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hello this is the final project of the class you've been helping with all this while. This similar to all the once you've been helping me with, just that the final project consist of excel. words and powerpoint, really short once. I willl attached all instructions and files and let me know if you van handlemit before i ask the public
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CS 101 Computer Literacy Final Exam: Excel The Inventory file provided in Canvas is the starting point for this exercise. • Save this file to your folder by right-clicking on the link to the file (Excel file), and choosing Save Target As. • Open the Inventory spreadsheet and perform the following operations: 1. Calculations: a. Calculate the Cost/Yard for the Laceweight alpaca yarn (cell D5) by dividing the Base Cost (cell C5) by Yards/Skein (cell B5). Copy this formula for the other rows in the spreadsheet. b. Calculate the Profit for the Laceweight alpaca yarn (cell E5) by multiplying Base Cost (cell C5) by the Profit Margin (cell B11). Make the reference to cell B11 an absolute cell reference, then copy this formula for the other rows in the spreadsheet. c. Calculate the Selling Price for the Laceweight alpaca yarn (cell F5) by adding the Base Cost (cell C5) plus Profit (cell E5). Copy this formula for the other rows in the spreadsheet. d. Use the SUM function to calculate the Total Profit (cell B13) as the sum of the profit values in column E. e. Use the MAX function to find the Most Expensive yarn (cell B15) using the values in column F. f. Sort the data in the spreadsheet in alphabetical order by Yarn Name. 2. Formatting: a. Format the values in cells B13 and B15, and in columns C, D, E, and F as currency with 2 decimal positions. b. Format the Profit Margin (cell B11) as a percentage with 1 decimal position. c. Center the numeric data in all columns. d. Apply Bold to the spreadsheet title in row 1 and the column headings in row 4. d. Make sure all columns are wide enough to display all data. e. Insert a picture (or clip art) of yarn. A picture of yarn is supplied on BlackBoard. 3. Chart Creation: Create the chart shown below. You must: a. Chart the correct data. b. Add a chart title. c. Customize the legend (not Series1, Series2). d. Display the names of the yarns along the X-axis. Make the chart wide enough to display all labels. The chart is shown on the next page: CS 101 Computer Literacy Final Exam: PowerPoint Several pictures have been stored in the Week 7 module on Canvas. You can use as many of these pictures as you like in your PowerPoint presentation. The files that serve as the starting point for the Excel and Word portions of your exam are stored in this same folder. The scenario: You have decided to open a farm and hand-spun yarn business. You are using Word, Excel, and PowerPoint to help you organize your business and make a presentation to your investors. Create the presentation shown on the following page. Save your presentation with the name Llama Farms. • Your name, slide number, and date should appear in the footer of each slide. • Apply the Pond design template. If your computer does not have this template, choose something similar. • Insert the “farm” picture (supplied on Canvas) on slide 1. • Insert a piece of yarn-themed clip art on slide 2. It is not important that you use the same clip art as pictured below; just show you can insert clip art. • Apply the “checkerboard dissolve” transition effect on slide 2 only. If your computer does not have this effect, choose something similar. • Insert the llama picture (found on Canvas) on slide 3. • Insert any picture or clip art you like on slide 4. • Insert an “applause” sound clip on slide 5. • Insert the “pastel yarn” picture on slide 5. • Add a custom animation effect as an entrance effect on slide 5. Choose the animation you like best. (You can insert as many additional pictures as you like using the files supplied on Canvas and/or clip art.) The presentation: I