5-8 page, double-spaced report on the BMC and your career plans. Information on the following topics should be provided:
a.Select three topics from the BMC that you found most interesting. Explain how each topic relates to your finance courses. Indicate which classes were the most relevant for the topics you describe and discuss how each topic is relevant for either financial markets, the United States, the world, or for you personally. Reflect on why the topic is important when answering this question.
b. Describe your career goals and discuss your personal strengths and weaknesses with respect to your goals.
c. Discuss where you expect to be (career-wise) in five years and the steps you intend to take to accomplish this.OVERALL STATS Group Name University of Financial Success Report Date 22-Dec-15 Number of Takers 33 Group Average 75% Group Median 78% Highest Score 95% Lowest Score 35% Best Performing Question Equities 24 Worst Performing Question Currencies 27 STATS BY MODULE Group Name Economic Indicators Currencies Fixed Income Equities Group Average 72% 75% 73% 76% Group Median 68% 78% 76% 81% Best Performing Question 3 1 24 24 Worst Performing Question 5 27 18 12 bloomberginstitute.com © 2015 Bloomberg Finance L.P. 1 SCORES BY STUDENT Name Score Student 1 57 Score in Economic Indicators 42 Score in Currencies Score in Fixed Income Score in Equities 52 67 58 Course Completion Date 26-Oct-15 Student 2 85 79 78 85 Student 3 77 93 27-Oct-15 95 93 82 56 Student 4 26-Oct-15 80 89 78 61 93 24-Oct-15 Student 5 90 89 85 91 93 24-Oct-15 Student 6 76 58 74 67 93 28-Oct-15 Student 7 81 74 33 100 100 21-Oct-15 Student 8 40 68 33 39 33 22-Oct-15 Student 9 75 95 78 64 72 21-Oct-15 Student 10 45 47 48 45 42 23-Oct-15 Student 11 69 58 85 61 70 23-Oct-15 Student 12 57 53 56 64 53 23-Oct-15 Student 13 85 68 85 85 93 27-Oct-15 Student 14 87 100 81 100 74 28-Oct-15 Student 15 75 63 70 82 79 21-Oct-15 Student 16 95 95 89 97 98 24-Oct-15 Student 17 44 47 56 55 26 23-Oct-15 Student 18 67 58 59 73 70 21-Oct-15 Student 19 35 26 33 24 49 27-Oct-15 Student 20 78 58 89 100 63 21-Oct-15 Student 21 92 89 100 76 100 28-Oct-15 Student 22 85 95 93 91 72 27-Oct-15 Student 23 78 68 81 76 81 27-Oct-15 Student 24 75 68 100 27 98 22-Oct-15 Student 25 95 100 96 94 93 22-Oct-15 Student 26 91 89 85 97 91 24-Oct-15 Student 27 81 89 96 79 70 23-Oct-15 Student 28 76 53 100 55 88 27-Oct-15 Student 29 83 68 74 91 88 27-Oct-15 Student 30 87 95 89 82 86 25-Oct-15 Student 31 57 37 59 70 56 26-Oct-15 Student 32 68 95 74 28 84 28-Oct-15 Student 33 75 63 63 85 81 26-Oct-15 bloomberginstitute.com © 2015 Bloomberg Finance L.P. 2 Economic Indicators THE PRIMACY OF GDP 1. How accurately do GDP statistics portray the economy and why? A. B. C. D. Accurately because they are official numbers reported by the government Inaccurately because the scope of GDP measurements can change [correct] Accurately because they are quantitative not qualitative Inaccurately because it is too complex to estimate Explanation: Governments from time to time change the scope of GDP measurement, as we saw with Nigeria and Italy. Just because they are official and numerical does not mean that they are accurate! While undoubtedly complex, GDP is estimatable. bloomberginstitute.com © 2015 Bloomberg Finance L.P. 3 Economic Indicators THE PRIMACY OF GDP 2. Consider the formula GDP = C + I + G + (X – M). A country is undergoing a boom in consumption of domestic and foreign luxury goods. In one year, the dollar growth in imports is greater than the dollar growth in domestic consumption. Assuming nothing else has changed, what happened to GDP? A. B. C. D. It went up. It went down. [correct] It stayed the same. There is not enough information to tell. Explanation: As imports act as a drag on GDP, the larger growth in imports offsets the growth in consumption, thereby causing GDP to decline. bloomberginstitute.com © 2015 Bloomberg Finance L.P. 4 Economic Indicators THE PRIMACY OF GDP 3. Here is the most important economic data for Australia and Sweden. Which economy did better year-over-year (YOY) in the fourth quarter of 2013 compared to the fourth quarter of 2012? Use the two charts to investigate. (Students can scroll through both charts.) bloomberginstitute.com © 2015 Bloomberg Finance L.P. 5 A. B. C. D. Australia Sweden [correct] They performed identically. There is not enough information to tell. Explanation: While Australia had higher nominal GDP growth, investors like to strip out the effects of inflation when gauging economic health.