1. Unity Heirarchy When we reviewed the Unity Hierarchy, Scripts were the lowest. However, this means that they are some of the most important items as they can be attached to all objects and are the "meat and potatoes" of interactivity. True False 2. For Loops (Usage) For loops are good to use when we know the exact number of times the loop needs to run. True False 3. Unity Object Components (Position) We have a prefab called NPC, it has a script attached to it named NPC.cs. In this code, how would we access the object's position in the scene? my.transform.position this.position transform.position None of these 4. User-Created Data Types (T/F) Because of the type of programming language C# is, we are able to create our own data types. True False 5. User-Created Data Types (Unity Inheritance) When we create our own data types, do we have to use Unity's : Monobehaviour? Yes No 7. Unity Controls (Keyboard) What would the value of bShiftPressed be if the Left Shift key is pressed? bShiftPressed = Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.KeyPad5); true false 8. Arrays (Data Types) What data types can be help in the same array? Arrays can hold multiple type of data; exp. { 1, 2.0f, 0.333, true, "Hello World!" }; Arrays can hold similar types of data; exp. { 1.2f, 3, 2E5 }; Arrays can hold multiple values of one data type; exp { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; { "Hello", "World!"}; None of these 9. Number of Items in an Array If we have an array: int myIntArray = new int[] {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}; How would we get the total number of items in the array? myIntArray.Length myIntArray.length myIntArray.Count None of these 10. Unity Controls (Keyboard) What would the value of bShiftPressed be if the Left Shift key is pressed? bShiftPressed = Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftShift); true false 11. Unity Controls (Mouse Clicks) What Mouse Input method would we use in the condition portion of the following if statement to make the Debug.Log line true? if( ){ Debug.Log("Right mouse button clicked!"); } Input.GetmouseButton(1) Input.GetMouseButton(1) Input.GetMouseButton(3) Input.GetMouseButton(0) 12. Unity Object Components (Position) Any game object inside Unity has a position in the scene. If we needed to change that position in code, we would want to create a new type of what to replace the current x, y, z position? Vector3D Vector2 this.transform Vector3 None of these 13. Unity Components (RigidBody) A Unity game object has a RigidBody on it. If we created a RigidBody myRB; in the object's script. What would be code be to assign the RigidBody to the myRB? myRB.this myRB = this.GetComponent(); myRB = Get.thisRigidBody(); None of these 14. Classes (User-Created Data Types) Say we have this following class: public class Cattle{ string type; bool horns; bool milkProducing; public Cattle(){ type = "Longhorn"; horns = true; milkProducing = false; } } The public Cattle() code is a special type of method. What is it called? Constructor Construction Destructor None of these 15. Classes (Cattle) Using the class from the previous question: public class Cattle{ string type; bool horns; bool milkProducing; public Cattle(){ type = "Longhorn"; horns = true; milkProducing = false; } } How would we create a new array of cattle objects, that we call Herd, and declare it with a length of 100? Cattle Herd[] = new Cattle[99]; Cattle[] Herd = new Cattle[99]; Cattle Herd[] = new Cattle[100]; Cattle[] Herd = new Cattle[100]; 16. Unity Object Components (Transform) A game object's transform holds it's position, rotation, and scale. What data type are the values in each of these? string int float double uint 17. Getting Components Let's say we have the following line of code: myBtns = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren