Hi! I am looking for an A+ assignment for my Anthropology class. We are asked to write a book review of what we read and understood in the book. Here are bullet points of all information needed:
"What is the author's main argument?
What evidence does s/he present?
How is this information presented?
What are the strengths and weaknesses?
What is the outline and argument of your review essay?
Be sure that your introductory paragraph provides your reader (me) with a map of your essay. Introduce your main points, then follow-up on them with paragraphs addressing different issues.
Use quotes from the book as an example to strengthen your analysis, NOT to fill space. Explain key ideas in your own words. Be sure to use citations. APA or any citation system is fine as long as it is consistent. Be sure to review the paper guidelines and checklist in the Course Materials folder.
As stated in the syllabus:
The Review Essay should be 6-8 pages (1500 to 2000 words) double-spaced, one inch margins, 12 pt. font, submitted via email attachment in WORD DOC or RTF. (So be sure to meet those requirements. If your paper is 4 pages or 1000 words, you have not met the minimum requirement.)
Your essay is your story of what the book is about, what you learned and how it moved you."
Thank you!!