4. Write a logical function perfect Square that receives a positive integer number and checks if it is a perfect square or not. Note: perfect square numbers are 4, 9,16,25,36 etc.... Write a main function that makes use of the perfect Square function to find and print all perfect squares between nl and n2. nl and n2 are end values of a range introduced by the user. ■ (inactive CAT EXE) Enter end values of an interval(integer values) > 2 21 perfect squares between 2 and 21 are 16 5. Write a logical function, is prime, that takes an integer number and determines if the number is prime or not Note: A prime number is one that does not have proper factors Write a main function that makes use of the is prime function to find and print all the prime numbers from 2 to 100 Inactive CATCWIVEINMEXS EXE rine nunbers fron 2 to 100 are 37 79 5 N1 83 43 89 47 97 13 53 17 59 19 61 23 67 29 71 73