Scenario 1: Olivia Jones Documentation Assignments- Complete in DocuCare 1. Document the data from your focused antepartum assessment of both Ms. Jones and the fetus. 2. Write the situation-background-assessment-recommendation (SBAR) communications you would use to update the provider on Ms. Jones’s status at the time of her admission. 3. Document the teaching you would provide to the patient and her support person prior to administering magnesium sulfate. 4. Document the administration of the magnesium sulfate bolus and the initiation of the magnesium sulfate infusion. 5. Document your reassessment of the patient’s status after administering magnesium sulfate. Documentation Assignments- Complete in DocuCare 1.How did the simulated experience of Carla Hernandez’s case make you feel? 2. Describe the actions you felt went well in this scenario. 3. Consider the emergent nature of umbilical cord prolapse. What nursing actions should be initiated immediately? Why? 4. Reflecting on Carla Hernandez's case, were there any actions you would do differently? Explain. 5. Describe how you would apply the knowledge and skills that you obtained in Carla Hernandez's case to an actual patient care situation. Maternity Case 2: Brenda Patton Documentation Assignments-Document in DocuCare 1. Document your initial assessment data of Ms. Patton, including uterine activity (frequency and duration), fetal heart rate (FHR) activity (baseline FHR, long-term variability, accelerations, and decelerations), vaginal discharge, and maternal vital signs. 2. Document the medication(s) that you administered. 3. Document Ms. Patton’s pain during labor (severity during contractions, location, quality, interventions taken, and response to interventions) and the measures that were taken to promote her desire for a natural birth. 4. Document your handoff report in the situation-background-assessment-recommendation (SBAR) format to communicate what further care Ms. Patton needs. 5. Document the informal patient education that you provided to Ms. Patton during this scenario regarding group B streptococcus and the patient’s response to this teaching session. Maternity Case 3: Amelia Sung Documentation Assignment- Document in DocuCare 1. Document the fetal status and the progression of Ms. Sung’s labor from the time you took over care of Ms. Sung until the provider takes her to the delivery room. 2. Document the essential events related to the time of birth, including the activities and interventions from the time of crowning to the complete expulsion of the fetus. 3. Document the application of suprapubic pressure and the response and outcomes. 4. Document your communications with the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) about the impending birth Maternity Case 5: Fatime Sanogo Document in Docucare. 1. Document your initial assessment data for Ms. Sanogo, including vital signs, fundal assessment (consistency, position, location), lochia assessment (amount, color, odor, consistency), and pain (location, quality, severity). 2. Write the situation-background-assessment-recommendation (SBAR) communications you would use to update the provider on Ms. Sanogo’s status after your first encounter with her. 3. Document the medication(s) you administered to Ms. Sanogo and evaluate each drug’s effectiveness. 4. Document the sequence of events during the simulation (i.e., vital signs, assessment findings, blood loss, nursing interventions, and patient response). 5. Ms. Sanogo is going to be taken back to labor and delivery for a manual examination. Write the transfer note. Pediatric Case 1: Jackson Weber Document in Docucare. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Document your initial focused assessment of Jackson Weber. Identify and document key nursing diagnoses for Jackson Weber. Referring to your feedback log, document the nursing care you provided and Jackson Weber’s response. Document the teaching that you would provide for Jackson Weber and his mother before discharge. Document your handoff report in the situation-background-assessment-recommendation (SBAR) format to communicate what further care Jackson Weber needs. Pediatric Case 2: Sabina Vasquez Documentation Assignment-Document in DocuCare 1. 2. 3. 4. Document your initial focused assessment of Sabina Vasquez. Identify and document key nursing diagnoses for Sabina Vasquez. Referring to your feedback log, document the nursing care you provided and Sabina Vasquez’s response. Document the patient teaching that you would provide for Sabina Vasquez and her family before discharge. Pediatric Case 4: Brittany Long Document in Docucare 1. Document the patient history you obtained for Brittany Long, including previous pain crises, hospitalizations, precipitating events,