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PowerPoint Assignment Tyler is creating a presentation describing basic rules and procedures to new rowers at South Bay College. He
prepared an outline of part of the presentation, and his assistant coach, Olivia, prepared slides describing
basic terminology. He asked you to help create the final presentation shown below.
1. Open the presentation Capstone_PowerPoint_DataFile, and then save the file as
2. After Slide 1, create slides from the outline in the Word file Outline.docx. Reset the six slides you
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3. After Slide 7 (“Average GPA”), insert Slides 1 through 3 from the Basics.pptx presentation, so they
become Slides 8 through 10 in the Capstone_PowerPoint_YourName presentation.
4. In Outline view, on Slide 6 (“Average 5K Erg Test Scores in Minutes”), change the “Student Athlete”
bulleted item into a new Slide 7 with its subitems as bulleted items on the new Slide 7. Then reorder
the presentation by moving Slide 4 (“2021-2022 Race Schedule”) so it becomes Slide 8, and moving
Slide 12 (“If You Can’t Make a Practice”) so it becomes Slide 4.
5. Create four sections in the presentation.
One section should include Slide 1 (the title slide) and be named Title
Another section should include Slide 2 (“Safety”) and be named Safety
Another section should include Slides 3 (“Typical Practice Schedule”) through 9 (“2021-2022
Race Schedule”) and be named Routine and Expectations
The final section should include Slides 10 (“Terminology”) through 12 (“Identifying the Rowers”)
and be named Basics.
6. Reorder the sections in the following order: Title, Basics, Safety, and Routine and Expectations.
7. On Slide 7 (“If You Can’t Make a Practice...”), use Insert > Online Pictures insert two images: a
smartphone icon and an envelope icon. You may choose the images. Resize both images so they are 2
inches wide, and then duplicate the smartphone image.
8. Position one of the smartphone images above the text “Call” so its center aligns with the center of the
“Call” text box. Position the other smartphone image above the “Text” text box so its center aligns with
the center of the slide. Use the “Send Backward” option as needed so you can read the text message.
Position the envelope image above the “Email” text box so its center aligns with the center of the
“Email” text box.
9. Select all three images, and then use the Align Middle command so that the middles of the three
images align with each other.
10. Open the Animation pane. Each green rectangle has the Collapse exit animation applied to it. The Left
rectangle will animate when the slide show advances (On Click), and the animations applied to the
other two rectangles will start after the previous action with a delay of one second. (Nothing to do in
this step…just review the animation settings.)
11. Apply the Teeter emphasis animation to the Call smartphone image. Use the Teeter Effect Options
dialog box to add the Chime sound to the animation. Change the order of this animation so it starts
after the Left rectangle exit animation. Change the start setting so it starts after the previous
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12. Apply the Appear entrance animation to the Coach text box object (the text box that contains the
message to the coach in the center of the smartphone icon on the middle green rectangle). (Hint: Use
the Selection pane to select the Coach text box object.) Modify the animation using the Appear Effect
Options dialog box to add the Typewriter sound to the animation.
13. Change the animation of the text so that the letters appear one character at a time with 0.1 second
delay between each letter.
14. Change the order of the Appear entrance animation applied to the Coach text box object so that the
animation starts after the Middle rectangle exit animation, and then change its start setting to After
15. Apply the Blink emphasis animation to the envelope object. (Hint: Use the More Emphasis Effects
command at the bottom of the Animations gallery.) Use the Timings tab in the Blink Effect Options
dialog box to make the animation repeat three times and change the duration to 0.5 seconds. Make
sure the Blink animation will occur after the Right rectangle exit animation, and then change the start
setting to After Previous.
16. Consider the layers on Slide 7. The green rectangles need to be on top of the icons so that Tyler can
click them during the slide show to display the icons. Use the Bring to Front option to move the three
green rectangles to the top so that they are on top of the icons and text boxes. Change the fill color of
the rectangles to Blue, Accent 1, Darker 50%.
17. View Slide 7 in Slide Show view. Advance the slide show once to start the animations. End the slide
show after the last animation.
18. Start Excel, open the GPA.xlsx file, and then copy cells A3 through F5. In the
Capstone_PowerPoint_YourName PowerPoint file, display Slide 11 (“Average GPA”), change the layout
to Title Only, and then embed the cells you copied. Resize the embedded object so it is 1.5 inches high
and 12.28 inches wide, and then position it so it is centered horizontally and vertically on the slide.
19. On Slide 11, double-click the embedded workbook and fill cells A3 through F5 in the embedded
workbook with the Gray, Accent 3, Lighter 80% color. Format cells A4 through A5 and cells B3 through
F3 with the Heading 4 cell style, and then change the font size of the text in these cells to 14 points.
20. Open the Excel file Erg.xlsx, and then save it as Erg_YourName. Copy the chart. Switch to the
Capstone_PowerPoint_YourName presentation, display Slide 9 (“Average 5K Erg Test Scores in
Minutes”), change the layout to Title Only, and then use the Paste Special command to Keep Source
Formatting and Link the copied chart to Slide 10. Use the Shape Height box in the Size group on the
Drawing Tools Format tab to resize the linked chart so it is five inches high. Position the chart so its
center aligns with the center of the slide and there is about one-quarter of an inch between the chart
and the blue title rectangle.
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21. Update the data in the Erg.xlsx worksheet by typing 7:45 in cell B7 (indicating that the Novice Women’s
average score in Week 8 is 7:45 minutes), and then pressing ENTER. Change the chart type of the chart
in the Excel workbook to Clustered Bar, and then switch the columns and the rows so that the team
names are the categories. Save the changes to the Erg_YourName workbook, and then close it. Close
the GPA workbook (do not save changes if asked) and exit Excel.
22. In Backstage View, in the Info area, click the Edit Links to Files option and break the link between the
Capstone_PowerPoint_YourName presentation and the Erg_YourName workbook.
23. On Slide 12 (“2021-2022 Race Schedule”), change the layout to Title Only. Copy the table in the Word
file Races.docx, to Slide 12 using the source formatting. Close the Races document and exit Word.
24. Resize the table so it is four inches high and 10.3 inches wide, and then change the font size of all the
text in the table to 18 points.
25. Insert a new first column. In the new first column, merge the second through sixth cells, and then
merge the seventh through eleventh cells. In the top merged cell, type Fall, and in the bottom merged
cell type Spring.
26. Change the font size of the text in the merged cells to 36 points, and then rotate the text in the merged
cells so it reads from the bottom of the cell up. Center the text in the merged cells both horizontally
and vertically.
27. Resize the first column so it is 0.75 inches wide, resize the second column so it is 5.5 inches wide, and
then resize the third column so that it is 3.8 inches wide. Position the table so its center aligns with the
center of the slide and so there is approximately one inch between the table and the blue title
28. Display Slide 5 (“Safety”) in Slide Show view, circle the “Report all injuries” bulleted item using the red
Pen, and then end the slide show, keeping the annotation.
29. Save the changes to the Capstone_PowerPoint_YourName presentation.
30. Create handouts in a Word document using the Outline only option. Save the Word document as
Capstone_PPT_Handouts_YourName. Close the file and exit Word.
31. Close the presentation.
32. Submit the following files to Blackboard: