Computer Software Security Proposal
Christina Yap-Mitchell
Computer software security is explained as the notion of software engineering to that it goes on working efficiently under threat attack. It is clear that a high number of technologists have acknowledged the undertaking’s relevance, but it is crucial to offer some assistance in understanding ways to handle it. The most prime objective of the development is to ensure that significant aid is being provided by exploring the best practices of software security (Hoglund & McGraw, 2004). Though that is the case, there has been increased hitches since the field is a new one and no increased research has been done on the subject. The limited prevalence is an indication of why efficient practices are neither primarily put to use nor visible. A software problem has been a main and perilous aspect of computer software security challenge.
Software malfunction with security implications which include bugs implementation such as design flaws has been in existence for years and are still haunting people in the present times. By exploiting software defects all too often, malicious intruders can hack into systems. With software’s ever-expanding complexity and extensibility adding further gasoline to the fire, internet-based software application present the most common security risk experienced today. In that case, the proposal will focus on computer software security topic in a detailed manner to comprehensively understand the problem we are dealing with and how it can be put on hold.
Problem Statement
We need to agree first that software security is not security software before embarking on the road to making such fundamental change. People who tend to focus on functionality, this is a subtle point whereby development gets lost. Computer software development aims at ensuring that computer files are free from attack and the aspect takes into considerations both security aspects and security design (John & Gary, 2001). Placed differently, security is seen as an emergent software system property. A security challenge is expected to arise because of a standard issue system problem compared to some listed security trait. In that case, there is need to have a computer software security made part of an extended lifecycle strategy. It is not easy to spray paint security features onto a design and expected it to become secure, just as you cannot test quality into a piece of software. It means that computer software security needs to be attended from the level up. The research seeks to fill the study gap by discussing the computer software security in detail.
Relevance and significance
The leading objective of the study is to elaborate on computer software security and highly espousing and developing a series of best approaches in addressing the problem. The research will benefit organizations across the grid as the observation made will be of great help to teams in showing the best practices in software development. Security needs to be explicit to the required standard (Dey, Lahiri, & Zhang, 2012). It means that security requirements need to cover both functional protection and new traits. The research will ensure that organizations understand the fact that, at the level of design and architecture, a system needs to be logical and indicate an integrated security image that considers the principles of security. In that case, the study will shed light on organizations on how to protect its systems from malicious attacks to avoid files being corrupted, loss of data or any other lousy result.
Hoglund, G., & McGraw, G. (2004). Exploiting software: how to break code / Greg Hoglund, Gary McGraw. Boston: Addison-Wesley, c2004.
John, V., & Gary R., M. (2001). Building Secure Software: How to Avoid Security Problems the Right Way. [N.P.]: Addison-Wesley Professional.
McGraw G. Testing for Security during Development: Why we should scrap penetrate-and-patch. Compass -Conference- [serial online]. 1997; 117-119. Available from: British Library Document Supply Centre inside Serials & Conference Proceedings, Ipswich, MA. Accessed November 20, 2017.
Introducing a novel security-enhanced agile software development process. (2017). International Journal of Secure Software Engineering, (2),
Dey, D., Lahiri, A., & Zhang, G. (2012). Hacker Behavior, Network Effects, and the Security Software Market. Journal of Management Information Systems, 29(2), 77-108.