Q.No.1. In 2019, Word health
organization announced grade II emergency in Larkana, Sindh, Pakistan. This was
because 798 people including more than 650 children tested positive
for HIV out of the 27,000 people who volunteered for screening. What is the mode of HIV
infection? What were the causes of the infection outbreak? What was the
response of the authorities? (3)
Q.No.2a. A researcher in ARID University is working with a
retroviral vector purchased from Invitrogen to transfect human cell lines. What
are the necessary steps that should be taken before conducting this experiment?
Q.No.2b: What are the possible reasons
for following laboratory incidences? (0.25 x 3= 0.75)
i) A University
of Chicago researcher developed vaccinia infection in her left eye. What will
be the cause of this infection?
ii) A
researcher developed infection Sabia Virus. What will be the cause of this
iii) A
post-doc was viewing a gel on a UV-transilluminator and suffered serious burns
to face and eyes. What should have been done to avoid it?
2c: A healthcare worker accidently
pricked himself with a syringe which was used to withdraw blood from a
Hepatitis B positive patient. What should be the response after such exposure
and how can the administration ensure the safety in such scenarios? (0.75)
many safety hazards do you see in this picture? Mention them all (3)
Q.No.4a. The materials listed below are
going to be disposed. Next to each item, indicate the proper trash container
for disposal. (1)
i) Unused petrie
ii) Agarose
iii) Gloves used for biological
iv) Pipette tips used for extraction of DNA
from HIV positive blood sample_____________ _
Q. No. 4b. A new genetically modified variety
of wheat comes in market which contains a gene derived from pig to give more
protein content to the wheat.
i) What are the ethical aspects associated with
consumption of such wheat in muslim world?
ii) Give an unbiased answer whether or not you will
consume such wheat? Justify your statement irrespective of answer being Yes, No
or neutral. (1.5)