Case Assignment
Once you have finished reading about this topic and reviewing the background materials, please write a 2- to 3-page paper (either in essay format or Q & A format) addressing the following questions:
From an employee’s perspective, what are the pros and cons to cyberloafing while at work? From a management perspective, what are the pros and cons to cyberloafing while at work?
Should Jack consider revising the current policy? Should a policy be changed once it is implemented? Will he be sending mixed messages to his employees?
Should all policies be revisited from time to time to see if they are relevant and practical? If so, how often?
Do you agree that employees deserve some autonomy at work? Do you think retention levels will improve if employees have more autonomy? Justify your response.
If employees have time for cyberloafing, does that mean that they need more work to do? Should managers conduct a work flow analysis? What are some options?
As a future manager, discuss your internet-usage policy in detail so there is no confusion among the employees.
Be sure to support your arguments with references to the background readings and your research