Topic: Global warming/ Cimate change
1. What is the problem your campaign is trying to solve? This can be a general statement like “teenage suicide”, “global warming”, “academic dishonesty”, etc.
2. Why is it a problem? Provide background information and evidence (e.g., research, data, statistics) for why the problem is important (and pervasive in your target audience) and needs to be solved. You may use scholarly sources to substantiate your argument, but you may also use popular press, government documents, or web sites to find evidence. Please make sure your sources are credible and do not make your evidence up. I will be checking your sources!
Your goal here is to make a strong argument (backed by evidence) that (a) your problem exists, (b) it has negative consequences, (c) it is pervasive in your target audience, and (d) a persuasive campaign will help to help solve it.
3. How exactly will your campaign solve the problem? In other words, what are you trying to persuade us to do or think (or both!), and how will this solve the problem identified in #1 and #2, above?
4. What is your specific campaign goal?
Your goal should address the problem described above and should be written in a way that is clear, concise, specific, and measurable.
For example, you might have the goal “To persuade college students at the University of Maryland to reduce their soda consumption by 50% by the end of next semester.”
Topic is appropriate for a persuasive campaign.
___ Group makes a logical argument for why the problem is important, pervasive, and worthy of a persuasive campaign.
___ Argument is supported by credible evidence/sources.
___ Campaign goal addresses the problem.
___ Campaign goal is clear, concise, measurable.