Quick 10 questions that needs to be answered based on a reading that is attached in the worksheet.Prof. Bordogna English Composition Two “Birdsong” by Chimamanda Adichie: Worksheet Link: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2010/09/20/birdsong-2 1. What is the location where most of the story occurs? 2. Is there anything symbolic about that location? 3. Does the concept of “the glass ceiling” apply to the young narrator? 4. How do the concepts of Power, Class, and Status apply to the story? 5. What does the wealthy business say to our young narrator early on in the story that implies his intentions? 6. What traditional work are the narrator and her co-worker expected to do in the corporation? 7. What is the symbolism of the magpie, the loud, chirping bird? 8. Why is the story called, “Birdsong”? 9. Who in the story does not show respect for the young narrator? 10. Why is the young narrator angry at the woman in the jeep? ...