Lead And Manage Team Effectiveness
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includes the following components:
Assessor Guide
Student Assessment Guide
Student Assessment Workbook
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Table of Contents Assessment Information 1
Assessment Event 1 – Knowledge Questions 3
Question 1 3
Question 2 3
Question 3 3
Question 4 3
Assessment Event 2: Perfect Coffee Bar Simulation 4
Task 1: Establish team performance plan 4 1.1 Develop performance plan 4 1.2 Develop policy and procedures for taking responsibility of own work 4 1.3 Develop communications strategies for operations 4 1.4 Develop processes to ensure that issues are resolved 5
Task 2: Facilitate team cohesion 6 2.1 Review initiatives 6 2.2 Consult with team to establish team purpose, roles and responsibilities 6
Task 3: Facilitate teamwork 7 3.1 Review data on performance 7 3.2 Provide feedback to team on current performance 7
Task 4: liaise with stakeholders 8 4.1 Establish and maintain open communication processes 8 4.2 Communicate information from Management to Team 8 4.3 Communicate unresolved issues with management 8 4.4 Take necessary corrective action 9
Appendix A: Perfect Coffee Bar Simulation 10
Perfect Coffee Bar Simulation Background 10
Simulation Phases 10
Your Role in the Simulation 11 Phase 1: 11 Phase 2: 11 Phase 3: 11
Assessment Conditions for the Observations 12
Appendix B: Observation Check Sheets 13
Observation Check Sheet 1: Running a session on the team consultation initiatives 13
Observation Check Sheet 2: deliver a performance management session 16
BSBWOR502 Student Assessment Guide v3.0 Page 1
Assessment Information
Welcome to your Student Assessment Guide for BSBWOR502 Lead and Manage Team Effectiveness. This Guide
provides you with information on the assessment particularly what you have to do and to what level of performance.
This assessment has the following two events:
Assessment Event 1 – Knowledge Questions
There are four questions that will provide us with evidence of your general knowledge of techniques to enhance
team work.
This assessment is completed in your own time and by a submission date provided by your Assessor. You may use
support material in the development of your responses, but you must indicate the source. In addition, you must
not ‘cut and paste’ content from your source, rather, use your words, unless it is a direct quote.
Assessment Event 2 – Simulation: Perfect Coffee Bar
You will complete a number of tasks that will provide us with evidence of your skills with establishing and
implementing initiatives for team work with Devonshire Coffee Bar. These tasks will be based on your role of
Team Leader in a simulation with an organisation that retails hot coffee through its mobile booth.
To complete the Simulation, you will need to refer to the following resources:
Policies and Procedures
This folder contains five policies and procedures for Perfect Coffee Bar. You will use
this as a guide in Task 1.2 where you will develop a set of policies and procedures for
Team Communication Plan
This template is populated in Task 1.3 for identifying stakeholders and their
communication needs.
Perfect Coffee Bar
Performance Data
This data outlines the performance of the Perfect Coffee Booths and is used in Task
3.1 to identify and prepare for the performance management session.
Team Session Feedback
This feedback form is used in Task 3.2 where you will seek input on your ability to be a
role model within the company.
Remember, you do not type your responses in this Student Assessment Guide, but use the Student Assessment
Workbook, which is a separate document. This document is simply a guide to explain what you are required to do,
and by doing so, this will assist you to perform at your best.
Please note that your responses for both assessment events can (where appropriate) use dot point format. See
below for an example of a dot point response and a full sentence response.
Dot point format Presentation Plan includes the following:
needs of the audience
Full sentence format When you are preparing for a Presentation, there are a number of tasks that must be
carried out. These are; listing the outcomes that you want to achieve, followed by the
identification of the needs of your audience. When you have completed these two tasks,
you then check on the room you will be conducting the simulation in etc.
Performance required
complete all of the questions and tasks listed in the Student Assessment Workbook
meet all the requirements listed in this Student Assessment Guide
your responses to the questions and tasks must be relevant, accurate and specific
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submit your completed Student Assessment Workbook to your Assessor within the set timeframes
your work must be in your own words
where you use an external source of information, you must provide citation.
Please be aware that your Assessor is here to provide you with the necessary support throughout the assessment
process. If you have questions, then contact them for guidance.
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Assessment Event 1 – Knowledge Questions
The information contained in this assessment event lists the questions that you will need to develop a written
response. These questions are theoretical and provide evidence of your understanding of the processes that impact
on team effectiveness. Each question includes the requirements which indicate what you have to do and the depth
of your response to achieve a satisfactory result.
Question 1
Describe in the table below, how group dynamics can support and hinder team performance.
R 1. describe two examples
R 2. word count is approximately 30 words per example.
Examples where it supports performance Examples where it hinders performance
Question 2
In the table below, explain strategies that can support team cohesion, participation and performance
R 1. explain a strategy for each of the following:
performance R 2. word count is approximately 30 words per strategy.
Strategies Grouping Explanation
Question 3
Describe strategies for gaining consensus.
R 1. describe two strategies
R 2. word count is approximately 50 words per strategy.
Question 4
Describe strategies to resolve workplace issues.
R 1. identify two workplace issues
R 2. provide a method for resolution for each issue
R 3. word count is approximately 60 words for each issue.
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Assessment Event 2: Perfect Coffee Bar Simulation
In this assessment, you will undertake a number of tasks associated with ensuring team work through the running of
team meetings, initially to develop and facilitate team cohesion and then a second meeting to identify and resolve
work performance for the Devonshire Perfect Coffee Bar.
In this simulation you will perform the following actions:
Develop and establish initiatives for effective consultation
Facilitate teamwork through performance improvement
Liaise with stakeholders.
Please ensure that you familiarise yourself with this set of requirements that underpin this simulation. This includes
understanding the background of the simulation and the criteria you will be assessed on. These are located in the
Appendix of this document.
Task 1: Establish team performance plan
In this task you will demonstrate your skills in developing a performance plan and putting in place policies,
procedures and processes to support the achievement of the plan.
1.1 Develop performance plan
R 1. develop a team performance plan that includes:
a minimum of three key performance indicators
R 2. word count is not critical.
1.2 Develop policy and procedures for taking responsibility of own work
R 1. develop a policy for team members taking responsibility for their own work:
R 2. develop a policy for team members to assist others to undertake required roles and responsibilities
R 3. develop a minimum of four procedures for taking responsibility for their own work
R 4. word count is approximately 250 words in total.
1.3 Develop communications strategies for operations
R 1. complete the Team Communications Plan template:
this plan must contain a minimum of two team members
the purpose column must cover a short statement of the purpose
the duration covers length of meeting
includes other stakeholders such as Management
R 2. word count is not critical.
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1.4 Develop processes to ensure that issues are resolved
R 1. develop an Issues Register that ensures:
sufficient detail to provide understanding with issues
R 2. develop a draft Team Charter that contains:
a minimum of seven procedures
each procedure is aligned to consultation within the team
R 3. word count is approximately 150 words for the completed Charter.
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Task 2: Facilitate team cohesion
In this task you will demonstrate your skills in ensuring team cohesion through the running of a weekly team
meeting to develop processes for ensuring team collaboration.
2.1 Review initiatives
R 1. prepare for the consultation with the team by developing supporting aids for:
draft Team Performance Plan
Team Communication Plan
Policies and Procedures on accountability
Issues Register
Team Charter
R 2. word count is not critical.
2.2 Consult with team to establish team purpose, roles and responsibilities
R 1. run a consultative session that reviews:
Team Performance Plan
Team Communication Plan
Policies and Procedures on accountability
Issues Register
Team Charter
R 2. encourage team members to participate and take responsibility with these initiatives
R 3. ensure contributions in the session served as a role model
R 4. feedback must meet all requirements in the Check Sheet number 1
R 5. meet the time duration of 45 minutes.
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Task 3: Facilitate teamwork
In this task, you will demonstrate your skills in providing feedback on performance to encourage, value and reward
individual and team efforts and to support the team to meet expected performance outcomes.
3.1 Review data on performance
R 1. prepare for the session on performance with the team by developing supporting aids for:
Team Performance Plan
Perfect Coffee Bar Performance Data
R 2. word count is not critical.
3.2 Provide feedback to team on current performance
R 1. deliver a performance management session
R 2. propose in the session, a minimum of two KPI’s for team members:
For the week starting July 20 there will be no customer complaints
For the week starting July 20 there will be no out of stock entries
For the week starting July 20 there will be a 5% increase on sales for the past week
R 3. meet all requirements in the Check Sheet number 2
R 4. review the feedback from the distributed “Team Session Feedback Form”:
note a minimum of two findings
develop a minimum of one action to ensure the continued to be a role model
R 5. meet the time duration of 45 minutes.
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Task 4: liaise with stakeholders
In this task you will demonstrate your skills in liaising with stakeholders to keep them informed of the
implementation of initiatives and results achieved and any follow up actions required.
4.1 Establish and maintain open communication processes
R 1. send an email to the Manager of Operations on meetings held with staff:
include background to meetings held with the team
explain issues
list outcomes
include outstanding issues remaining
R 2. attach email to your Student Assessment Workbook
R 3. word count is approximately 150 words.
4.2 Communicate information from Management to Team
R 1. send email to team members informing them of Management’s response, contents included:
that management believes that they are a good employer
that their wages are above the award rate
profits are not substantial enough to warrant pay rises
that in times of economic uncertainty management are unable to offer any additional benefits other
than the many they believe the job provides
long term they may be able to review the incentive and remuneration scheme
email content created a positive tone
R 2. attached email to your Student Assessment Workbook R 3. word count is approximately 100 words.
4.3 Communicate unresolved issues with management
R 1. send email to management which:
overview content of last correspondence
explain improved performance over past three months by Devonshire as follows:
- sales for July were up 2%, August 3%, September 5%
- no reports of out of stock items for the quarter
- 1 customer complaint for the quarter
suggest that there may be an opportunity to reward the recent efforts
outline what these reward options could be
explain that the provision of these rewards would further contribute to increased performance
summarise that the return on investment would be favorable
R 2. attach email to your Student Assessment Workbook
R 3. word count is approximately 100 words.
BSBWOR502 Student Assessment Guide v3.0 Page 9
4.4 Take necessary corrective action
R 1. send additional email to Management to follow up previous email, which includes:
opening with concerns on the no response to previous email
stresses urgency of situation in maintaining morale of team
put forwards options for addressing these issues
R 2. content is positive, clear, specific and persuasive
R 3. attach email to your Student Assessment Workbook
R 4. word count is approximately 100 words.
BSBWOR502 Student Assessment Guide v3.0 Page 10
Appendix A: Perfect Coffee Bar Simulation
Perfect Coffee Bar Simulation Background
Perfect Coffee Bar is a division of Perfect Coffee, a successful retailer of coffee products. Perfect Coffee Bar is a set of
booths that operate across Sydney delivering freshly made coffee and a small selection of cakes. There are seven
outlets and sales over the past six months are as follows:
As Team Leader, you can see from the table, the sales for Devonshire are low in comparison with the other booths.
In this simulation, your task as Team Leader is to improve the performance of this booth. The two employees in this
booth are Bilal and Jai. Bilal has been with the company about a year and Jai has been with the company for two
years. They are relatively experienced but don’t take well to directions from the company. In particular they like to
run their booth as their own business. They set their own targets and don’t place much importance on the company
key performance indicators. They have been observed discussing social matters while customers wait. For data on
customer satisfaction, individual KPI’s and comparison of sales with other booths please refer to the separate
document titled Perfect Coffee Performance Data.
As Team Leader you will have noted from the findings from completed surveys from customers (online) that at times
they argue when customers complain about the quality of the coffee and the length of time it takes to be brewed.
Much of this information comes from the anonymous feedback surveys housed on the website, though you have
recently taken visits to the booth and had this feedback confirmed.
Simulation Phases
This simulation is divided into the following phases:
Phase 1: Develop and establish initiatives for effective consultation
Phase 2: Facilitate teamwork through performance improvement
Phase 3: Liaise with stakeholders.
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Your Role in the Simulation
You will be the Team Leader of Perfect Coffee Bar in the simulation. Your roles and responsibilities in the simulation
are as follows:
Phase 1:
Phase 1 occurs in Tasks 1.1 to Tasks 2.2.
This simulation will have a duration of 45 minutes where you will plan collaboration initiatives then consult with your
team. Note that your Assessor will not play a role in this observation activity as they will be observing your
interaction with the stakeholders and documenting evidence in the Observation Check Sheet 1 provided in Appendix
In Phase 1 your main duties in the organisation are as follows:
Develops Team Charter
Develops Communication Plan
Develops Issues Register
Consults with the Devonshire Team.
Phase 2:
Phase 2 occurs in Tasks 3.1 to Tasks 3.2.
This simulation will have a duration of 45 minutes where you will prepare and deliver a performance session to
enhance team work. Note that your Assessor will not play a role in this observation activity as they will be observing
your interaction with the stakeholders and documenting evidence in the Observation Check Sheet 2 provided in
Appendix B.
In Phase 2 your main duties in the organisation are as follows:
research the performance data for the booths
plan a session on teamwork
deliver a session on teamwork.
Phase 3:
Phase 3 occurs from Tasks 4.1 to Tasks 4.4. In Phase 3 your main duties in the organisation are as follows:
interacts with Management
keeps team informed of developments
follows up on outstanding issues.
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Assessment Conditions for the Observations
The information in this section outlines the assessment conditions for the Observations which occurs in Phase 1 and
2 and involves your interaction with two stakeholders.
Before the Observations:
you must ensure that you have read and understood any documents required to undertake the Observations
you must ensure that you have read and understood all performance requirements listed under each task
you must ensure that you have read the requirements listed in the Observation Check Sheets as your
performance will be judged based on these criteria (see Appendix B)
your Assessor will inform you of the date of your Observations.
During the Observations:
you will be interacting with the two team members from the Devonshire Team
each observation has a total duration of 45 minutes
other students will not be observers during the session as this will give them an unfair advantage
these stakeholders will be role played by staff from the RTO or other externals
your Assessor will brief them on your topic so that they can carry out their actions in an appropriate manner
you cannot refer to the Observation Check Sheets while undertaking the Observations
your Assessor will:
- observe you individually based on the criteria in the Observation Check Sheets
- document their observations in detail on the Observation Check Sheets
- provide extensive written feedback
- ensure that the session will be free from distractions
you must comply with WHS requirements
you must demonstrate all the criteria in the Observation Check Sheets to achieve a satisfactory result for the
If you are not successful, after the observation, the Assessor will:
provide written feedback on the Observation Check Sheets explaining their justification in detail
communicate this feedback to you
arrange another suitable time to observe your second attempt.
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Appendix B: Observation Check Sheets
We have provided the Observation Check Sheets for you to prepare for your assessment with the Assessor.
Remember, you will not be able to use this Check Sheets during this session. However, we recommend you use this
as a planning tool so that you are fully prepared for the observations.
Note that you must demonstrate all the criteria listed in the following Observation Check Sheets to be deemed
Observation Check Sheet 1: Running a session on the team consultation initiatives
Performance requirements:
1. Introduction
welcome participants:
- be friendly
- introduce each other
- be positive
state objectives of the session which included the review of the following drafts plans, registers and charters:
- draft Team Performance Plan
- Team Communication Plan
- Issues Register
- Team Charter
explain format of session concisely and in a clear fashion
seek feedback on objectives and format:
- note input
- where appropriate incorporate into session body
2. Body
present the draft team performance plan for feedback:
- overview the plan
- explain its purpose
- explain why it is necessary
- presentation must be clear
- presentation must aid understanding
introduce the two consultation processes:
- communication plan and team charter
- why they are developed
present the draft communication plan and the team charter:
- presentation must be clear
- support by either handout or PowerPoints
- presentation must aid understanding
seek input on their views with the team plan and the two processes:
- listen
- take notes
- clarify this feedback to confirm understanding
- where appropriate agree to follow up any issues raised
overviews the draft policy and procedures for taking responsibility and supporting others:
- presentation must be clear
- support by either handout or PowerPoints
BSBWOR502 Student Assessment Guide v3.0 Page 14
Performance requirements:
- presentation must aid understanding
3. Conclusion
the conclusion:
- summarise session in terms of whether objectives were achieved
- seek input to confirm level of commitment with proposed initiatives
overview next steps:
- explain the next meeting on performance management
- explain why this is important
- this explanation must be clear
- this explanation must gain commitment
complete the session in 45 minutes
Appropriate Communication Skills
body language skills: - maintain eye contact - show appropriate facial expressions - posture must be appropriate - gestures must fit message
verbal skills: - vocal pitch must be appropriate - tone must be pleasant - pace must be at the right speed to achieve clarity - volume must be appropriate for participants
sensitive to the cultural diversity of the participants: - language avoids jargon - language chosen must be easy to understand - level of formality shows respect to both parties - content must be non-sensitive - watch for non-verbal signs of both parties - seek input if team members are withdrawn through direct open questioning
emotions: - process emotions of self and participants and stays calm - feed back to the group, emerging issues - these interpretations must be accurate and appropriate
Consultation skills:
uses effective consultation: - request views and opinions of participants - listen - do not interrupt - encourage participants to give input - validate this input - use open questions to explore issues - where appropriate, incorporate into draft initiatives
session is presented in an interesting way: - generates enthusiasm - material is comprehensive
you are credible: - knowledgeable - honest - sincere
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Performance requirements:
- motivating - confident
you are professional: - concise - organised - uses resources where appropriate - does not read from notes - does not lose focus
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Observation Check Sheet 2: deliver a performance management session
Performance requirements:
1. Introduction
welcome participants:
- be friendly
- introduce each other
- be positive
state objective:
- specific
- relevant to situation
- achievable
- time framed
explain format of session concisely and in a clear fashion
2. Body
table performance of the two team members: - state facts on the situation - this statement must be accurate - asks for their interpretation of performance - listen to their view
remain objective: - do not verbalise judgements based on ad hoc feedback - attempt to get all the facts by taking notes
collaborate on strategies for addressing performance: - communicate the need to work together to address the performance issues - ask for their thoughts on how to address performance - reach agreement on strategies
confirm KPI’s for performance: - these targets must be realistic - these targets must be measureable - these targets must be specific - these targets must be time framed
develop options to cover both formal and informal PD to achieve targets: - options must be appropriate - options contain specifics - options contain outcomes required
conclusion is appropriate:
- summarise agreements reached
- check to see if any issues still remain
- detail the next step in the management of performance
- check in on state of feelings
manage the performance session within 45 minutes
Communication Skills
body language skills: - maintain eye contact - show appropriate facial expressions - posture must be appropriate - gestures must fit message
verbal skills: - vocal pitch must be appropriate - tone must be pleasant
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Performance requirements:
- pace must be at the right speed to achieve clarity - volume must be appropriate for participants
sensitive to the cultural diversity of the participant: - language avoids jargon - language chosen is easy to understand - level of formality that shows respect to team - content must be non-sensitive - watch for non-verbal signs - seek input if withdrawn through direct open questioning
is assertive: - intervene if individual uses aggressive behaviour such as name calling etc., - intervene if individual loses focus - intervene if individual attempts to dominate air time
emotions: - process emotions of self by staying calm - feed back to the team their behaviour if relevant - these interpretations must be accurate and appropriate
use appropriate consultation skills: - request views and opinions by listening and questioning - encourage input and responds adequately - validate input and where appropriate incorporates into draft strategies