CAGE Analysis Assignment:
The purpose of this assignment is to conduct a cultural, administrative, geographical and economic analysis comparing the USA to two other countries.
The Situation: You work for BocaCoffeBeans a US company based in Boca Raton, FL which sells freshly roasted coffee exclusively through a website (similar to Your boss has requested you conduct a CAGE analysis to compare/contrast any two countries to USA. The purpose of this analysis is to provide a recommendation as to which of these two countries should the company further consider for initial market expansion in the hopes of opening a coffee store.
1. Select any two countries of your choice except China or India as those will be discussed in class as an example. Perform two CAGE analysis of each country-pair – that is, country A to USA, and Country B to USA.
2. Write an essay discussing your analysis from step one in a manner consistent with the CAGE framework as studied in class. In addition you are to make a recommendation for the company based on the analysis and the type of industry the firm is in that you selected.
Basic guidelines: Your paper must have:
• Two filled out tables similar to table one below and the one from PowerPoint presentation of chapter one.
• Two or three paragraphs about cultural distances between USA and each country. • Two or three paragraphs about distances between USA and each country. • Two or three paragraphs about geographic distances between USA and each country. • Two or three paragraphs about economic distances between USA and each country. • Executive Recommendation (4-5 paragraphs explaining which country you would recommend
considering your findings above and the type of industry BocaCoffeeBeans is in)
Requirements: APA style, between 1200-1500 words.
Table One Country A versus Country B from the perspective of U.S. companies
Country A USA Country B
CULTURAL Language: Ethnicities: Religion: Social Norm/values:
Colony/colonizer: Regional Trading Bloc: Currency: Type of Government: Legal System: Corruption index:
Some sources to get you started:
Grading Criteria
Physical Distance from US coasts Land Area/Border: Time Zones Climate: Environmental issues : Internal Navigability:
ECONOMIC Economic system: GDP- PPP/ per C. / growth rate : Natural resources: Human Resources: Infrastructure: Population: Human Development Index: Internet penetration: Ease of doing business index:
Grading Criteria – Percentage of Grade
Style and Format / 15% Formatting requirements adherence. Word count, citations, references, grammar, syntax, spelling, punctuation, headings, cover page. Quality of sources.
Outstanding Good Adequate Minimal Below Minimal
Readability / 15% Paper fluidity. Paragraph transition. Coherence. Clarity of prose.
Outstanding Good Adequate Minimal Below Minimal
Depth of Content / 70% Coverage and explanation of components in guidelines.
Outstanding Good Adequate Minimal Below Minimal