How Can We Characterize Contemporary Hegemony?
Joseph Stiglitz, “Rent Seeking and the Making of an Unequal Society”
(New Humanities Reader)
Franklin Foer, “Mark Zuckerberg’s War on Free Will” (linked on Sakai as
an excerpt from World Without Mind)
Karen Ho, “Biographies of Hegemony” (New Humanities Reader)
In all three essays listed above, we see examples of small “elite” groups that
wield both financial power and significant, sometimes unacknowledged
influence over others. Taking into account the power granted to these
groups by technological factors, regulatory capture, financial dominance, or
even just the widespread perception of elite status, please provide an
answer to the following question in an essay that makes use of evidence
from all three texts:
How can we characterize contemporary
Prof. Michael Liska| Expos 355:101
Readings: Joseph Stiglitz, “Rent Seeking and the Making of an Unequal Society” (New Humanities Reader)
Franklin Foer, “Mark Zuckerberg’s War on Free Will” (linked on Sakai as an excerpt from World Without Mind)
Karen Ho, “Biographies of Hegemony” (New Humanities Reader)
In all three essays listed above, we see examples of small “elite” groups that wield both financial power and significant, sometimes unacknowledged influence over others. Taking into account the power granted to these groups by technological factors, regulatory capture, financial dominance, or even just the widespread perception of elite status, please provide an answer to the following question in an essay that makes use of evidence from all three texts: How can we characterize contemporary hegemony?
Questions to get you started:
(Please note: these questions are here to provide you with some relevant starting points for your thinking and prewriting. You do not need to address all (or any) of these questions specifically in your essay)
· What connections do you see between rent-seeking behaviors and the establishment of hegemony?
· How can appearance, identity, or institutional validation serve to create or reinforce existing power structures?
· What is the relationship between the individuals and institutions empowered by established hegemony?
Rough Draft Due: As a hard copy in class on Monday, December 2nd. Please also upload (as a Microsoft Word attachment) to Paper 5 (Rough Draft) on our Canvas site before class.
Second Rough Draft Due: As a hard copy in class on Wednesday, December 4th. P
Final Draft Due: Please upload (as an attachment) to Paper 5 (Final Draft) on our Canvas site ( before class on Monday, December 9th.
Late rough drafts will result in a half-letter grade deduction from the final draft of Paper 1. Late final drafts will result in a full-letter grade deduction from the final draft of Paper 1.
Required formatting: stapled, double-spaced, 1-inch margins, 12-pt. font (Times New Roman), MLA format (Your headers, page numbers, and quotations should be formatted properly. See Keys for Writers.)