Bronfenbrenner’s Bioecological Approach to Development (You at Age 10) DIRECTIONS: Use this document as a template. Download this document to your desktop and save it to your desktop. Fill in the information directly on this page. When finished, save it and upload it to submit it. (25 points)
psychology notes- bronfenbrenner ecological theory
1. Read the section in your text about the Bioecological Approach to Development proposed by Urie Bronfenbrenner.
2 Think of yourself at the age of 10 Using the model from Bronfenbrenner’s systems, fill in the information below.
3 Write a minimum one-page Conclusion based on the question at the end of this assignment.
Microsystem-Describe the following:
My Family
My School and Teacher
My Peer Group
Media (favorite TV shows, books, movies)
My surrounding community
Mesosystem- Describe the following:
How my parents interacted with my peers
How my parents interacted with my school (Did your parents help with schoolwork? Were they a school volunteer?)
How did your community support your school or activities (eg, sports, Boy or Girl Scouts, YMCA)?
Exosystem – Describe the following:
My parents’ jobs
Vacations we took
Divorce or other separation issues in my family
Macrosystem- Describe the following:
My ethnic heritage
My religious affiliations
Where I lived -- urban (city) or rural (country) setting
My social class (poor, working class, middle class, wealthy)
What was going on in the world at the time (eg, Vietnam war, who was president, etc)
Conclusion: (This answer must be one full page for full credit.) Review all of your answers carefully. What have you learned about Bronfenbrenner’s Bioecological Approach to Development that might help you understand your own development and/or you future work with children?