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Becoming a master manager a competing values approach 6th edition

16/11/2021 Client: muhammad11 Deadline: 2 Day



Robert E. Quinn University of Michigan

Sue R. Faerman State University of New York at Albany

Michael P. Thompson Brigham Young University

Michael R. McGrath Executive Education—University of Michigan Graduate School of Business

David S. Bright Wright State University


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Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data:

Becoming a master manager: a competing values approach/Robert E. Quinn, University of Michigan, Sue R. Faerman, State University of New York at Albany, Micheal P. Thompson, Brigham Young University, Michael R. McGrath, Executive Education, University of Michigan Graduate School of Business, David S. Bright Wright State University.—Sixth edition.

pages cm Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 978-1-118-58258-9 (paperback) 1. Leadership. 2. Executive ability. 3. Management. 4. Organizational behaviour. I. Quinn, Robert E. II. Title. HD57.7.Q8645 2014 658.4'092—dc23


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INTRODUCTION TO THE SIXTH EDITION With this sixth edition, nearly 35 years have passed since the competing values framework was first developed. Becoming a Master Manager was one of the first leadership development texts to emphasize, not only the importance of a conceptual understanding of managerial skills, but also the importance of the need to apply these skills through learning exercises. Over the intervening decades, much of leadership education has shifted decisively in the same direction, where the orientation is to learn by doing. The large number of skills-focused texts now attest to the value of our original approach.

Becoming a Master Manager is built on a solid conceptual foundation. The competing values framework is designed to help readers understand the complex and dynamic nature of the organizational world through and exploration of four meta-models. The rational goal model focuses on the need for productivity and profitability, summarized by the impera- tive to compete. Its opposite is the human relations model, which focuses on cohesion and commitment and can be sum- marized by the imperative to collaborate. The internal pro- cess model emphasizes the importance of establishing and maintaining stability and represents the imperative to con- trol. Its opposite is the open systems model, which stresses the importance of adaptability and innovation and represents the imperative to create. Together, these four models provide a holistic perspective on what is required to manage an organiza- tion effectively.

Indeed, one of the signature characteristics of the compet- ing values framework is its emphasis on embracing paradox. It first calls our attention to the fact that managers and leaders are constantly confronted with an array of choices that seem to require tradeoffs. Do we want higher quality OR lower costs? Better conditions for our employees OR faster response times for our customers? Take-charge leaders who have their own vision for the organization OR leaders who invite participation and value the ideas of others?

The framework next calls our attention to the fact that managers must integrate differences. It is difficult to be effec- tive without integrating multiple concerns. A sustainable competitive advantage is really only possible when we find ways to transcend paradox. The most admired organizations now find ways to satisfy the demands of both stakeholders AND shareholders. They find ways to both improve qual- ity AND lower costs, as well as to improve conditions for

employees AND increase customer satisfaction; and their leaders are both visionary AND participative. An understand- ing of the competing values framework shifts our thinking to a both–and approach to management. As a result, it can help current and future managers develop their capacity to act quickly, confidently, imaginatively, and ethically when faced with the paradoxes that are ubiquitous in organizations around the world.

Our approach has grown throughout several years of research and instructional experimentation. In addition to the papers and books we have written, we have also worked with these materials in our university classrooms with under- graduate and graduate students, as well as in management and executive development programs. We have also helped major organizations in both the public and private sectors design large-scale programs to improve the competencies of profes- sional managers. Hundreds of thousands of professional man- agers have completed programs that have used the competing values framework as an underlying foundation and integrat- ing theme. The results have been gratifying and instructive— gratifying because both our students and we were transformed in the process. We hope that the use of this textbook will lead to similar outcomes for you.

CHANGES FROM THE FIFTH EDITION One of the paradoxes we have had to manage is to balance the need for updating a text with the need for continuity. The fifth edition introduced a dramatic restructuring in the presentation of the competencies, and though our thinking continues to evolve, we have chosen to preserve those changes in the cur- rent edition. The changes in this edition are less substantial. Primarily, we have updated the presentation of theoretical ideas in light of emergent research findings. We present a sum- mary of these changes in the introduction to the competencies that follow. We have also revised the exercises for assessment, analysis, practice, and application to be more user-friendly and to reflect current events.

In terms of what remains the same, we have continued to use four modules, rather than eight roles, to encompass the skills associated with leading and managing from the com- peting values perspective. In addition, each module begins by emphasizing organizational goals, paradoxes, and the five competencies that translate the values of the quadrant into practice.


iv Preface

Thus, the key focus of this edition continues to emphasize the fundamental paradoxes that make the practice of manage- ment so complex. Our approach in this edition continues to emphasize competencies in terms of underlying theoretical value intentions, rather than on specific managerial roles. This approach accounts for the fact that in practice, master man- agers must be able to seamlessly navigate between and apply competencies at the same time. In fact, we recognize that the 21 competencies included in this version of the model are all important and complementary in helping a manager achieve the imperatives of any of the four management models. Our placement of the competencies in quadrants is based on find- ings from empirical research, based on the dominant value orientation that underlies them. However, we would never suggest that a competency such as “communicating honestly and effectively” is important only for organizations whose goal is to build and sustain employee commitment. Indeed, the key point of the competing values framework is that ALL these competencies contribute to positive and sustainable organizations.

Finally, with this edition, we also welcome a new coauthor, David Bright, to the team. David has received several teaching awards and has been recognized as an innovative new educa- tor by the Organizational Behavior Teaching Society. We are pleased to have his contribution and insight as we continue to work on the competing values framework in this edition and in the coming years.

INTRODUCTION: THE COMPETING VALUES APPROACH TO MANAGEMENT The introduction explains the competing values framework and how it integrates four contrasting perspectives on organiza- tional effectiveness by describing the evolution of management models. Together with references to the underlying models, we include the action imperative labels as used in previous edi- tions of the text (Collaborate, Control, Compete, and Create) when referring to the quadrants of the framework. However, our presentation strives to emphasize that these terms are a shorthand convenience and thus oversimplify what managers need to do to be successful. We want to encourage readers to remember the criteria of effectiveness and means-ends theories associated with each quadrant of the model. Our hope is that this approach will help readers to appreciate the subtle nuances of the framework as they strive to master, balance, and blend competencies in each area.

As in the prior edition, we briefly explain how the competing values framework relates to organizational culture. This infor- mation may be particularly useful for students who are currently employed. Instructors may wish to have students complete an

organizational culture assessment in Module 3, Competency 4 at the beginning of the course so that they think about how their skills fit with the culture of their current employer.

Next we explain the structured approach to learning used in the text. Each competency section follows the ALAPA approach to learning that has been used in all previous editions of the text. Competencies begin with a preliminary Assessment activity followed by the Learning material. Most competencies include separate exercises for Analysis, Practice, and Applica- tion, and conclude with a Reflection. To provide students with an example of the ALAPA approach, we conclude the Intro- duction with the Thinking Critically competency that was moved to the first chapter in the fourth edition.

MODULE 1—CREATING AND SUSTAINING COMMITMENT AND COHESION As with previous editions, we begin with the human relations model and the Collaborate action imperative. This perspective focuses on creating and sustaining commitment, cohesion, and positive morale.

Paradoxes. From the perspective of the competing values framework, the main paradox of seeking commitment and cohesion is the need to allow for individuals to express their individuality, while needing some level of cohesion in order for the organization to move forward. Whether seeking commit- ment and cohesion in work organizations, clubs, or voluntary organizations, leaders face a number of paradoxes. Three that are discussed in this module include:

Increasing our self-awareness and self-knowledge also increases our capacity to change, so in the process of learning who we are, we become someone new.

Involving people in decision-making processes can increase the effectiveness of the decision, but decrease the efficiency of the process.

Building an effective team may (temporarily) lead to reduced productivity or effectiveness as individuals are given the opportunity to develop new skills and abilities.

Competencies. The five competencies described in this module include understanding self and others, communicating honestly and effectively, mentoring and developing others, manag- ing groups and leading teams, and managing and encouraging constructive conflict. These correspond to the roles of mentor and facilitator as described in previous editions.

Notable updates to these sections include the following: Understanding self and others includes a new assessment

that focuses on positive habits, an updated description of the basic meaning of self-awareness as understood in the emo- tional intelligence literature, and a description of the difference

Preface v

between openness and defensiveness when exploring one’s self. The practice for this section has been changed to better help students to develop and maintain openness.

Mentoring and developing others includes stronger empha- sis on the need for a collaborative, developmental perspective when exercising performance management. We have also clari- fied the steps required to effectively conduct a performance management review, and we emphasize the need for continual, ongoing feedback in the manager–employee relationship.

MODULE 2—ESTABLISHING AND MAINTAINING STABILITY AND CONTINUITY Module 2 covers the internal process model and the Control action imperative. This perspective focuses on establishing and maintaining stability and continuity.

Paradoxes. From the perspective of the overarching com- peting values framework, the primary paradox of seeking stability and control is the need for adaptability and external support. Paradoxes that are especially salient in the internal process quadrant include:

Getting the details right by measuring and monitoring performance and keeping an eye on the big picture without getting bogged down in too many rules and procedures.

Working on cross-functional teams and special projects to help make improvements in organizational processes and still accomplishing day-to-day job objectives.

Following corporate policies and procedures and reinvent- ing policies and procedures to be more effective and efficient.

Competencies. Module 2 includes the competencies of organizing information flows, working and managing across func- tions, planning coordinating projects, measuring and monitoring performance and quality, and encouraging and enabling compli- ance. These correspond to the roles of monitor and coordinator as represented in previous editions. The section on organizing information flows has been updated to reflect some of the chal- lenges associated with digital communication.

MODULE 3—IMPROVING PRODUCTIVITY AND INCREASING PROFITABILITY Module 3 builds on the assumptions of the rational goal model and the Compete action imperative. It emphasizes the impor- tance of vision, goal setting, and execution for competing effectively.

Paradoxes. As noted earlier, the main tension for the rational goal model occurs because of the apparent opposition

between increasing productivity and profitability while creat- ing and sustaining employee commitment. Other paradoxes that hard-driving managers face include:

Expecting the leader to provide a clear vision for the or- ganization while wanting the vision to be based on participa- tive processes.

Making decisions and moving ahead while taking enough time to ensure that all the relevant facts have been appropri- ately analyzed.

Using performance measurement systems to align indi- vidual goals with organizational goals without spending too much time on setting goals and reviewing performance.

Competencies. The five competencies of this module include developing and communicating a vision, setting goals and objectives, motivating self and others, designing and organizing, and promoting change and encouraging adaptability. These cor- respond to the roles of director and producer as described in previous editions.

Notable updates to these sections include the following: The presentation about how to frame and define a vision

has been completely revised to better represent contemporary perspectives.

We now discuss more directly the connection between vision and strategy.

The discussion about organizational structure has been updated to incorporate discussion of both emergent and top- down forms of organizing.

The USPS practice has been updated to provide students with access to current information.

MODULE 4—PROMOTING CHANGE AND ENCOURAGING ADAPTABILITY The final module covers the open systems model, which focuses on change, adaptability, and external support, consist- ent with the Create action imperative.

Paradoxes. Promoting change and encouraging adapta- bility seems to run directly counter to the focus on stability and control identified as so critical by the internal process model, but we also consider more subtle paradoxes in this module. For example:

Expecting leaders to be powerful and at the same time being distrustful of powerful leaders.

Using routines and habits to improve creativity and in- novation.

Increasing resistance to change by increasing pressures to change.

Competencies. This module includes the competencies of using power and influence ethically and effectively, champi- oning and selling new ideas, fueling and fostering innovation,

vi Preface

negotiating agreement and commitment, and implementing and sustaining change. These correspond to the roles of innovator and broker as represented in previous editions.

Notable updates to these sections include the following: The competency, fueling and fostering innovation, has

been updated to provide more perspective on the conditions required to generate creative thinking.

The discussion on implementing and sustaining change now includes a broader perspective on the forces for or against change.

CONCLUSION—INTEGRATION AND THE ROAD TO MASTERY The conclusion returns to the overall competing values frame- work. We begin with a discussion of integration and behav- ioral complexity. We have included a discussion of “Negative Zones” to the text based on instructor feedback. The conclu- sion includes a discussion of the concept of “lift” as proposed by R. W. Quinn and R. E. Quinn (2009). Because the four psychological states that are required for “lift” to occur are consistent with the four quadrants of the competing values framework, this new model adds value without overwhelming students with a completely new approach at the end of the text. We conclude the text with a discussion of the steps in the devel- opmental process, the importance of lifelong learning, and an agenda for self-improvement. Our goal is to remind readers that becoming a master manager is a process that will continue as long as they open themselves to new growth experiences.

HOW TO USE THIS BOOK AND ONLINE ANCILLARIES This book may be used in several ways. It can be employed alone as the main text in a course that is specifically designed to develop competencies, or it can be used with a more traditional text to accomplish the same objective. It can accompany more traditional texts in either an organizational behavior or a man- agement principles course. The text has been used in schools of business, as well as in departments and programs of public and nonprofit management. In addition to the material available in the textbook, there are additional supporting materials avail- able online at (www.wiley.com/college/quinn):

Competing Values Competency Questionnaire Test Bank Instructor’s Manual and PowerPoint Slides

We encourage instructors and students to contact the authors with questions, comments, and suggestions about the text and ancillaries. The authors’ point of contact is David Bright (brightds@gmail.com).

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Many of the ideas for this book were originally developed in conjunction with two professional development programs designed for New York State. Funding for those programs and for the first edition of this book was provided by the negotiated agreements between the state of New York and the Civil Service Employees Association, Inc., and the Pub- lic Employees Federation, AFL-CIO, and made available through New York State’s Governor’s Office of Employee Relations, Program Planning and Employee Development Division (now Division for Development Services). We par- ticularly thank Don Giek, former Director of the Division for Development Services. Don truly is a master manager, and we respect and appreciate the enormous efforts he made for us and for so many people in and outside of New York State. Laurie Newman DiPadova was also instrumental in the origi- nal development of the first edition of this text, coauthoring the innovator chapter and authoring the original instructor’s manual. We are most appreciative of her efforts. We also would like to thank people who contributed to the Instruc- tor’s Manual with creative and novel essays on alternative teaching methods: Alan Belasen, Meg Benke, and Andrew DiNitto, SUNY-Empire State College; Dan Denison, Uni- versity of Michigan; David Hart, Brigham Young University; Bill Metheny, Montana State University at Billings; Larry Michaelsen, The University of Oklahoma; and Deborah L. Wells, Creighton University.

We greatly appreciate the time and energy donated by all of the reviewers of Becoming a Master Manager. A number of people were asked to review earlier versions of the book, including Vijay Mathur, San Jose State University; Michael Shaner, St. Louis University; Robert Sosna, Golden Gate University; Arnon Reichers, Ohio State University; Meg G. Birdseye, University of Alabama; John D. Bigelow, Boise State University; David E. Blevins, University of Mississippi; Allen Bluedorn, University of Missouri; Kent D. Carter, Univer- sity of Maine at Orono; Paul D. Collins, Purdue University; Daniel Denison, University of Michigan; Laurie N. DiPa- dova, University of Utah; Dennis L. Dossett, University of Missouri–St. Louis; Stuart C. Freedman, University of Lowell; Walter Freytag, University of Washington at Bothell; Richard A. Grover, University of Southern Maine; Ester E. Hamilton, Pepperdine University; Steve Inian, California State Polytech- nic University; Richard B. Ives, Tarrant County Junior Col- lege; Marcia Kassner, University of North Dakota; Kimberlee M. Keef, Alfred University; Gerald D. Klein, Rider Univer- sity; Mark Lengnick-Hall, Wichita State University; David M. Leuser, Plymouth State College; William E. McClane, Loyola College; Edward J. Morrison, University of Colorado at Boulder; Paula C. Morrow, Iowa State University; Ralph

Preface vii

F. Mullin, Central Missouri State University; Joseph Petrick, Wright State University; Gerald Schoenfeld, James Madison University; Tim Schweizer, Luther College; Gregory Stephens, Texas Christian University; William E. Stratton, Idaho State University; David Szczerbacki, Alfred University; Fred Tesch, Western Connecticut State University; Charles N. Toftoy, Golden State University; Barry L. Wisdom, Southwest Missouri State University; Joseph Weiss, Bentley College; and Mark Wellman, Bowling Green State University. We appreci- ate their many helpful comments and insights.

Many others also contributed to the work of this and/or the earlier editions, and we would like to thank Debbi Berg, Bill Bywater, Chris Dammer, Rachel Ebert, Pauline Farmer, Bruce Hamm, Bill LaFleur, Warren Ilchman, Kary Jablonka, Tom Kinney, Chuck Klaer, Katherine Lawrence, Vicki Marrone, David McCaffrey, Ted Peters, Norma Riccucci, Michael Roberto, Steven Simons, Onnolee Smith, Eugene Thompson, Ben Westery, Angela Wicks, and John Zanetich. All contrib- uted significantly and we are grateful.

Our publisher, John Wiley & Sons, has been an incredible partner through all six editions of this text. The publishing

team for this sixth edition has been especially patient with us as we struggled to balance the many competing demands on our time. We would like to express our sincere appreciation to Brian Baker and Kristen Watson for their assistance. They have our heartfelt gratitude. We also thank Marian Provenzano, Jacqueline Hughes, Christina Volpe, Amanda Dallas, Elle Wagner, and Sangeetha Rajan.

Finally, we thank our families for their continuous support.

Robert E. Quinn Sue R. Faerman Michael P. Thompson Michael R. McGrath David S. Bright


Quinn, R. W., & Quinn, R. E. (2009). Lift: Becoming a positive force in any situation. San Francisco: Berrett–Koehler.




INTRODUCTION The Competing Values Approach to Management 1


Early Twentieth Century: The Emergence of the Rational Goal Model and the Internal Process Model 3

Early to Mid-Twentieth Century: The Emergence of the Human Relations Model 6

Late to Mid-Twentieth Century: The Emergence of the Open Systems Model 7

Late Twentieth Century: The Emergence of Complexity and Integrative Assumptions 9

Early Twenty-First Century: Paradox, Connectivity, and Sustainability 11


Integrating Ideas about Effectiveness 12 The Use of Opposing Models 14 Behavioral Complexity and the Effectiveness of

Managerial Leaders 15 Action Imperatives and Competencies for Managers 17


Core Competency: Thinking Critically 22 Assessment: Going Public with Your Reasoning 22 Learning: Thinking Critically 22 Analysis: Argument Mapping 27 Practice: Providing Warrants 29 Application: Reflected Best-Self Portrait 29


MODULE 1 Creating and Sustaining Commitment and Cohesion 33


Assessment 1: Anchors and Oars 35 Assessment 2: Develop Positive Habits 36 Learning: Understanding Self and Others 37 Analysis: Use the Johari Window to Analyze Behavior 45

Practice: How to Receive Feedback 45 Application: Solicit Feedback 46


Assessment: Communication Skills 47 Learning: Communicating Honestly and Effectively 48 Analysis: Using the Left-Hand Column to Develop Your

Communication Skills 55 Practice: Using Reflective Listening to Move Thoughts and

Feelings to the Right-Hand Column: The Case of Stacy Brock and Terry Lord 56

Application: Developing Your Reflective Listening Skills 57


Assessment: Assumptions about Performance Evaluations 58 Learning: Mentoring and Developing Others 59 Analysis: United Chemical Company 67 Practice: What Would You Include in the Performance

Evaluation? 69 Application: Developing Your Capacity to Develop Others 70


Assessment: Are You a Team Player? 70 Learning: Managing Groups and Leading Teams 72 Analysis: Stay-Alive Inc. 85 Practice: Ethics Task Force 86 Application: Team-Building Action Plan 87


Assessment: How Do You Handle Conflict? 88 Learning: Managing and Encouraging Constructive

Conflict 90 Analysis: Zack’s Electrical Parts 100 Practice: Win as Much as You Can 101 Application: Managing Your Own Conflicts 102

MODULE 2 Establishing and Maintaining Stability and Continuity 108


Assessment: Identifying Data Overload and Information Gaps 109

Learning: Organizing Information Flows 110

Contents ix

Analysis: Deciding What to Do with Data Inflows Using the Traffing Method 117

Practice: Making Messages Clear, Concise, and Complete 118 Application: Directing Your Own Data and Information

Traffic 118


Assessment: Mapping Your Organization 119 Learning: Working and Managing Across Functions 120 Analysis: Errors in the Design? 126 Practice: Student Orientation 127 Application: Examining a Cross-Functional Team 128


Assessment: Project Planning 128 Learning: Planning and Coordinating Projects 129 Analysis: Planning a Training Course 141 Practice: The Job Fair 143 Application: Managing Your Own Project 143


Assessment: Identifying Appropriate Performance Criteria 144 Learning: Measuring and Monitoring Performance and

Quality 145 Analysis: Improving Performance in the Health Care

Industry 151 Practice: Developing Education Performance Metrics 152 Application: Developing Performance Metrics for

Your Job 153


Assessment: Reactions to Methods of Encouraging Compliance 153

Learning: Encouraging and Enabling Compliance 154 Analysis: Strategies Used by the United States to Increase

Compliance 164 Practice: Moving Compliance Outside the Workplace 164 Application: Your Organization’s Compliance Policies and

Practices 165

MODULE 3 Improving Productivity and Increasing Profitability 170


Assessment: How You Develop and Communicate Vision 171

Learning: Developing and Communicating a Vision 172 Analysis: Doug Fecher, Wright-Patt Credit Union 179 Practice: Crafting Your Leadership Story 181 Application: Envisioning Your Career 182


Assessment: Identifying Your Personal Goals 183 Learning: Setting Goals and Objectives 183 Analysis: Objectives Don’t Work for Me 191 Practice: Creating an Implementation Plan 193 Application: Evaluating the Use of Goal Setting in Your

Organization 194


Assessment: When Are You the Most Motivated and Productive? 194

Learning: Motivating Self and Others 195 Analysis: From Motivated to Demotivated in 60 Seconds 206 Practice: Empowerment and Engagement 208 Application: When Are You and Your Colleagues the Most

Motivated and Productive? 210


Assessment: Assessing Organizational Culture 211 Learning: Designing and Organizing 212 Analysis: Responding to Environmental Challenges 225 Practice: USPS: Prescribe a Possible Future 226 Application: Understanding the Design of Your Company 226


Assessment: Your Leadership Task Orientation 227 Learning: Managing Execution and Driving for Results 228 Analysis: Execution and Results in a Crisis Situation 235 Practice: Examining the Impact of a New CEO on

Execution and Results 236 Application: Know Your Time 236

MODULE 4 Promoting Change and Encouraging Adaptability 242


Assessment: Who Is Powerful? 243 Learning: Using Power Ethically and Effectively 244 Analysis: “I Hope You Can Help Me Out”: Don Lowell

Case Study 253 Practice: The Big Move 254 Application: Building Your Power Base by Changing Your

Influence Strategy 256

x Contents


Assessment: The Presenter’s Touch: You May Have It but Not Know It 256

Learning: Championing and Selling New Ideas 257 Analysis: Applying Communication Tools to Evaluate a

Presentation 268 Practice: Improving a Memo Requesting Additional

Personnel 269 Application: You Be the Speaker 270


Assessment: Are You a Creative Thinker? 271 Learning: Fueling and Fostering Innovation 272 Analysis: Creativity and Managerial Style 281 Practice: Encouraging Creative Thinking 281 Application 1: Import an Idea 282 Application 2: New Approaches to the Same Old

Problem 283


Assessment: How Effective Are You at Negotiating Agreement? 283

Learning: Negotiating Agreement and Commitment 284 Analysis: Your Effectiveness as a Negotiator 290 Practice: Standing on the Firing Line 291 Application: Negotiating at Work 293


Assessment: Changes in My Organization 294 Learning: Implementing and Sustaining Change 294 Analysis: Reorganizing the Legal Division 305 Practice: Understanding Your Own Influence 307 Application: Planning a Change 307

CONCLUSION Integration and the Road to Mastery 312

Assessment: Reexamining Your Personal Competencies 313 Learning: Integration and the Road to Mastery 315 Analysis: Looking for Behavioral Complexity and Lift 327 Practice: Generating Lift to Support a Planned Change 328 Application: Your Strategy for Mastery 328


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