

A- = 90-92 B = 83-85 C = 73-75 D = 63-65

B- = 80-82 C- = 70-72 F = 0 thru 62

All grades will be posted in the On-Line Grade Book of Blackboard and I will e-mail the class when grades have been posted. If you wish to discuss your grades, you may do so in my office during scheduled office hours or by appointment. Due to privacy and confidentiality issues, grades will not discussed in the classroom, over the phone, or via e-mail. Please note that the assignments are weighted; use the weights from the syllabus to track your progress in the class. Do not go by the total points column on Blackboard; these points are not weighted. A grade sheet template will be posted on Blackboard in the Course Documents area to assist you in calculating your final grade.

Peer Evaluation Forms are available in Blackboard under Content. If members of your team are not fulfilling their team obligations, you should post a Peer Evaluation Form under the link in Assignments. I take the feedback from your team into consideration when calculating grades for each assignment. For example, if your Peer Evaluations on an assignment average 60% and the Team case or project grade is 100% you will receive a grade of 60% for the assignment. Be sure to create a good atmosphere for your team; if a member cannot meet specific expectations for one assignment or one part of the project, that student should take more responsibility on a later assignment or part of the project. If no Peer Evaluation Forms was posted, you will have no recourse at the end of the semester if a team member is not fulfilling his or her obligations.

Students with Disabilities: Bryant University and this instructor would like to help students with disabilities achieve their highest potential. To this end, students must meet with the instructor in order to receive accommodations on lectures, assignments, projects or exams. In addition, it is recommended that students with disabilities learn about their rights and responsibilities from the Academic Center for Excellence (ACE) at 232-6746. Do this before the first exam.

Other: Part of your grade is for attendance and participation. Therefore, it is expected that you will attend class regularly and arrive on time. Questions are encouraged during lectures. There are no stupid questions and your questions will actually help your peers understand the material better. Please refrain from excessive talking with your neighbors, and noisy eating or drinking during lectures. It is important to the instructor that you respect the learning environment of the classroom by allowing your peers to follow the lectures and classroom discussion without distraction. The same courtesy applies during exams and team presentations. Cheating, plagiarism, and other unethical behavior will not be tolerated.

If you have any special requests, please bring them to the attention of the instructor - the sooner the better and in writing. All written correspondence should include your name, date, class and section, student ID number, and the correspondence must be signed.

All assignments must be uploaded to Blackboard before the case due date listed in the syllabus; if there is a problem with Blackboard submission, please submit the assignment in person during class time. Due to the threat of computer viruses, the instructor will not open any e-mail attachments.

Schedule: The following Tentative Course Outline is subject to change, so be sure to attend class in order to keep up to date on any changes in the schedule.





Chapter 1: Understanding the Business Environment

Case: Business Textbook Supply Chain Case.

· Be prepared to create an environmental analysis in class for the Undergraduate Program at Bryant University.

· Be prepared to contribute to class discussion about how to analyze the case.


Chapter 1: Introduction to Managing Operations Across the Supply Chain


Ch. 2: Strategic Planning

· Status Report 1: Provide list of team members and designated team leader


Ch. 3: Quality Management


Ch. 4: Quality Tools


Ch. 4: Quality Tools

· Bayfield Mud Company Case


Ch. 4: Quality Tools

· Seattle Concrete Company Case


Ch. 5: Lean Systems

· Status Report 2: Provide Company Information for Kaizen Project


Ch. 6: Manufacturing and Service Process Structures


Ch. 6: Manufacturing and Service Process Structures


President’s Day


Ch. 7: Managing Processes and Capabilities

· Six Sigma at 3M Case


Ch. 8: Logistics: Focus on Location


Ch. 8: Logistics: Focus on Location

· Narragansett Brewing Company Case


Exam Review


Exam 1


Ch. 9: Job Shop and Assembly Line Balancing

· Status Report #3: Statement of the Problem the team will address


Ch. 9: Job Shop and Assembly Line Balancing


Ch. 9: Job Shop and Assembly Line Balancing


Spring Break


Spring Break.


Spring Break


Ch. 10 Customer Management

· The Mount Rundle Hotel Banff Case


Chapter 12: Forecasting


Chapter 12: Forecasting


Chapter 12: Forecasting


Ch. 11: Supply Chain Management


Ch. 11: Supply Chain Management

· Early Supply Integration in the Design of the Skid Steer Loader Case


Exam Review


Exam 2


Ch. 13: Sales and Operations Planning

· Status Report 4: Outline of Consulting Report


Ch. 15: Management of Independent Demand


Ch. 15: Management of Independent Demand


Ch. 15: Management of Independent Demand


Ch. 15: Management of Independent Demand




Ch. 16: Materials and Resource Requirements Planning

· Pyrex Case


Ch. 16: Materials and Resource Requirements Planning


Ch. 16: Materials and Resource Requirements Planning


Ch. 17: Project Management


Ch. 17: Project Management


Ch. 17: Project Management


Exam Review


Kaizen Presentations

Kaizen Consulting Reports Due



Exam #3 - covers material from Exam #2. Exam #3 is not cumulative and you will have the full exam time (2 1/2 hours). Additional office hours for Exam #3 will be announced in class and e-mailed.

Final Exam Date: Saturday, May 12, 10-12:30


Department of Management

General Policies and Procedures

To ensure the equitable treatment of all students enrolled in courses conducted by the Department of Management, the following policies have been adopted by all full-time and adjunct faculty members, and will be strictly enforced.

1. All papers that are submitted by students will be evaluated for grammar and spelling in addition to content. Students are strongly encouraged to use the Academic Center for Excellence or reference texts such as Elements of Style to ensure papers are of the highest quality. Grades for these papers will be compromised if grammar and spelling errors are not minimal.

2. It is expected that all students will thoroughly read and understand the course syllabus. This document reflects a mutual understanding between the student and the professor, and should be kept for reference, especially concerning course policies and procedures.

3. Email Communications must be kept professional, and should always include the following information: name, date, reason for the email, and section at the end of the email correspondence. If an immediate reply is required, email may not be the most effective means of communication. Many faculty members do not check email messages more than once or twice a day.

4. Grades are earned during the course of the semester, and are non-negotiable at the end of the semester. It is the responsibility of the student to work collaboratively with the professor early in the semester if grades received to date are lower than desired.

5. Disciplinary action will be undertaken with any act of plagiarism and/or cheating. Students will be required to meet with the professor to discuss any such misconduct before meeting with the Department Chair.

Cell phones are banned from the classroom.

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