ENT-436 CLC Hypothesis Group 2
Instructions: Document the agreed-upon team problem statement above the chart and complete each row and column as directed in the assignment.
Team problem statement: _ Health care concerns in the United States are at an all-time high due to various circumstances, illness and life situations that are faced from birth through death. From mental health, obesity and care for senior citizens, each American is affected by the health care system in one form another. These effects range from not having the proper care, not being able to afford what is available, to not having the options to best suit the needs of the individual.
Good Hypothesis
Better Version
Best Version
Independent Variable
Dependent Variable
The addition of fresh water wells within Rio de Janeiro will help.
The addition of fresh water wells within Rio de Janeiro will increase citizens' health.
The addition of seven fresh water wells within the shanty town of Rozinho, outside of Rio de Janeiro, will decrease the amount of necessary doctor visits by 20%.
Fresh water wells.
Amount of doctor visits.
Health care costs for seniors living solely on social security and/or disability prevent them from getting needed care
Health care costs for seniors living solely on social security in Augusta, GA prevent them from getting needed care most of the time.
Health costs for seniors living solely on social security in the Kissingbower neighborhood of Augusta, GA prevent them from getting needed medical care at least 70% of the time.
Level of health care costs experienced.
Treatment sought.
The Affordable Care Act has decreased the individual cost of health care.
The Affordable Care Act has decreased the individual cost of health care in Augusta, GA.
The Affordable Care Act has decreased the cost of individual health care in the Kissingbower neighborhood of Augusta, GA by 10% or more.
Dates health care was provided,
Individual total health care costs per visit including insurance costs and deductibles.
Transformation of behavior and food will reduce obesity and health care cost.
Transformation of behavior consisting of exercise, portion control, and types of food indigestion will reduce obesity and health care cost in America.
Transformation of behavior consisting of active exercise, portion control, and types of food indigestion will reduce gain in obesity and cost of health care in America among all age groups ranging from children to adults.
Behavioral and activity transformation.
Level of obesity and cost of health care.
An increase in healthcare funding will help towards Special Needs children early intervention programs.
The increase of healthcare funds in state programs towards Special Needs children will help in improved early intervention programs.
The increase of healthcare funds in state programs towards Special Needs children will provide more options that will widen the access to more medical professionals for improved early intervention programs.
Special Needs Children
Increase in healthcare funds. Improved early intervention programs. Access to more medical professionals.
Healthy food options will decrease obesity.
Healthy food choices in grocery stores, will cut down on the obesity rate in American adults.
In rural and lower economic status cities in America, box chain grocery stores providing affordable healthy food options in grocery stores, will decrease the obesity rate in American adults and lower the health care costs related to obesity to below 21%.
Healthy food options
health care costs, obesity rates
Providing better help for substance abuse users will affect health care costs.
Providing treatment and prevention for substance abuse will help health care costs.
Health insurance in the United States, providing substance abuse treatment and prevention at no cost to Americans, will reduce the $740 Billion costs attributed to substance abuse in America, including crime, lost work productivity and health care.
Treatment and prevention opportunities
crime, lost work productivity and health care costs
Stress causes mental disorders in adults
The increase in stress causes an increase in mental disorders among adults
The increase in stress to chronic levels in adults will increase chances of developing depression
Chronic Stress