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MSL 601

Online Studies Syllabus

© Belhaven University | Updated June 2017


Course Description This course is a review of the basic concepts and skills necessary for success in graduate study.

Concepts of teamwork and team learning are covered along with an overview of requirements for

graduate programs. Students are introduced to leadership principles and applications in the

context of a Christian world view. Topics include library use, research, critical thinking skills,

writing expectations, analysis of case studies in leadership, and worldview.

Student Competencies  Develop an understanding of Christian worldview as foundational to the appropriate Fri

 Develop competency in integrating Christian values in graduate studies assignments.

 Develop an understanding of the practices necessary for success in a graduate studies program.

 Examine leadership theory and apply it in team environments.

 Apply critical thinking skills and demonstrate proficiency in analysis of issues.

 Develop a personal vision and mission using a long term perspective.

 Become familiar with designing and conducting research using case method.


Assessment Criteria

Assignments Points Possible

Writing Assignments (7 @ varying pts. each) 210

Discussion Questions (16 @ 20 pts. each) 320

Quizzes (8 @ 40 pts. each) 320

Leadership Development Paper 150

Total 1000

Grading Scale:

930+ A 93-100%

900-929 A- 90-92%

870-899 B+ 87-89%

830-869 B 83-86%

800-829 B- 80-82%

770-799 C+ 77-79%

730-769 C 73-76%

700-729 C- 70-72%

670-699 D+ 67-69%

630-669 D 63-66%

600-629 D- 60-62%

0-599 F 0-59%

Resource Inventory

Baldwin, T., Rubin, R., & Bommer, B. (2013). Managing organizational behavior: What great

managers know and do (2nd ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill-Irwin.

ISBN: 9780073530406

Parrott, R. (2009). The longview: Lasting strategies for rising leaders. Colorado Springs, CO:

David C. Cook.

ISBN: 9781434767493

Rath, T. (2007). StrengthsFinder 2.0. New York: Gallup Press.

ISBN: 978015956620156

The Holy Bible

Research Articles: Locate articles by accessing the Belhaven Library Online



Expectations of Online Studies Students


For the attendance policy please see the Student Online Handbook in Blazenet.

Due Dates A unit is considered to be Sunday (Day 1) – Saturday (Day 7). However, you are encouraged to

“Observe the Sabbath day and keep it holy.” Good time management is essential to career and

academic success. Early submissions of assignments and discussion responses are encouraged.

Assignments submitted late will be subject to a 30% reduction for each day they are late up to

two days and will not be accepted late after two days. For Online Studies courses, due dates are

posted to the assignments.


Communicate questions directly to the professor, except in cases where you need to contact

technical support. Your Belhaven University email address will be utilized for the class, so

check it frequently.

Required Formatting

The required formatting for your papers, assignments, projects, discussions, or anything else that

may be research based is the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association

(APA). Review the APA Quick Reference Style and Formatting Guide which includes Belhaven

University exceptions (https://blazenet.belhaven.edu/academic_help/Documents/The%20-



Belhaven University subscribes to a third-party plagiarism detection service. Any assignment the

instructor chooses to have checked for plagiarism will automatically be submitted to Turnitin

once you have completed it.

Plagiarism involves the presentation of some other person’s work or idea as if it were the work

of the presenter either intentionally or unintentionally. Plagiarism includes submitting a paper or

parts of a paper written by someone other than the student. Plagiarism also includes quoting from

source materials without using quotation marks or block indentations to show that the material

was quoted as required in acceptable documentation. Self-plagiarism is also a violation and is

defined as using one’s own prior work to gain credit for current works of the learner without

properly citing the original source, such as a previous paper or homework activity. For more

information regarding plagiarism, access http://www.plagiarism.org.

The Bible teaches that God honors honesty and fair dealing. God will bless the person who

“walks blamelessly and does what is right and speaks truth” from the heart (Psalm 15:2; see also

Proverbs 20:7). Only responsible, honest research fulfills this high ethical standard. Good

research and writing is hard work. The Bible also teaches that God blesses diligent, righteous

labor (Proverbs 12:24, 27). The Bible stresses that work should be performed in such a manner

as will please God (Colossians 3:22-24).


Responsible Research

Responsible research is a critical component of education, and any individual conducting

research must learn how to investigate, read, understand, systematize, interpret, and finally

explain complex ideas and issues in writing. An individual conducting research must also

understand that ideas found in literature, media presentations, interviews or any other form of

media do not belong to the researcher and therefore must be given credit through proper

documentation. It is required that every person conducting research provides proper credit

through correct use of documentation not only to prevent plagiarism, but also to demonstrate

respect to the originator of the idea. To ensure that all papers possess originality, faculty

members will use Turnitin. Any paper exceeding 20% of non-original material or noticeable

undocumented information will be subject to a discount in points at the discretion of the faculty.


Unit writing and papers will be evaluated for originality using Turnitin. Belhaven University

encourages a high degree of originality in writing. Quoted material should seldom be used and

must be limited to phrases that cannot be paraphrased or summarized without losing their

effectiveness. Students are required to cite and reference all sources of information and images

using APA style. Review the APA Quick Reference Style and Formatting Guide that includes

Belhaven University exceptions. (http://www.belhaven.edu/pdfs/student_services/APA-Quick-

Guide.pdf). Non-originality exceeding 20% on papers will be subject to discount at the

professor’s discretion and students may be referred to a writing lab for assistance with


Specific Practices to Avoid

 Do not attempt to get a research paper from the Internet (or anywhere else) and submit as your paper. This is dishonest and unethical.

 Do not copy from any book, article, or encyclopedia and submit this for your paper. This is not acceptable research.

 Include references (including source and page numbers) which document every source upon which you have in any way relied for each paragraph of your paper. If sources are

not properly referenced, the student has cheated the sources out of deserved credit and

cheated readers out of valuable information.

 Do not use material from any other student’s paper or work unless you give that student full credit in reference notes.


Summary of Assignments

Writing Assignments

Writing assignments must be APA compliant and include a title page, appropriate citations, and

references. The professor will post Unit Assignments on the first day of each unit (Sunday).

Assignments are due no later than 11:59 p.m. (CT) on Saturday (Day 7). Earlier submissions are


Discussion Questions

The professor will post discussion questions on the first day of each weekly unit (Sunday). You

should respond to the initial discussion questions no later than 11:59 p.m. (CT) each subsequent

Wednesday. Responses to classmate’s discussion questions are due Saturday at 11:59 p.m. for

each unit. Early postings are encouraged.

Initial discussion question responses must be 250-300 words each. A response to a classmate

must be at least 100 words. Fewer than this will automatically result in a significant reduction in

one’s grade. One initial response and one response to a classmate's posting are required for each


You must mention the person’s name to whose comments you are responding and quote what

aspect of his or her post you are addressing. Without either, it is not possible to see the direction

of your comments and the comments will not receive any points.

Unit Quizzes

Students will complete unit quizzes on all reading assignments and lectures. Quizzes are

available once all unit lectures have been viewed. Unit quizzes must be completed by Saturday at

11:59 p.m. (CT). Only after 11:59 p.m. (CT) on Saturday will correct answers for quizzes be


The Leadership Development Paper The Leadership Development Paper covers the topics discussed and presented in the course. This

assignment is due in Unit 8. The purpose of this paper is to articulate your development as a

leader from a Christian worldview. Your paper must be 2,500-2,750 words and be APA-

compliant. Include a title page, references page, and a minimum of five scholarly sources.

Include the following content in your paper as you integrate the material covered in all lectures:

 Characteristics of communication

 Assessment of current leadership condition or status

 Description of future leadership development goals and state

 Explain how each weekly topic will help you meet your leadership development goals – The use of headings for each weekly topic is recommended. For example, the heading for

this expectation might be Course Support with sub-headings of Communication, Time

Management, Critical Thinking, etc.

 Paradigm/theological support for biblical leadership in contrast to secular perspective of leadership (500-750 words)




 Belhaven’s vision and mission

 Understanding a Christian Worldview

 Graduate versus Undergraduate Studies

Unit Activities

 Review the course Syllabus.

 Access the Online Library and become familiar with navigating to and searching in the E- Resource Databases.

 Read assigned materials.

 View lectures.

 Complete unit quiz.

 Respond to discussion questions.

 Submit writing assignment(s).

Discussion Questions: Post your initial responses to the discussion forum by Wednesday 11:59

p.m. and respond to the discussion of others by Saturday 11:59 p.m.

 Discussion Question 1 (20 points) o Related Reading:

 The Challenge and Chapter 1 (Parrott text)  Chapter 1 (Baldwin et al. text)  John 6:27, Genesis 1:27, Acts 17:16-34

o Prompt: Describe your expectations for this graduate program and how you anticipate the completion of this degree will support your personal, ministry, and

workplace goals.

o Requirements: 250-300 words for the initial post, 100 words for the reply

 Discussion Question 2 (20 points) o Related Reading:

 The Challenge and Chapter 1 (Parrott text)  Chapter 1 (Baldwin et al. text)  John 6:27, Genesis 1:27, Acts 17:16-34  Explore the Belhaven Academic Help page and respond to the following

questions at:


o Prompt: What did you learn as you reviewed the website and the various links? What would you still like to learn? Identify a useful resource and share how you

can use it during your educational journey.

o Requirements: 250-300 words for the initial post, 100 words for the reply

Writing Assignment: Submit by Saturday 11:59 p.m.


 Assignment (10 points) o Related Reading:

 The Challenge and Chapter 1 (Parrott text)  Chapter 1 (Baldwin et al. text)  John 6:27, Genesis 1:27, Acts 17:16-34.  Review the Official Belhaven Quick Guide found under APA Guidelines

and Tutorials Academic Help site


 Review the APA Template under APA Guides and Tutorials on the Academic Help site


 Watch the video How to Format Your Paper in APA Style under APA Videos on the Academic Help site


o Prompt: Create a title page that follows APA guidelines o Requirements: APA format

Reminder: Review Requirements for Leadership Development Paper that is due in Unit Eight.

For information about this assignment, please check the Summary of Assignments section.




 Communication

 Professional vs. Academic Writing

 Plagiarism

 APA Requirements

Unit Activities

 Read assigned materials.

 View lectures.

 Complete unit quiz.

 Respond to discussion questions.

 Submit writing assignment(s).

Discussion Questions: Post your initial responses to the discussion forum by Wednesday 11:59

p.m. and respond to the discussion of others by Saturday 11:59 p.m.

 Discussion Question 1 (20 points) o Related Reading:

 Chapters 2 and 3 (Parrott text)  Chapters 5 and 6 (Baldwin et al. text)  Proverbs 21, Acts 17:16-34, John 16:12.

o Prompt: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages in virtual businesses communications. Include your personal experiences if possible.

o Requirements: 250-300 words for the initial post; 100 words for the reply

 Discussion Question 2 (20 points) o Related Reading:

 Chapters 2 and 3 (Parrott text)  Chapters 5 and 6 (Baldwin et al. text)  Proverbs 21, Acts 17:16-34, John 16:12.  Watch the provided videos on plagiarism and read Belhaven University’s

Standards on Plagiarism.



 Belhaven OS. (2016). Plagiarism video. Available from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKN9si4lRck&feature=youtu.be

 TED-Ed. (2013). The punishable perils of plagiarism. Melissa Huseman D’Annunzio. Available from


o Prompt: Explain why you think plagiarism is wrong, and how The Holy Bible gives us reasons why we should not plagiarize. Describe instances you have

heard about plagiarism in the news media and why that was wrong.

o Requirements: 250-300 words for the initial post, 100 words for the reply


Writing Assignment: Submit by Saturday 11:59 p.m.

 Assignment (30 points) o Related Reading:

 Chapters 2 and 3 (Parrott text)  Chapters 5 and 6 (Baldwin et al. text)  Proverbs 21, Acts 17:16-34, John 16:12.  Watch the provided video on Understanding Scholarly Sources NCSU

Libraries. Teach yourself: Understanding scholarly sources. Available

from http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/tutorials/teach-yourself/scholarly-sources/

o Prompt: Describe your vision and goals for successful completion of the course. What is your vision and mission for long term success? What will you do over

the next eight weeks to achieve your vision and mission? Integrate your

understanding of the lectures and readings from The Longview. Be sure to

reference the Belhaven Quick Guide and the Academic Help site as needed. Setup

a Grammarly account through the Academic Help site. Submit your paper to

Grammarly and make corrections before uploading it to the course.

o Requirements: 500 words minimum, two scholarly sources, APA format




 God is first: Sabbath, prayer, and meditation

 Principles for managing time

 Prioritizing

 Focus

 Family and personal considerations

 Supportive tools

 Time management strategies

Unit Activities

 Read assigned materials.

 View lectures.

 Complete unit quiz.

 Respond to discussion questions.

 Submit writing assignment(s).

Discussion Questions: Post your initial responses to the discussion forum by Wednesday 11:59

p.m. and respond to the discussion of others by Saturday 11:59 p.m.

 Discussion Question 1 (20 points) o Related Reading:

 Chapters 4 and 5 (Parrott text)  Chapter 2 (Baldwin et al. text)  Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, Colossians 1:15-18, Matthew 11-28-30, Exodus 18:14-


o Prompt: Using Pareto’s 80/20 principle, describe how you might manage your time to support your educational goals.

o Requirements: 250-300 words for the initial post, 100 words for the reply

 Discussion Question 2 (20 points) o Related Reading:

 Chapters 4 and 5 (Parrott text)  Chapter 2 (Baldwin et al. text)  Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, Colossians 1:15-18, Matthew 11:28-30, Exodus 18:14-


o Prompt: The text describes several approaches to dealing with stress and ways to support psychological hardiness. Discuss why, how, and to what extent any of the

provided categories have been personally relevant to you. Include the value of

Scripture and specific biblical principles for support.

o Requirements: 250-300 words for the initial post, 100 words for the reply

Writing Assignment: Submit by Saturday 11:59 p.m.


 Assignment (40 points) o Related Reading:

 Chapters 4 and 5 (Parrott text)  Chapter 2 (Baldwin et al. text)  Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, Colossians 1:15-18, Matthew 11:28-30, Exodus 18:14-


o Prompt: Following analysis of the reading assignments and self-reflection, describe the role of communication in effective leadership. Discuss your own

administration style and how it may influence your successful completion of your

program of study. Use headings to support the organization of your content.

o Requirements: 750 words minimum, two scholarly sources, APA format




 Introduction to research

 Research approaches

 Research design and plan

 Data Collection

 Primary versus secondary sources

 Analysis of findings

 Limitations

 Case study example

Unit Activities

 Read assigned materials.

 View lectures.

 Complete unit quiz.

 Respond to discussion questions.

 Submit writing assignment(s).

Discussion Questions: Post your initial responses to the discussion forum by Wednesday 11:59

p.m. and respond to the discussion of others by Saturday 11:59 p.m.

 Discussion Question 1 (20 points) o Related Reading:

 Chapters 6 and 7 (Parrott text)  Chapter 4 (Baldwin et al. text)  Jeremiah 6:27, Acts 17:11, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, Nehemiah 7:64, 2 Kings


o Prompt: Discuss three benefits of using case study methodology over other research methods to support problem solving in the workplace or ministry.

o Requirements: 250-300 words for the initial post, 100 words for the reply

 Discussion Question 2 (20 points) o Related Reading:

 Chapters 6 and 7 (Parrott text)  Chapter 4 (Baldwin et al. text)  Jeremiah 6:27, Acts 17:11, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, Nehemiah 7:64, 2 Kings


o Prompt: Research is an important practice in the investigation of truth. Why is it important for Christians to be engaged in the work of thorough research? Is this

pleasing to God?

o Requirements: 250-300 words for the initial post, 100 words for the reply


Writing Assignment: Submit by Saturday 11:59 p.m.

 Assignment (40 points) o Related Reading:

 Chapters 6 and 7 (Parrott text)  Chapter 4 (Baldwin et al. text)  Jeremiah 6:27, Acts 17:11, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, Nehemiah 7:64, 2 Kings


o Prompt: Develop and describe a personal time management plan that will support your educational goals as well as maintain your workplace and family

responsibilities. Include the following:

 Plan for balancing the important relationships and activities of your life with your master’s degree and how will you seek renewal.

 Specific goals  Techniques and approaches  Challenges  Personality preferences  Stress level  Assessments

o Requirements: 750 words minimum, two scholarly sources, APA format




 Defining critical thinking

 Importance of critical thinking

 Perspectives

 Assumptions and biases

 Sound reasoning

 Deductive versus inductive reasoning

 Logical fallacies

Unit Activities

 Read assigned materials.

 View lectures.

 Complete unit quiz.

 Respond to discussion questions.

 Submit writing assignment(s).

Discussion Questions: Post your initial responses to the discussion forum by Wednesday 11:59

p.m. and respond to the discussion of others by Saturday 11:59 p.m.

 Discussion Question 1 (20 points) o Related Reading:

 Chapters 8 and 9 (Parrott text)  Chapter 3 (Baldwin et al. text)  Proverbs 14:15, 1 Thessalonians 5:21, 1 John 4:1, Acts 18:28, Isaiah 1:18,

Psalm 119:160, John 14:6.

o Prompt: Elaborate on two or more logical fallacies that are specifically a challenge to you. Discuss their negative impact with examples. Include steps you

could take to overcome them.

o Requirements: 250-300 words for the initial post, 100 words for the reply

 Discussion Question 2 (20 points) o Related Reading:

 Chapters 8 and 9 (Parrott text)  Chapter 3 (Baldwin et al. text)  Proverbs 14:15, 1 Thessalonians 5:21, 1 John 4:1, Acts 18:28, Isaiah 1:18,

Psalm 119:160, John 14:6.

o Prompt: Give several examples of logical fallacies that you find in commercials on television and why they are fallacies.

o Requirements: 250-300 words for the initial post, 100 words for the reply

Writing Assignment: Submit by Saturday 11:59 p.m.


 Assignment (10 points) o Related Reading:

 Chapters 8 and 9 (Parrott text)  Chapter 3 (Baldwin et al. text)  Proverbs 14:15, 1 Thessalonians 5:21, 1 John 4:1, Acts 18:28, Isaiah 1:18,

Psalm 119:160, John 14:6.

 Watch the Research Video Tutorials on the Belhaven Library Website: https://blazenet.belhaven.edu/library/Pages/default.aspx

o Prompt: Complete a reference list (bibliography) consisting of a minimum of 10 scholarly sources on the topic of leadership that will be used as references in your

final paper. List the sources alphabetically by author. Only one internet source can

be used and the remaining sources should consist of either journal articles or

scholarly books.

o Requirements: Ten scholarly sources, APA format




 Biblical principles for effective leadership

 Leadership models

 Leadership styles

 Leadership versus management

Unit Activities

 Read assigned materials.

 View lectures.

 Complete unit quiz.

 Respond to discussion questions.

 Submit writing assignment(s).

Discussion Questions: Post your initial responses to the discussion forum by Wednesday 11:59

p.m. and respond to the discussion of others by Saturday 11:59 p.m.

 Discussion Question 1 (20 points) o Related Reading:

 Chapters 10 and 11 (Parrott text)  Chapter 9 (Baldwin et al. text)  Parts 1 and 2 (Rath text)  Mark 10: 42-45, Matthew 20:25-28, Luke 10: 38-42, Philippians 2: 3-4, 1

Peter 5: 1-5.

o Prompt: Choose a popular leadership model and a biblical leader and then describe how the model is demonstrated in the biblical leader’s style and


o Requirements: 250-300 words for the initial post, 100 words for the reply

 Discussion Question 2 (20 points) o Related Reading:

 Chapters 10 and 11 (Parrott text)  Chapter 9 (Baldwin et al. text)  Parts 1 and 2 (Rath text)  Mark 10: 42-45, Matthew 20:25-28, Luke 10: 38-42, Philippians 2: 3-4, 1

Peter 5: 1-5.

o Prompt: From your reading, what constitutes a good leader? In what ways have you experienced a good leader?

o Requirements: 250-300 words for the initial post, 100 words for the reply

Writing Assignments: Submit by Saturday 11:59 p.m.

 Assignment (40 points) o Related Reading:


 Chapters 10 and 11 (Parrott text)  Chapter 9 (Baldwin et al. text)  Parts 1 and 2 (Rath text)  Mark 10: 42-45, Matthew 20:25-28, Luke 10: 38-42, Philippians 2: 3-4, 1

Peter 5: 1-5.

o Prompt: Reflect on problem solving in the work place. Based on your reading, what are the key ways that people exercise poor judgement and make false

inferences in the workplace? Reflect on your personal experience with judgement

errors. What can you do to minimize poor judgment in the workplace?

o Requirements: 750 words minimum, two scholarly sources, APA format




 Introduction to teams

 Teams versus Groups

 Effective teams

 Team development

 Team member skills and behavior

 Leading teams

Unit Activities

 Read assigned materials.

 View lectures.

 Complete unit quiz.

 Respond to discussion questions.

 Submit writing assignment(s).

Discussion Questions: Post your initial responses to the discussion forum by Wednesday 11:59

p.m. and respond to the discussion of others by Saturday 11:59 p.m.

 Discussion Question 1 (20 points) o Related Reading:

 Chapter 12 (Parrott text)  Chapters 10, 11, and 12 (Baldwin et al. text)  Acts 15:1-29, 1 Corinthians 12:4-27, Rom. 12:4-8.

o Prompt: What do you perceive to be the greatest personal challenge regarding working in teams? What steps can be taken to ensure success?

o Requirements: 250-300 words for the initial post, 100 words for the reply

 Discussion Question 2 (20 points) o Related Reading:

 Chapter 12 (Parrott text)  Chapters 10, 11, and 12 (Baldwin et al. text)  Acts 15:1-29, 1 Corinthians 12:4-27, Rom. 12:4-8.

o Prompt: Teams are everywhere in society. Discuss specific successful teams that you have seen or experienced.

o Requirements: 250-300 words for the initial post, 100 words for the reply

Writing Assignment: Submit by Saturday 11:59 p.m.

 Assignment (40 points) o Related Reading:

 Chapter 12 (Parrott text)  Chapters 10, 11, and 12 (Baldwin et al. text)  Acts 15:1-29, 1 Corinthians 12:4-27, Rom. 12:4-8.


o Prompt: After completing the lecture and reading assignments, describe an effective leadership approach from a biblical perspective. Include the following:

 Describe core attributes.  Support with Scripture.  Describe style and approach.  Distinguish from popular models in purpose and perception.  Include an assessment of your leadership strengths and how you can use

this information to increase your success as a leader. Use the

StrengthsFinder 2.0 source—use the code to access the website and

further explore your strengths.

o Requirements: 750 words minimum, two scholarly sources, APA format




 Defining the portfolio’s purpose and use

 Developing the format

 Creating a personal plan

Unit Activities

 Read assigned materials.

 View lectures.

 Complete unit quiz.

 Respond to discussion questions.

 Submit final paper.

Discussion Questions: Post your initial responses to the discussion forum by Wednesday 11:59

p.m. and respond to the discussion of others by Saturday 11:59 p.m.

 Discussion Question 1 (20 points) o Related Reading:

 Chapter 13 (Parrott text)  Chapter 13 (Baldwin et al. text)  Proverbs 16:1-9, 1 Corinthians 11:19-33. Galatians 1:13-24.

o Prompt: Discuss the benefits of developing a portfolio throughout this program. o Requirements: 250-300 words for the initial post, 100 words for the reply

 Discussion Question 2 (20 points) o Related Reading:

 Chapter 13 (Parrott text)  Chapter 13 (Baldwin et al. text)  Proverbs 16:1-9, 1 Corinthians 11:19-33, Galatians 1:13-24.

o Prompt: Elaborate on specific areas that you anticipate to be a challenge in developing a portfolio and what steps you can take to overcome those challenges.

o Requirements: 250-300 words for the initial post, 100 words for the reply

Leadership Development Paper: Submit by Saturday 11:59 p.m.

 Assignment (150 points) o Prompt: The purpose of this paper is to articulate your development as a leader

from a Christian worldview. Your paper must be 2,500-2,750 words and be APA-

compliant. Include a title page, references page, and a minimum of five scholarly

sources. Include the following content in your paper as you integrate the material

covered in all lectures:

 Characteristics of communication  Assessment of current leadership condition or status  Description of future leadership development goals and state


 Explain how each weekly topic will help you meet your leadership development goals – The use of headings for each weekly topic is

recommended. For example, the heading for this expectation might be

Course Support with sub-headings of Communication, Time Management,

Critical Thinking, etc.

 Paradigm/theological support for biblical leadership in contrast to secular perspective of leadership (500-750 words)

o Requirements: 2,500-2,750 words, five scholarly sources, APA format



Discussion Forum Rubric

(15 points for each post; 5 points for each response)

NOTE: All initial posts are due by Wednesday, 11:59 p.m. each week. All responses to

classmates are due by Saturday, 11:59 p.m. each week.

INITIAL POST (15 points)


Descriptor Fully Met Partially Met Unmet

Response Post: Clear

consideration of

classmate’s ideas

Response makes clear that the author

carefully read the initial post by including

specific quotes or ideas the initial post


2 points 1 point 0 points

Response Post:

Connects to, extends,

applies, or questions

classmate’s ideas in

productive ways

Response does more than just

acknowledge the contribution of the

initial post; it substantively extends,

connects to, or questions classmate’s

ideas in productive ways.

2 points 1 point 0 points

Response Post:

Appropriate length

and style

Post exceeds 100 words in length and is

written in a style that is both friendly and

academically appropriate. 1 point 0 points

Descriptor Fully Met Partially Met Unmet

Addresses question


Post reveals a clear understanding of the

forum question and answers each piece


3 points 1.5 points 0 points

Integrates specifics

from readings and/or


Post interweaves specific evidence from

readings and personal experiences to

support argument.

3 points 1.5 points 0 points

Reveals accurate

understanding of key


Post’s ideas are consistent with the

readings and lectures and accurately

represent concepts and ideas.

3 points 1.5 points 0 points

Appropriate length

and style

Post is at least 250-300 words in length

and written in appropriate academic


3 points 1.5 points 0 points

Logical Organization/


Post is organized logically, uses

flawless APA citation for both

parenthetical citations and references at

the end, and contains no grammatical,

syntactical, spelling, punctuation, etc.


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Resources Paper uses at least two academic resources (textbook, academic journal article, published expert reports, etc.) 10 Points 7 points 4 points 0 points

Formatting Paper meets minimum word requirement, uses flawless APA style, and contains no grammatical, syntatical, spelling, punctuation, etc., errors.

10 Points 7 points 4 points 0 points

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