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RACE, CLASS, AND GENDER IN THE UNITED STATES, Tenth Edition Paula S. Rothenberg This best-selling anthology expertly explores concepts of identity, diversity, and inequality as it introduces students to race, class, gender, and sexuality in the United States. The thoroughly updated Tenth Edition features 38 new readings. New mate- rial explores citizenship and immigration, mass incarceration, sex crimes on campus, transgender identity, the school-to-prison pipeline, food insecurity, the Black Lives Matter movement, the pathology of poverty, socioeconomic privilege versus racial privilege, pollution on tribal lands, stereotype threat, gentrification, and more. The combination of thoughtfully selected readings, deftly written introductions, and careful organization makes Race, Class, and Gender in the United States, Tenth Edition, the most engaging and balanced presentation of these issues available today.

Readings new to the Tenth Edition include:

• The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander • How Does It Feel to Be a Problem? Being Young and Arab in America by

Moustafa Bayoumi • Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates • Obergefell v. Hodges, the Supreme Court case that legalized gay marriage

• Immigration Enforcement as a Race-Making Institution by Douglas S. Massey • Domestic Workers Bill of Rights by Ai-jen Poo • The New Face of Hunger by Tracie McMillan • My Class Didn’t Trump My Race by Robin DiAngelo • Intersectionality: An Everyday Metaphor Anyone Can Use, Kimberlé Crenshaw

interviewed by Bim Adewunmi • Black Ethnics: Race, Immigration, and the Pursuit of the American Dream by

Christina Greer • Transgender Feminism: Queering the Woman Question by Susan Stryker • Debunking the Pathology of Poverty by Susan Greenbaum • The Transgender Crucible, reporting on the life and imprisonment of

transgender activist CeCe McDonald, by Sabrina Rubin Erdely • Neither Black nor White, on the racialization of Asian Americans, by

Angelo Ancheta

• “You are in the dark, in the car…” from Citizen: An American Lyric by Claudia Rankine

• When You Forget to Whistle Vivaldi by Tressie McMillan Cottom

Instructor’s resources to accompany Race, Class, and Gender in the United States, Tenth Edition, are available for download. Instructor’s resources include Reading for Comprehension Questions, Writing Assignments, Article Summaries, Research Proj- ects, Recommended Media, and Data Activities.

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New York


Tenth Edition

Paula S. Rothenberg

with Soniya Munshi Borough of Manhattan

Community College

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Publisher, Psychology and Sociology: Rachel Losh Associate Publisher: Jessica Bayne Senior Associate Editor: Sarah Berger Development Editor: Thomas Finn Assistant Editor: Kimberly Morgan Smith Executive Marketing Manager: Katherine Nurre Media Producer: Hanna Squire Director, Content Management Enhancement: Tracey Kuehn Managing Editor, Sciences and Social Sciences: Lisa Kinne Senior Project Editor: Kerry O’Shaughnessy Photo Editor: Robin Fadool Permissions Associate: Chelsea Roden Director of Design, Content Management: Diana Blume Senior Design Manager: Vicki Tomaselli Cover and Interior Design: Kevin Kall Senior Production Supervisor: Stacey B. Alexander Composition: Jouve North America Printing and Binding: RR Donnelley Cover Photo: Silberkorn/Shutterstock

Library of Congress Control Number: 2016932674

ISBN- 13: 978-1-4641-7866-5 ISBN- 10: 1-4641-7866-6

© 2016, 2014, 2010, 2007 by Worth Publishers

All rights reserved

Printed in the United States of America

First printing

Worth Publishers One New York Plaza Suite 4500 New York, NY 10004-1562 www.worthpublishers.com

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Preface xiii

About the Author xix

Introduction 1

PART I The Social Construction of Difference: Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality 5

1 Racial Formations Michael Omi and Howard Winant 11

2 Constructing Race, Creating White Privilege Pem Davidson Buck 21

3 How Jews Became White Folks: And What That Says About Race in America Karen Brodkin 27

4 “Night to His Day”: The Social Construction of Gender Judith Lorber 38

5 The Invention of Heterosexuality Jonathan Ned Katz 47

6 Masculinity as Homophobia: Fear, Shame and Silence in the Construction of Gender Identity Michael S. Kimmel 59

7 Transgender Feminism: Queering the Woman Question Susan Stryker 71

8 Debunking the Pathology of Poverty Susan Greenbaum 78

9 Disability and the Justification of Inequality in American History Douglas C. Baynton 81

10 Domination and Subordination Jean Baker Miller 91

Suggestions for Further Reading 97

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vi Contents

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PART I I Understanding Racism, Sexism, Heterosexism, and Class Privilege 99

1 Defining Racism: “Can We Talk?” Beverly Daniel Tatum 105

2 Color- Blind Racism Eduardo Bonilla- Silva 113

3 Neither Black nor White Angelo N. Ancheta 120

4 Oppression Marilyn Frye 130

5 Homophobia as a Weapon of Sexism Suzanne Pharr 134

6 Class in America Gregory Mantsios 144

7 Unequal Childhoods: Class, Race, and Family Life Annette Lareau 163

8 Intersectionality: An Everyday Metaphor Anyone Can Use Kimberlé Crenshaw, interviewed by Bim Adewunmi 171

9 White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack Peggy McIntosh 176

10 My Class Didn’t Trump My Race: Using Oppression to Face Privilege Robin J. DiAngelo 181

Suggestions for Further Reading 188

PART III Complicating Questions of Identity: Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration 191

1 Immigration in the United States: New Economic, Social, Political Landscapes with Legislative Reform on the Horizon Faye Hipsman and Doris Meissner 195

2 Impossible Subjects: Illegal Aliens and the Making of America Mae Ngai 207

3 Los Intersticios: Recasting Moving Selves Evelyn Alsultany 218

4 For Many Latinos, Racial Identity Is More Culture than Color Mireya Navarro 220

5 Black Ethnics: Race, Immigration, and the Pursuit of the American Dream Christina M. Greer 224

6 The Myth of the Model Minority Noy Thrupkaew 230

7 How Does It Feel to Be a Problem? Moustafa Bayoumi 237

Suggestions for Further Reading 242

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Contents vii

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PART IV Discrimination in Everyday Life 243

1 The Problem: Discrimination U.S. Commission on Civil Rights 247

2 The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness Michelle Alexander 258

3 Deportations Are Down, But Fear Persists Among Undocumented Immigrants Tim Henderson 266

4 The Ghosts of Stonewall: Policing Gender, Policing Sex Joey L. Mogul, Andrea J. Ritchie, and Kay Whitlak 270

5 The Transgender Crucible Sabrina Rubin Erdely 276

6 Where “English Only” Falls Short Stacy A. Teicher 285

7 My Black Skin Makes My White Coat Vanish Mana Lumumba- Kasongo 288

8 Women in the State Police: Trouble in the Ranks Jonathan Schuppe 290

9 Muslim- American Running Back Off the Team at New Mexico State Matthew Rothschild 294

10 Race, Disability, and the School- to- Prison Pipeline Julianne Hing 296

11 The Segregated Classrooms of a Proudly Diverse School Jeffrey Gettleman 304

12 Race and Family Income of Students Influence Guidance Counselor’s Advice, Study Finds Eric Hoover 307

13 By the Numbers: Sex Crimes on Campus Dave Gustafson 308

14 More Blacks Live with Pollution The Associated Press 313

15 Pollution, Poverty and People of Color: A Michigan Tribe Battles a Global Corporation Brian Bienkowski 316

16 Testimony Sonny Singh 322

Suggestions for Further Reading 325

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viii Contents

PART V The Economics of Race, Class, and Gender 327

1 Imagine a Country Holly Sklar 329

2 Wealth Inequality Has Widened Along Racial, Ethnic Lines Since End of Great Recession Rakesh Kochhar and Richard Fry 340

3 The Making of the American 99% and the Collapse of the Middle Class Barbara Ehrenreich and John Ehrenreich 344

4 Immigration Enforcement as a Race- Making Institution Douglas S. Massey 348

5 For Asian Americans, Wealth Stereotypes Don’t Fit Reality Seth Freed Wessler 361

6 Gender and the Black Jobs Crisis Linda Burnham 364

7 Domestic Workers Bill of Rights: A Feminist Approach for a New Economy Ai- jen Poo 373

8 “Savage Inequalities” Revisited Bob Feldman 378

9 The New Face of Hunger Tracie McMillan 382

10 “I am Alena”: Life as a Trans Woman Where Survival Means Living as Christopher Ed Pilkington 387

11 Cause of Death: Inequality Alejandro Reuss 393

12 Inequality Undermines Democracy Eduardo Porter 398

Suggestions for Further Reading 401

PART VI Many Voices, Many Lives: Issues of Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality in Everyday Life 403

1 Civilize Them with a Stick Mary Brave Bird (Crow Dog) with Richard Erdoes 407

2 Then Came the War Yuri Kochiyama 411

3 Crossing the Border Without Losing Your Past Oscar Casares 419

4 Between the World and Me Ta- Nehisi Coates 421

5 “I wouldn’t have come if I’d known.” E. Tammy Kim 425

6 This Person Doesn’t Sound White Ziba Kashef 428

7 “You are in the dark, in the car . . .” Claudia Rankine 432

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Contents ix

8 He Defies You Still: The Memoirs of a Sissy Tommi Avicolli 434

9 Against “Bullying” or On Loving Queer Kids Richard Kim 440

10 The Case of Sharon Kowalski and Karen Thompson: Ableism, Heterosexism, and Sexism Joan L. Griscom 443

11 Gentrification Will Drive My Uncle Out of His Neighborhood, and I Will Have Helped Eric Rodriguez 451

12 My Vassar College Faculty ID Makes Everything OK Kiese Laymon 453

13 The Unbearable (In)visibility of Being Trans Chase Strangio 460

14 Black Bodies in Motion and in Pain Edwidge Danticat 463

Suggestions for Further Reading 466

PART VII How It Happened: Race and Gender Issues in U.S. Law 469

1 Indian Tribes: A Continuing Quest for Survival U.S. Commission on Human Rights 477

2 An Act for the Better Ordering and Governing of Negroes and Slaves, South Carolina, 1712 482

3 The “ Three- Fifths Compromise” The U.S. Constitution, Article 1, Section 2 487

4 An Act Prohibiting the Teaching of Slaves to Read 488

5 Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions, Seneca Falls Convention, 1848 489

6 People v. Hall, 1854 493

7 Dred Scott v. Sandford, 1857 495

8 The Emancipation Proclamation Abraham Lincoln 499

9 United States Constitution: Thirteenth (1865), Fourteenth (1868), and Fifteenth (1870) Amendments 501

10 The Black Codes W. E. B. Du Bois 503

11 The Chinese Exclusion Act 511

12 Elk v. Wilkins, 1884 514

13 Plessy v. Ferguson, 1896 516

14 United States Constitution: Nineteenth Amendment (1920) 519

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x Contents

15 U.S. v. Bhagat Singh Thind, 1923 520

16 Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, 1954 523

17 Roe v. Wade, 1973 528

18 The Equal Rights Amendment (Defeated) 529

19 Obergefell v. Hodges, 2015 530

Suggestions for Further Reading 534

PART VIII Maintaining Race, Class, and Gender Hierarchies: Reproducing “Reality” 537

1 Self- Fulfilling Stereotypes Mark Snyder 541

2 Am I Thin Enough Yet? Sharlene Hesse- Biber 547

3 Institutions and Ideologies Michael Parenti 555

4 Media Magic: Making Class Invisible Gregory Mantsios 562

5 Still Separate, Still Unequal: America’s Educational Apartheid Jonathan Kozol 570

6 Masked Racism: Reflections on the Prison Industrial Complex Angela Davis 584

7 You May Know Me from Such Roles as Terrorist #4 Jon Ronson 589

8 The Florida State Seminoles: The Champions of Racist Mascots Dave Zirin 596

9 Michael Brown’s Unremarkable Humanity Ta- Nehisi Coates 599

10 When You Forget to Whistle Vivaldi Tressie McMillan Cottom 601

Suggestions for Further Reading 603

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Contents xi

PART IX Social Change: Revisioning the Future and Making a Difference 605

1 Age, Race, Class, and Sex: Women Redefining Difference Audre Lorde 609

2 Feminism: A Transformational Politic bell hooks 616

3 A New Vision of Masculinity Cooper Thompson 623

4 Interrupting the Cycle of Oppression: The Role of Allies as Agents of Change Andrea Ayvazian 629

5 Demand the Impossible Matthew Rothschild 636

6 The Motivating Forces Behind Black Lives Matter Tasbeeh Herwees 639

7 On Solidarity, “Centering Anti- Blackness,” and Asian Americans Scot Nakagawa 642

Suggestions for Further Reading 644

Index 645

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Reflections from the First to the Tenth Edition of Race, Class, and Gender When the first edition of Race, Class, and Gender in the United States was published in 1988 under the title Racism and Sexism: An Integrated Study, there was no World Wide Web. There were no smart phones. Smoking was still allowed on airplanes. China was one of the poorest nations in the world, the Soviet Union still existed, and apartheid was alive— if not well— in South Africa. In fact, the next president of South Africa and famed civil rights leader Nelson Mandela was still in prison in 1988, serving the 25th year of his sentence.

In the United States, the Reagan Administration was defending the secret sale of U.S. arms to Iran, while the Supreme Court was asked to decide whether one of the largest associations of “businessmen”—the Rotary Club— had a constitutional right to refuse to admit women as members. Scholars were arguing over the relationship between race and intelligence— a debate that was about to get even more heated in the decade that followed. Three quarters of the American population thought homo- sexual relations between two consenting adults was always wrong and the state had the right to outlaw such conduct.* As for the issue of economic inequality, it was nowhere to be found in the public discourse.

Much has happened in the intervening years. With a surge in voter turnout in 2008, a black man was elected president, and as of this writing, a woman is leading the polls for— and, by the time you are reading this, may even have won— the presidency of the United States. Given the setbacks for the feminist, black, and Latino/a move- ments of the 1960s and 1970s, most Americans in the 1980s did not expect to witness this type of cultural and political change in their lifetime. Even more inconceivable, given the cultural landscape, was that a growing LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) movement would help make gay marriage legal, and gender reassignment would enter the popular culture. An Occupy Wall Street movement helped put the issue of economic inequality squarely on the national and international agenda, seem- ingly overnight. And while many had hoped for a growing environmental movement, few anticipated the emergence of a global approach to climate change.

On the other hand, nearly three decades after the first edition of this book was published, so much has stayed the same or worsened. In 1988, the richest 20% of Americans held 83% of total household wealth: today, that 20% holds 93% of the nation’s wealth. Women have made significant strides politically, socially, and eco- nomically, yet they still make only 77 cents for every dollar a man makes— and the

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* Smith, Tom W. “Public Attitudes toward Homosexuality.” NORC/University of Chicago: Septem- ber, 2011.

The right of states to outlaw acts of homosexuality by consenting adults was based on the 1986 Supreme Court decision Bowers v. Hardwick.

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xiv Preface

gap is even greater for women of color (64 cents for African American women). While racial profiling has finally caught the attention of the media, its persistence—and its expansion to Muslim and Sikh communities—continues to destroy lives and families. Policies, like affirmative action, that were designed to remedy inequities have been deeply weakened. So too, have organizations, like unions, that had for so long been such an important check on inequality and injustice. Twenty- two percent of the chil- dren in the United States live in poverty, a proportion nearly identical to what it was 30 years ago. How ironic that so much change can co- exist with so much stagnation.

How do we make sense of all of this? In the introduction to the first edition of the book, I put it simply: “An integrated approach to the study of racism and sexism within the context of class provides us with a more comprehensive, more accurate, more useful analysis of the world in which we live out our lives.” This is as true now as it was nearly three decades ago.

New to Race, Class, and Gender, Tenth Edition The tenth edition of Race, Class, and Gender, like previous editions, views the prob- lems facing our country and our communities as structural, and seeks to contribute to the conversation about fairness and justice. Like its predecessors, this edition un- dertakes the study of race, gender, and sexuality within the context of class. We look at racism, sexism, heterosexism, class privilege, and the concepts of patriarchy and white privilege, and explore the interlocking nature of these systems of oppression as they work in combination and impact virtually every aspect of life in U.S. society today. New to Part II of this edition, we revisit Kimberlé Crenshaw’s work on inter- sectionality, a term she coined in 1989. In an interview, Crenshaw reflects on the continued need for an accessible metaphor that captures the complexity of multiple and simultaneous forms of oppression. This intersectional framework is one that we rely on throughout the book to illustrate the complex dimensions of race, gender, sexuality, and class.

Part I introduces these different categories by examining the ways each of them has been socially and hierarchically constructed to the benefit of some and to the disadvantage of others. Susan Stryker’s work, new to this edition, explores the rela- tionship between sex, gender, and gender identity. This excerpt lays a foundation for later pieces that address trans lives, identities, and experiences, all showing us how gender identity is shaped by race, class, sexuality, and other factors. For example, ad- ditional writings include a piece on violence against trans women (“The Transgender Crucible” by Sabrina Rubin Erdely in Part IV), the role of economic access in living as a trans person (“‘I am Alena’: Life as a Trans Woman Where Survival Means Living as Christopher” by Ed Pilkington in Part V), and a reflection on how recent public attention on trans communities is mediated by privilege so that many stories and experiences continue to be omitted (“The Unbearable (In)visibility of Being Trans” by Chase Strangio in Part VI).

This edition includes an intentional, focused, and intersectional engagement with current public conversations about mass incarceration, police violence, and racial and

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Preface xv

other forms of profiling. We have included an excerpt from Michelle Alexander’s The New Jim Crow (Part IV), which addresses mass incarceration and racial targeting of Black and Latino communities. “The Ghosts of Stonewall: Policing Sex, Policing Gender” by Joey L. Mogul, Andrea J. Ritchie, and Kay Whitlock and the above- mentioned “Trans- gender Crucible” both discuss how the actions and identities of LGBT people, especially people of color, come under greater scrutiny by the law and are more vulnerable to pun- ishment. Julianne Hing’s article, “Race, Disability and the School- to- Prison Pipeline,” illustrates the relationship between educational institutions, systems of punishment, and the risks involved for marginalized students.

In Part VI, “Many Voices, Many Lives,” Claudia Rankine, Ta- Nehisi Coates, and Kiese Laymon each offer a poetic reflection on how structural racism, specifically anti- black racism, operate on a deeply personal, everyday level of experience. Also in this part, Edwidge Dandicat shares a beautiful and difficult meditation on the concurrences of anti- black racism by linking the white supremacist killings of black churchgoers in Charleston, South Carolina, to the state policies of the removal of Hai- tians in the Dominican Republic. Finally, in Part VIII’s exploration of the role of the media and stereotypes in maintaining race, class, and gender hierarchies, Ta- Nehisi Coates and Tressie McMillan Cottom each reflect on the police killings of two un- armed black men, Michael Brown and Jonathan Ferrell. Coates and Cottom challenge “respectability politics,” or the idea that it is the responsibility of those individuals and groups that are being racially targeted to change their behavior to prevent such targeting. Coates and Cottom are concerned with how safety and protection from violence are distributed in our society and argue that one’s basic humanity is not something that must be earned. In our final part, Part IX, we include a selection by Tasbeeh Herwees about the founders of the Black Lives Matter movement. Herwees explores how gender and sexuality are integral to social justice organizing, even when it is explicitly centered on race.

As in previous editions, we pay substantive attention to the complex and evolv- ing dynamics of identity. For example, we feature Christina Greer’s research on the relationship between native- born black Americans and black ethnic immigrants, il- luminating the heterogeneity within black communities. We also include Angelo N. Ancheta’s seminal essay “Neither Black nor White” in Part II, which illustrates how Asians have been racially positioned in the United States. Scot Nakagawa’s “On Soli- darity, ‘Centering Anti- Blackness’ and Asian Americans” in Part IX brings Ancheta’s analysis into the present, reflects on how Asian Americans are racially positioned today, and offers suggestions for how Asian Americans should participate in contem- porary racial justice struggles.

This edition includes several pieces about the experiences of communities that are, or are perceived to be, Arab and/or Muslim. Moustafa Bayoumi’s work with Arab- and Muslim-American youth in the post- 9/11 period illustrates how contemporary examples of the racialization and exclusion of Arab and Muslim Americans reflects a history of these processes in the United States. Jon Ronson’s work (Part VIII) looks at stereotypical representations of terrorists in the media and how typecasting limits the opportunities available for Muslim- American actors.

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xvi Preface

Additionally, this edition includes two new pieces that address the racial- ized experience of indigenous populations in the United States. In Part IV, Brian Bienkowski documents how environmental racism affects Native American popu- lations in Michigan, and in Part VIII, David Zirin examines how cultural racism is enacted against indigenous communities through professional sports team mascots.

Several essays in this new edition take a look at immigration policies. Faye Hipsman and Doris Meissner (Part III) provide a helpful overview of how the U.S. immigra- tion system works, its historical context, and contemporary trends in immigration. Tim Henderson’s piece (Part IV) looks at the fear of deportation in undocumented communities. In his article, Henderson notes that even when the rate of deportation went down, the level of fear in undocumented immigrant communities remained. He shows our feelings of fear and insecurity operate beyond the concrete risks we face. At the time of this writing, in early 2016, the Obama administration has prioritized a new wave of removal operations, conducting raids of mostly Central American individuals and families, making Henderson’s work even more poignant. Douglas Massey’s work (“Immigration Enforcement as a Race- Making Institution” in Part V) shows how immigration policy shapes the demographics of communities in the United States— in this case, Latino immigrants. Moving from the structural to the individual, E. Tammy Kim’s writing (Part VI) tells the story of an undocumented im- migrant and the everyday struggles she faces.

This edition includes many new pieces that approach issues of class and the econ- omy from an intersectional perspective. In Part I, we include a short essay by Susan Greenbaum that challenges the persistent myth that poor people are to blame for their economic conditions, by looking at government, corporate, and other struc- tural factors that shape poverty. In the next part, Robin DiAngelo provides a personal reflection on how her experience of poverty and class oppression did not negate her white privilege. In Part V, Rakesh Kochhar and Richard Fry offer an updated overview of inequality and wealth distribution by racial category. Seth Freed Wessler challenges stereotypes about Asian “model minority” success, painting a more com- plete picture of class distribution in Asian immigrant communities. Linda Burnham’s research shows how black women, facing both racism and sexism in the workplace, were more affected than others by the last recession and continue to struggle during the economic recovery. Ai-jen Poo writes about how domestic workers, organizing as a workforce of mostly immigrant women of color, challenge unfair and unjust workplace conditions. Organizing on the basis of “women’s work” makes visible the often- erased caring labor that is essential to our economy. Finally, Tracie McMillan writes about hunger in the United States, challenging assumptions about what the everyday experience of being without sufficient food looks like.

We close this edition with essays that encourage readers to redefine difference and to think in broad terms about the kind of society we wish to live in and the kinds of relationships we wish to have with others. These essays in Part IX, “Social Change: Revisioning the Future and Making a Difference,” by Audre Lorde, bell hooks, and Cooper Thompson, as well as the new pieces by Tasbeeh Herwees and Scot Nakagawa about the current movement for Black Lives, demonstrate how people who care about

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Preface xvii

the issues of inequality, privilege, and injustice can, and are, making a difference in the world. Faculty using this book will find that this section allows them to end their courses in a very positive way. This is important because students who study social problems often end up feeling overwhelmed by the extent and severity of these issues. The articles in the last section leave students with an understanding that ordinary people acting on their principles really can make a difference!

Acknowledgments Many people contributed to Race, Class, and Gender— and its evolution over the course of nearly three decades. First, I owe a profound debt to the old 12th Street study group, with whom I first studied black history and first came to understand the centrality of the issue of race. I am also indebted to the group’s members, who pro- vided me with a lasting example of what it means to commit one’s life to the struggle for equality and justice for all people.

Next, I owe an equally profound debt to my friends and colleagues in the New Jersey Project on Inclusive Scholarship, Curriculum, and Teaching, and to friends, colleagues, and students at William Paterson University who have been involved in the various race and gender projects we have carried out over the years. I have learned a great deal from all of them. I would also like to thank the faculty and stu- dents, too many to name, at the many colleges and universities where I have lectured over the years.

In addition I am grateful to the reviewers of this and previous editions for their insightful feedback. They include: Mildred Anterior, New Jersey City University; Maral N. Attallah, Humboldt State University; Adriana Leela Bohm, Delaware Community College; Nancy F. Browning, Lincoln University of Missouri; Debra Butterfield, Boston College; Natalie Smith Carslon, North Dakota State Univer- sity; Margaret Crowdes, California State University– San Marcos; Helen Dedes, William Paterson University; Margie Kitter Edwards, Temple University; Miriam Rheingold Fuller, University of Central Missouri; Lawrence Andrew Gill, William Paterson University; Tonya Huber- Warring, St. Cloud State University; Denise Isom, California Polytechnic State University–San Luis Obispo; Kelly F. Jackson, Arizona State University; Navita Cummings James, University of South Florida; Michelle L. Johnson, Ramapo College of New Jersey; Mary Kelley, University of Central Missouri; Deborah L. Little, Adelphi University; Enid Logan, University of Minnesota; David Lucander, Rockland Community College; Michele Murphy, William Patterson University; Julie Norflus- Good, Ramapo College of New Jersey; Archana Pathak, Virginia Commonwealth University; Viji Sargis, William Paterson University; Rashad Shabazz, University of Vermont; Roger Simpson, California State University, Fresno; and Rebeckah Zincavage, Boston College.

This edition would not have been possible without the work of three collabora- tors to whom I am deeply indebted: Soniya Munshi for her research, writing, and revisions to this edition; Sarah Berger, my hands- on editor, for her insights, sensitivity,

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xviii Preface

perseverance, and deep commitment to the project; and Greg Mantsios for his inval- uable assistance and good judgment about all things related to this and all previous editions.

Finally, I want to thank Greg for being such a remarkable partner as well as col- laborator; our children, Alexi Mantsios and Andrea Mantsios; and their partners, Caroline Donohue and Luis Armando Ocaranza Ordaz, for their insights, observa- tions, and most of all, their extraordinary support through thick and thin.

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Paula Rothenberg has been writing, teaching, and consulting on a variety of topics for over five decades. Her areas of expertise include multicultural curriculum transformation, issues of inequality, equity, and privilege, global- izing the curriculum, and white privilege. From 1989 to 2006, she served as Director of the New Jersey Project on Inclusive Scholarship, Curriculum, and Teaching, and Professor of Philosophy and Women’s Studies at The William Paterson University of New Jersey. She is the author of Invisible Privilege: A Memoir about Race, Class, and Gender (University Press of Kansas). Her anthology, White Privilege: Readings on the Other Side of Racism, is now in its fifth edition. Beyond Borders: Thinking Critically About Global Issues was published by Worth in 2005, and her anthology, What’s the Problem? A Brief Guide to Critical Thinking, was published in 2009. Paula Rothenberg is also co- editor of a number of other anthologies, including Creating an Inclusive College Curriculum: A Teaching Sourcebook from the New Jersey Project; Feminist Frameworks: Alternative Theoretical Accounts of the Relations be- tween Women and Men; and Philosophy Now. Her articles and essays ap- pear in journals and anthologies across the disciplines, and many have been widely reprinted.

About the Contributor Soniya Munshi is Assistant Professor of Sociology at the Borough of Man- hattan Community College of the City University of New York, where she also teaches Asian American Studies in the Center for Ethnic Studies. Her research examines the racial politics of antiviolence work, the role of legal and medical institutions in constructing and responding to social problems, and social movements that build strategies of accountability outside punishment. Soniya Munshi is a member of the National Collective of INCITE! Women, Gender Non- Conforming, and Trans People of Color Against Violence and the Critical Ethnic Studies Association Working Group.

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It is impossible to make sense out of either the past or the present without using

race, class, gender, and sexuality as central categories of description and analy-

sis. Yet many of us are the products of an educational system that has taught

us to ignore these categories and thus not to see the differences in power and

privilege that surround us. As a result, events that some people identify as clear

examples of sexism or racism appear to others to be simply “the way things are.”

Understandably, this difference in outlook often makes conversation difficult and

frustrating. A basic premise of this book is that much of what passes for a neu-

tral perspective across the disciplines and in cultural life smuggles in elements of

class, race, and gender bias and distortion. Because the so- called neutral point of

view is so pervasive, it is often difficult to identify. One of the goals of this text is to

help the reader learn to recognize some of the ways in which issues of race, class,

and gender are embedded in ordinary discourse and daily life. Learning to identify

and employ race, class, and gender as fundamental categories of description and

analysis is essential if we wish to understand our own lives and the lives of others.

The Challenges of Studying Race, Class, and Gender As we begin our study together, some differences from other academic enter-

prises are immediately apparent. Whereas students and faculty in an introductory

literature or chemistry class rarely begin the semester with deeply felt and firmly

entrenched attitudes toward the subject, almost every student in a course that

deals with issues of race, class, gender, and sexuality enters the room on the first

day with strong feelings, and almost every faculty member does so as well. The

consequences can be either very good or very bad. Under the best conditions, if

we acknowledge our feelings head on, those feelings can provide the basis for a

passionate and personal study of the topics and can make this course something

out of the ordinary, a class that has real long- term meaning both for students

and for teachers.

This material presents many challenges. Racism, sexism, heterosexism, and

class privilege are all systems of oppression with their own particular history and

their own intrinsic logic (or illogic). Therefore it is important to explore each of

these systems on its own terms; at the same time, these systems operate in con-

junction with one another to form an enormously complex set of interlocking


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2 Introduction

and self- perpetuating relations of domination and subordination. It is essential

that we understand the ways in which these systems overlap, intersect, and play

off one another. For purposes of analysis, it may be necessary to talk as if it were

possible to abstract race or sexuality from, say, gender and class, and for a time

subject a dimension to exclusive scrutiny, even though such distinctions are never

possible in reality. When we engage in this kind of abstraction, we should never

lose sight of the fact that any particular individual has an ethnic background,

a class location, an age, a sexual orientation, a religious orientation, a gender,

and that all these characteristics are inseparable from the person and from one

another. Always, the particular combination of these identities shapes the individ-

ual and locates him or her in society.

It is also true that in talking about racism, sexism, and heterosexism in the con-

text of class, we may have to make generalizations about the experience of different

groups of people, even as we affirm that each individual is unique. For example,

in order to highlight similarities in the experiences of some individuals, this book

often talks about “people of color” or “women of color,” even though these terms

are somewhat problematic. When I refer to “women” in this book instead of “white

women” or “women of color,” it is usually in order to focus on the particular expe-

riences or the legal status of women as women. Yet for the purposes of discussion

and analysis, it is often necessary to make artificial distinctions in order to focus

on particular aspects of experience that may not be separable in reality. Language

both mirrors reality and helps to structure it. No wonder, then, that it is so difficult

to use our language in ways that adequately address our topics.

Structure of the Book This book begins with an examination of the ways in which race, class, gender, and

sexuality have been socially constructed in the United States as “differences” in

the form of hierarchies. What exactly does it mean to claim that someone or some

group of people is “different”? What kind of evidence might be offered to support

this claim? What does it mean to construct differences? And how does society

treat people who are categorized in this way? The readings in Parts I, II, III, and IV

are intended to initiate a dialogue about the ways in which U.S. society constructs

difference, and the social, political, and personal consequences that flow from that

construction. These readings encourage us to think about the meaning of racism,

sexism, heterosexism, and class privilege, and how these systems intersect.

Part I treats the idea of difference itself as a social construct, one that under-

lies and grounds racism, sexism, class privilege, and homophobia. Each of the

authors included would agree that while some of these differences may appear to

be “natural” or given in nature, they are in fact socially constructed, and the mean-

ings and values associated with these differences create a hierarchy of power

and privilege which, precisely because it does appear to be “natural,” is used to

rationalize inequality.

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