Read the case study “Polaris Company” and respond to the following:
Does the organization have a published policy and/or procedure covering outsourcing or service level agreements with outside vendors? If the policy and/or procedures exist, please obtain a copy of the relevant policy and/or procedures and summarize them in the report.
If there are no published application development/acquisition policy and/or procedures, are there standards or a "best practices" that the IT organization follows to ensure that development and/or acquisition activities are performed uniformly and completely? If yes, are they written? If they are written, please obtain a copy and, again, summarize them in your report. If they are not written (i.e. they exist but are informal), what are they and how are they conveyed to the project manager and application designer?
If no development/acquisition procedures or standards exist, are application designers or development/acquisition project managers expected to use a particular process or methodology? If yes, what is that process and how is that information conveyed to the project manager and application designer?
Was the methodology used similarly to any of the methodologies mentioned in the readings on Systems Development (i.e. Waterfall/Agile/Scrum/RUP)