The 4 questions are in the attachment. Must Know ICD 10-CM coding to answer questions.
Code the following inpatient scenario by assigning ICD-10-CM codes only, do not assign ICD-10-PCS codes:
The patient, a man in extremely poor health due to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and chronic alcoholism, was admitted for severe shortness of breath, a PO2 of 42, abdominal pain, and what appeared to be impending delirium tremens. He was placed on Ventolin and Solu-Medrol. Librium was also given to prevent delirium tremens. A colonoscopy was performed because of a past history of polyps, with no recurrence found. It was felt that the patient had mild colitis. On discharge, he was no longer dyspneic at rest. He was to start taking Zantac for colitis and to continue Solu-Medrol.
Discharge diagnoses: (1) Chronic lung disease with acute bronchospasm, (2) impending delirium tremens, (3) alcohol dependence, (4) colitis, (5) history of adenomatous colon polyps.1. Code the following inpatient scenario by assigning ICD-10-CM codes only, do not assign ICD-10-PCS codes: The young patient, gravida I, para 0, ab 0, at 43 weeks' gestation, presented in labor and labored poorly but succeeded in reaching 4 to 5 centimeters. Augmentation with Pitocin resulted in no change after several hours, and a primary lower uterine segmental cesarean section was performed due to prolonged labor, with birth of a 7-pound, 5-ounce female. The patient did well after delivery and was discharged on the fourth postoperative day. Discharge diagnoses: (1) Post-term, intrauterine pregnancy; (2) failure to progress in labor due to secondary uterine inertia, with prolonged first stage. 2. Code the following inpatient scenario by assigning ICD-10-CM codes only, do not assign ICD-10-PCS codes: This HIV-positive patient was admitted with skin lesions on the chest and back. Excisional biopsies were taken, and the pathological diagnosis was Kaposi's sarcoma. Leukoplakia of the lips and splenomegaly were also noted on physical examination. Discharge diagnoses: (1) HIV infection; (2) Kaposi's sarcoma, back and chest; (3) leukoplakia; (4) splenomegaly. 3. Code the following inpatient scenario by assigning ICD-10-CM codes only, do not assign ICD-10-PCS codes: The patient, a one-day-old, 2,200-gram infant, was born prematurely at 34 weeks' gestation. She was transferred from another hospital for evaluation of a right congenital diaphragmatic hernia. At Hospital A, just before transfer, intubation was required due to respiratory distress. The ventilatory support was continued at Hospital B for three days. When she was stabilized, the right diaphragmatic hernia was repaired via an open approach. The infant progressed rapidly and was discharged on the second postoperative day. Discharge diagnoses: (1) Prematurity, (2) diaphragmatic hernia, (3) respiratory distress syndrome. 4. Code the following inpatient scenario by assigning ICD-10-CM codes only, do not assign ICD-10-PCS codes: The patient, a man in extremely poor health due to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and chronic alcoholism, was admitted for severe shortness of breath, a PO2 of 42, abdominal pain, and what appeared to be impending delirium tremens. He was placed on Ventolin and Solu-Medrol. Librium was also given to prevent delirium tremens. A colonoscopy was performed because of a past history of polyps, with no recurrence found. It was felt that the patient had mild colitis. On discharge, he was no longer dyspneic at rest. He was to start taking Zantac for colitis and to continue Solu-Medrol. Discharge diagnoses: (1) Chronic lung disease with acute bronchospasm, (2) impending delirium tremens, (3) alcohol dependence, (4) colitis, (5) history of adenomatous colon polyps. ...