Daylighting Guichon Creek
Project Management Essentials OPMT 1187 — BCIT Scenario #3 March 2020
Emme Lee Erina Lo Imogen Pettyfer Sandra Pham Maegen Tan
“ We are pushing the envelope
and bringing concepts of
sustainability and green
initiatives into the classroom.”
— Sustainability at BCIT
March 2020 | pg. 3
Daylighting of Guichon Creek
Table of Contents Executive Summary 5
Figure 1: Proposed creek pathway Project Background 8
Figure 3: Guichon Creek in 1935 Project Team 10 Project Management Team 12 Project Stakeholders 14 Project Scope 18 Assumptions 21 Statement of Work 22
Figure 4: Already restored part of Guichion Creek Project Procurement 26 WBS 31 Schedule 32 Project Gates 35 Work Activities Explained 36 Project Risks 40 Contingency Plans 42 Project Budget 44 Project Communications 46 Communications Management Plan 47 Key Performance Measurements 49 Quality Control 50 Additional Factors for Consideration: 54 Project Close Out 55 Appendix 56
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Daylighting of Guichon Creek
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Daylighting of Guichon Creek
Figure 1: Proposed creek pathway
Executive Summary Guichon Creek is an important waterway that runs directly through (and underneath)
BCIT’s Burnaby campus. It is a significant tributary to Still Creek, which, after decades of res- toration activities, has finally seen the return of salmon in recent years. In 2001, an MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) agreement was signed between the City of Burnaby and BCIT with the objective of protecting, restoring, and eventually, daylighting the underground culverted portion of Guichon Creek. Daylighting the underground piped portion of the creek is now considered essential in supporting BCIT’s sustainability goal of ecological restoration as it will transform the creek into a functional aquatic ecosystem. The 700 meters of creek that remains culverted is currently preventing trout and salmon navigating their way further upstream to spawn. This project will also provide significant “campus as a living lab” learning opportunities for students, staff, and programs throughout the BCIT community.
The project outlined in this Project Management Plan aims to daylight the entirety of Guichon Creek from Deer Lake Parkway to Canada Way. Daylighting and restoration work will make the 700 meters of underground creek accessible through BCIT’s north-east quadrant of the cam- pus, and should restore the creek to its once flourishing fish-bearing environment. Restoration activities will require careful design and construction of an urbanized salmon-friendly habitat that both supports the natural environment (including flora, fauna, fish) and BCIT’s diverse communities and users. Careful planning will be undertaken to manage environmental im- pacts, and minimize negative impacts on students, staff, and faculty throughout construction and installation.
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Daylighting of Guichon Creek
As the project will require significant environmental leadership in sustainable development and con- struction, this project will be overseen by the Project Sponsor, Dr. Jennie Moore, Director, Institute Sustainability at BCIT.
An initial Scope of Work has been outlined by the Project Management Team. The Scope of Work will include the following deliverables:
1. BCIT Involvement
2. Creek Pathway Design
3. Environmental Impact and Minimization
4. Creek Installation
5. Creek Diversions and Remediation
6. Landscaping Installation
7. Project Management Activities
An initial Project Budget has been provided by the Project Management Team. The overall Budget is $995,650.00, and includes contingency and management reserve amounts.
Creek Construction (41.7%)
Environmental Impact Minimization (12%)
BCIT Involvement (6.2%)
Creek Pathway Design (6.7%)
Creek Diversion & Remediation (14.7%)
Landscaping (8.1%)
Project Management (10.5%)
Cost Breakdown by Deliverable
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Daylighting of Guichon Creek
An initial Project Schedule currently anticipates an overall duration of 327 days or 10.75 months (46.7 weeks). If this project is to proceed starting in June 2020, completion would be anticipated for August 2021.
An initial Risk Register has been developed. Major risks include the following:
• Environmental contamination/disturbance to the natural ecosystem due to construction
• Subsurface pipeline ruptures or damage during excavation
• Creek diversion failure due to faulty design or installation
• Schedule delays due to site unknowns
• Environmental sensitivity and extreme weather concerns during installation
• Disruption to regular campus activities (traffic, parking, pedestrian paths)
• Shortage of qualified subject matter experts that can meet the schedule
• Meeting regulatory/technical requirements and approvals
• Product unavailability or defects
• Unanticipated concerns from external stakeholders
More details on the risks can be found in the Risk Register.
Deliverable Cost
BCIT Involvement $53,000
Creek Pathway Design $57,800
Environmental Impact Minimization $103,500
Creek Construction $358,500
Creek Diversion & Remediation $126,500
Landscaping $70,000
Project Management (includes insurance) $90,000
The overall Budget can be broken down by deliverable:
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Daylighting of Guichon Creek
Project Background Guichon Creek is one of the most significant tributaries of Still Creek and runs directly through BCIT’s Burnaby campus. The project described in this Project Management Plan aims to restore and renew the entirety of Guichon Creek to its once flourishing fish-bearing environment.
An MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) agreement was signed in 2001 between the City of Burnaby and BCIT to protect and restore the portion of Guichon Creek that runs underneath BCIT campus, and actively pursue options to daylight the underground piped portion of the creek. Through the MOU, BCIT agreed to meet or exceed regulations set out in the City of Burnaby’s Stream-side Protection and Enhancement Areas Bylaw. In addition, BCIT committed to using best practices and site design to both improve the watershed and support the efforts of the BCIT community (students, staff and programs) in working towards improving the creek ecosystem.
In September 2014, BCIT’s President Kathy Kinloch renewed BCIT’s commitment to explore the daylight- ing of Guichon Creek across the campus. As the project will require sustainable development and signifi- cant construction, this project will be overseen by Dr. Jennie Moore, Director of Institute Sustainability at BCIT, and formerly the Associate Dean of Building Design and Construction Technology and Director of Sustainable Development and Environmental Stewardship at BCIT.
Previous studies conducted by the BCIT community (students, staff and programs) show that the under- ground section of the culvert (approximately 700 meters of creek) is currently inaccessible to trout and salmon migrating upstream towards Still Creek, of which Guichon is a tributary.
Daylighting the underground portion of Guichon Creek is an important objective in supporting BCIT’s sustainability goal of ecological restoration of the creek into a functional aquatic ecosystem. Daylighting the culverted and inaccessible section of the creek is also a “campus as a living lab” learning opportunity for students, staff and, programs within BCIT.
History of the Creek In the 1900s through the 1920s, Guichon Creek was known as a natural, flourishing, fish-bearing tribu- tary contributing to Still Creek. The creek had been a popular fishing spot, and people could catch fish along its banks. For four decades after (1930s through 1960s), the land alongside the creek was urban- ized, and large portions of the creek were culverted while paved streets, roadways, and a built environ- ment were developed. Since the 1970’s, the BCIT community (students, faculty, programs such as the BCIT Rivers Institute) and the City of Burnaby (through the Stream-keepers program) have worked to restore the creek along some stretches. However, the North end of the creek, and the focus area of this Project Plan, has remained untouched since it was culverted. This section of the creek travels under- ground through the Northeast quadrant of the campus towards Canada Way.
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Daylighting of Guichon Creek
Figure 3: Guichon Creek in 1935
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Daylighting of Guichon Creek
Project Team Project Customer
Mark Dale Director, Department of Facilities and Campus Development, BCIT
Mark Dale is the Director for three main divisions in BCIT’s Facilities Services, Project Services and Campus Development. These 3 divisions are responsible for overseeing the completion of building repairs, landscaping, capital projects, and program-related renovations, long-range facility and land-use planning. Another key responsibility is for maintenance of all current BCIT assets, including building and infrastructure, such as roadways, and utilities.
BCIT’s Facilities, Project Services, and Campus Development departments will ultimately be responsible for maintenance and future improvements of the creek area. Customer requirements and specifications are therefore essential in the site design and planning for construction. Operational costs and mainte- nance plans will also need to be considered.
Mark’s role in the project will be to confirm and consolidate all of the customer requirements from a BCIT Facilities, Project Services, and Campus Development perspective. Compiled feedback and input from these departments will be critical in capturing a design that meets the needs of BCIT Facilities as the Project Customer.
As the Project Customer, Mark’s input will help to shape the design that ensures an environmental lega- cy that is also durable, operable, and affordable for decades to come.
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Daylighting of Guichon Creek
Project Sponsor
Dr. Jennie Moore Director, Institute Sustainability, BCIT
Dr. Jennie Moore is the Director for Institute Sustainability at BCIT, and formerly the Associate Dean of Building Design and Construction Technology and Director of Sustainable Development and Environmental Stewardship at BCIT. One of her key responsibilities is supporting BCIT’s sustainability goal of ecological restoration of the creek into a functional aquatic ecosystem.
Dr. Moore’s role in the project will be to act as the Project Sponsor and oversee the daylighting of the culverted and inaccessible section of the creek. Jennie’s role will include reviewing and approving the project at predetermined gates and giving authority for expenses above and beyond the budget if need- ed. She may also provide essential support in making contact with key stakeholders, and getting certain decisions reviewed by senior managers and key stakeholders.
As the Project Sponsor, Jennie will demonstrate environmental leadership in sustainable development and construction and will provide authority for decision making throughout the project.
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Daylighting of Guichon Creek
Project Management Team The project team is made up of 5 members, each of whom is a subject matter expert (SME) in a specific area. Following is a brief description of each of the team members.
Internal Team
Project Manager - Emme Lee
Emme has certifications and experience in Urban Planning and Project Management. She will be responsible for overall coordination of the project management team, reporting to the Project Sponsor and Customer, and high-level manage- ment of the schedule, budget, and resources.
Design & Technical Oversight - Maegen Tan
Maegen has certifications and experience in Electrical Engineering and Architecture. Maegen will be responsible for overseeing and coordinating the Design and Engineering team.
Costing & Estimating - Sandra Pham
Sandra is certified in financial planning, estimating and man- agement with extensive background in developing budgets for urban land development projects. She will oversee the com- pletion of the project budget and ensure the accuracy of all work activity cost estimates.
Supply Chain & Quality Assurance - Erina Lo
Erina has an educational background and working experience in Business Supply Chain Management & Procurement. She will oversee the streamlining of goods and materials for the project and will be inspecting all deliveries upon receiving for quality control and output.
Visuals & Engagement - Imogen Pettyfer
Imogen is a communications and graphic design specialist. Her key responsibilities will be creating graphics and visuals, and coordinating the Engagement team and BCIT Communications on the engagement activities.
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Daylighting of Guichon Creek
External Team The following 3 teams will be procured using a fair and transparent procurement process. For further description of the desired scopes of work, please see the Procurement section below.
• Design & Engineering Team
• Construction Team
• Engagement Team
The following diagram shows how members of the project team will report to each other.
Project Manager
Design & Technical Oversight
Design & Engineering Team TBD (procurement required)
Project Customer
Engagement Team TBD (procurement required)
Communications Team - BCIT Staff
Construction Team TBD (procurement required)
Project Sponsor
Direct Reporting Relation Coordination Reporting
Project Team Reporting Diagram
Project Stakeholders Stakeholder Register BCIT is a multi-layered and diverse community with many stakeholders internal to and external to the campus. An initial stakeholder register has been developed and once the Engagement team has been procured, further development of the register can be completed.
Key Players
Stakeholder Group
BCIT Board of Governors BCIT Student Association BCIT Rivers Institute BCIT Applied Research BCIT Greening Operations and Green Team
City of Burnaby - Environment Review Committee
Brunette Basin Coordinating Committee - is a partnership that includes City of Burnaby, Metro Vancouver, BC Ministry of Water, Land, and Air Protection, Fisheries and Oceans Canada