BSBWOR502 Lead and manage
team effectiveness
Learner Guide
Contextualised from John N Baily 2010
Learner Guide Created Date: Dec 2012 Revised Date: January 2016
BSBWOR502 Lead and manage team effectiveness
Version No: 2.0 Page 2 of 68
BSBWOR502 – Lead and manage team effectiveness
Author: John Bailey
Text copyright © 2009, 2010 by John N Bailey.
Illustration, layout and design copyright © 2009, 2010 by John N Bailey.
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Version No: 2.0 Page 3 of 68
BSBWOR502 – Lead and manage team effectiveness
1.1 Consult team members to establish a common understanding of team purpose, roles, responsibilities and accountabilities in accordance with organisational goals, plans and objectives. 10
1.2 Develop performance plans to establish expected outcomes, outputs, key performance indicators and goals for work team. ..................................................................................................... 14
1.3 Support team members in meeting expected performance outcomes .................................... 17
2.1 Develop strategies to ensure team members have input into planning, decision making and operational aspects of work team. ....................................................................................................... 20
2.2 Develop policies and procedures to ensure team members take responsibility for own work and assist others to undertake required roles and responsibilities. ........................................................... 26
2.3 Provide feedback to team members to encourage, value and reward individual and team efforts and contributions. ...................................................................................................................... 29
2.4 Develop processes to ensure that issues, concerns and problems identified by team members are recognised and addressed ............................................................................................ 32
3.1 Encourage team members and individuals to participate in and to take responsibility for team activities, including communication processes. ................................................................................... 37
3.2 Support the team in identifying and resolving work performance problems ............................ 40
3.3 Ensure own contribution to work team serves as a role model for others and enhances the organisation’s image for all stakeholders ............................................................................................ 44
4.1 Establish and maintain open communication processes with all stakeholders. ...................... 49
4.2 Communicate information from line manager/ management to the team ................................ 54
4.3 Communicate unresolved issues, concerns and problems raised by team members and follow-up with line manager/ management and other relevant stakeholders ...................................................... 61
4.4 Evaluate and take necessary corrective action regarding unresolved issues, concerns and problems raised by internal or external stakeholders. ......................................................................... 63
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Version No: 2.0 Page 4 of 68
BSBWOR502 - Lead and manage team effectiveness
This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to facilitate all aspects of teamwork within the organisation. It involves taking a leadership role in the development of team plans, leading and facilitating teamwork and actively engaging with the management of the organisation. No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of endorsement.
Employability Skills:
This unit contains employability skills.
Application of Unit:
This unit applies to managers and addresses the need for managers to facilitate work teams and to build a positive culture within work teams. The unit takes a systematic and planned approach to developing teams. It includes the soft skills as well as more structured approaches to the management of teams.
At this level, work will normally be carried out within complex and diverse methods and procedures which require the exercise of considerable discretion and judgement, using a range of problem solving and decision making strategies
As a worker, a trainee or a future worker you want to enjoy your work and become known as a valuable team member. This unit of competency will help you acquire the knowledge and skills to work effectively as an individual and in groups. It will give you the basis to contribute to the goals of the organization which employs you.
It is essential that you begin your training by becoming familiar with the industry standards to which organizations must conform.
This unit of competency introduces you to some of the key issues and responsibilities of workers and organizations in this area. The unit also provides you with opportunities to develop the competencies necessary for employees to operate as team members.
This Learning Guide covers:
• Establish team performance plan.
• Develop and facilitate team cohesion.
• Facilitate teamwork.
• Liaise with stakeholders.
Learning Program
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Version No: 2.0 Page 5 of 68
As you progress through this unit you will develop skills in locating and understanding an organizations policies and procedures. You will build up a sound knowledge of the industry standards within which organizations must operate. You should also become more aware of the effect that your own skills in dealing with people has on your success, or otherwise, in the workplace.
Knowledge of your skills and capabilities will help you make informed choices about your further study and career options.
Additional Learning Support
To obtain additional support you may:
• Search for other resources in the Learning Resource Centres of your learning institution. You may find books, journals, videos and other materials which provide extra information for topics in this unit.
• Search in your local library. Most libraries keep information about government departments and other organizations, services and programs.
• Contact information services such as Infolink, Equal Opportunity Commission, and Commissioner of Workplace Agreements. Union organizations, and public relations and information services provided by various government departments. Many of these services are listed in the telephone directory.
• Contact your local shire or council office. Many councils have a community development or welfare officer as well as an information and referral service.
• Contact the relevant facilitator by telephone, mail or facsimile.
Your training organization will provide you with a flexible learning facilitator. Your facilitator will play an active role in supporting your learning, will make regular contact with you and if you have face to face access, should arrange to see you at least once. After you have enrolled your facilitator will contact you by telephone or letter as soon as possible to let you know:
• How and when to make contact
• What you need to do to complete this unit of study
• What support will be provided.
Here are some of the things your facilitator can do to make your study easier.
• Give you a clear visual timetable of events for the semester or term in which you are enrolled, including any deadlines for assessments.
• Check that you know how to access library facilities and services.
• Conduct small ‘interest groups’ for some of the topics.
• Use ‘action sheets’ and website updates to remind you about tasks you need to complete.
• Set up a ‘chat line”. If you have access to telephone conferencing or video conferencing, your facilitator can use these for specific topics or discussion sessions.
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Version No: 2.0 Page 6 of 68
• Circulate a newsletter to keep you informed of events, topics and resources of interest to you.
• Keep in touch with you by telephone or email during your studies.
Flexible Learning
Studying to become a competent worker and learning about current issues in this area, is an interesting and exciting thing to do. You will establish relationships with other candidates, fellow workers and clients. You will also learn about your own ideas, attitudes and values. You will also have fun – most of the time.
At other times, study can seem overwhelming and impossibly demanding, particularly when you have an assignment to do and you aren’t sure how to tackle it…..and your family and friends want you to spend time with them……and a movie you want to watch is on television….and…. Sometimes being a candidate can be hard.
Here are some ideas to help you through the hard times. To study effectively, you need space, resources and time.
Try to set up a place at home or at work where:
• You can keep your study materials
• You can be reasonably quiet and free from interruptions, and
• You can be reasonably comfortable, with good lighting, seating and a flat surface for writing.
If it is impossible for you to set up a study space, perhaps you could use your local library. You will not be able to store your study materials there, but you will have quiet, a desk and chair, and easy access to the other facilities.
Study Resources
The most basic resources you will need are:
• a chair
• a desk or table
• a reading lamp or good light
• a folder or file to keep your notes and study materials together
• materials to record information (pen and paper or notebooks, or a computer and printer)
• reference materials, including a dictionary
Do not forget that other people can be valuable study resources. Your fellow workers, work supervisor, other candidates, your flexible learning facilitator, your local librarian, and workers in this area can also help you.
It is important to plan your study time. Work out a time that suits you and plan around it. Most people find that studying in short, concentrated blocks
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Version No: 2.0 Page 7 of 68
of time (an hour or two) at regular intervals (daily, every second day, once a week) is more effective than trying to cram a lot of learning into a whole day. You need time to “digest” the information in one section before you move on to the next, and everyone needs regular breaks from study to avoid overload. Be realistic in allocating time for study. Look at what is required for the unit and look at your other commitments.
Make up a study timetable and stick to it. Build in “deadlines” and set yourself goals for completing study tasks. Allow time for reading and completing activities. Remember that it is the quality of the time you spend studying rather than the quantity that is important.
Study Strategies
Different people have different learning ‘styles’. Some people learn best by listening or repeating things out loud. Some learn best by doing, some by reading and making notes. Assess your own learning style, and try to identify any barriers to learning which might affect you. Are you easily distracted? Are you afraid you will fail? Are you taking study too seriously? Not seriously enough? Do you have supportive friends and family? Here are some ideas for effective study strategies.
Make notes. This often helps you to remember new or unfamiliar information. Do not worry about spelling or neatness, as long as you can read your own notes. Keep your notes with the rest of your study materials and add to them as you go. Use pictures and diagrams if this helps.
Underline key words when you are reading the materials in this learning guide. (Do not underline things in other people’s books). This also helps you to remember important points.
Talk to other people (fellow workers, fellow candidates, friends, family, your facilitator) about what you are learning. As well as helping you to clarify and understand new ideas, talking also gives you a chance to find out extra information and to get fresh ideas and different points of view.
Using this learning guide:
A learning guide is just that, a guide to help you learn. A learning guide is not a text book. Your learning guide will
• describe the skills you need to demonstrate to achieve competency for this unit
• provide information and knowledge to help you develop your skills
• provide you with structured learning activities to help you absorb the knowledge and information and practice your skills
• direct you to other sources of additional knowledge and information about topics for this unit.
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Version No: 2.0 Page 8 of 68
The Icon Key
Key Points
Explains the actions taken by a competent person.
Illustrates the concept or competency by providing examples.
Provides images that represent data symbolically. They are used to present complex information and numerical data in a simple, compact format.
Intended Outcomes or Objectives
Statements of intended outcomes or objectives are descriptions of the work that will be done.
Strategies with which information will be collected in order to validate each intended outcome or objective.