Bus iness eth ics
8t h e di t ion
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Will iam H. Shaw San Jose State Univers i ty
Bus iness eth ics
8t h e di t ion
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Business Ethics, Eighth Edition William H. Shaw
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Preface ix
pa rt one | mor a l philosoph y a nd busine ss 1
cha pter 1 the nature of Mor al it y 1 Ethics 3 Moral versus Nonmoral Standards 5 Religion and Morality 10 Ethical Relativism 13 Having Moral Principles 15 Morality and Personal Values 19 Individual Integrity and Responsibility 20 Moral Reasoning 24 Study Corner 30 Case 1.1: Made in the U.S.A.—Dumped in Brazil, Africa, Iraq . . . 31 Case 1.2: Just Drop off the Key, Lee 34 Case 1.3: The A7D Affair 37
cha pter 2 norMat iv e theor ies of e th ics 4 0 Consequentialist and Nonconsequentialist Theories 42 Egoism 43 Utilitarianism 46 Kant’s Ethics 53 other Nonconsequentialist Perspectives 59 Utilitarianism once More 66 Moral Decision Making: A Practical Approach 68 Study Corner 70 Case 2.1: Hacking into Harvard 71 Case 2.2: The Ford Pinto 74 Case 2.3: Blood for Sale 77
cha pter 3 Just ice and econoMic d istr iBut ion 80 The Nature of Justice 83 The Utilitarian View 86 The Libertarian Approach 90 Rawls’s Theory of Justice 97
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Study Corner 106 Case 3.1: Eminent Domain 107 Case 3.2: Battling over Bottled Water 109 Case 3.3: Poverty in America 111
pa rt t wo | a mer ic a n busine ss a nd its basis 114
cha pter 4 the nature of ca p ital isM 114 Capitalism 116 Key Features of Capitalism 119 Two Arguments for Capitalism 121 Criticisms of Capitalism 125 Today’s Economic Challenges 133 Study Corner 139 Case 4.1: Hucksters in the Classroom 140 Case 4.2: Licensing and Laissez Faire 142 Case 4.3: one Nation under Walmart 144 Case 4.4: A New Work Ethic? 147 Case 4.5: Casino Gambling on Wall Street 148
cha pter 5 corpor at ions 150 The Limited-Liability Company 152 Corporate Moral Agency 154 Rival Views of Corporate Responsibility 158 Debating Corporate Responsibility 164 Institutionalizing Ethics within Corporations 169 Study Corner 176 Case 5.1: Yahoo! in China 177 Case 5.2: Drug Dilemmas 179 Case 5.3: Levi Strauss at Home and Abroad 182 Case 5.4: Free Speech or False Advertising? 186 Case 5.5: Charity to Scouts? 188
pa rt thr ee | busine ss a nd societ y 191
cha pter 6 consuMers 191 Product Safety 193 other Areas of Business Responsibility 205 Deception and Unfairness in Advertising 214 The Debate over Advertising 224
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Study Corner 227 Case 6.1: Breast Implants 229 Case 6.2: Hot Coffee at McDonald’s 231 Case 6.3: Sniffing Glue Could Snuff Profits 232 Case 6.4: Closing the Deal 234 Case 6.5: The Rise and Fall of Four Loko 236
cha pter 7 the en v ironMent 239 Business and Ecology 242 The Ethics of Environmental Protection 246 Achieving our Environmental Goals 251 Delving Deeper into Environmental Ethics 256 Study Corner 264 Case 7.1: Hazardous Homes in Herculaneum 265 Case 7.2: Poverty and Pollution 267 Case 7.3: The Fordasaurus 269 Case 7.4: The Fight over the Redwoods 270 Case 7.5: Palm oil and Its Problems 273
pa rt Four | the orG a niZ ation a nd the people in it 276
cha pter 8 the Work pl ace (1) : Bas ic issues 276 Civil Liberties in the Workplace 277 Hiring 283 Promotions 289 Discipline and Discharge 291 Wages 295 Labor Unions 298 Study Corner 307 Case 8.1: AIDS in the Workplace 308 Case 8.2: Web Porn at Work 310 Case 8.3: Speaking out about Malt 311 Case 8.4: Have Gun, Will Travel . . . to Work 312 Case 8.5: Union Discrimination 314
cha pter 9 the Work pl ace ( 2 ) : today’s challenges 316 organizational Influence in Private Lives 317 Testing and Monitoring 323 Working Conditions 329
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Redesigning Work 337 Study Corner 341 Case 9.1: Unprofessional Conduct? 342 Case 9.2: Testing for Honesty 344 Case 9.3: She Snoops to Conquer 346 Case 9.4: Protecting the Unborn at Work 348 Case 9.5: Swedish Daddies 351
cha pter 10 Mor al choices fac ing eMpl oy ees 353 obligations to the Firm 354 Abuse of official Position 358 Bribes and Kickbacks 364 Gifts and Entertainment 368 Conflicting obligations 370 Whistle-Blowing 372 Self-Interest and Moral obligation 377 Study Corner 381 Case 10.1: Changing Jobs and Changing Loyalties 382 Case 10.2: Conflicting Perspectives on Conflicts of Interest 383 Case 10.3: Inside Traders or Astute observers? 384 Case 10.4: The Housing Allowance 386 Case 10.5: Ethically Dubious Conduct 388
cha pter 11 JoB d iscr iMinat ion 390 The Meaning of Job Discrimination 393 Evidence of Discrimination 394 Affirmative Action: The Legal Context 399 Affirmative Action: The Moral Issues 404 Comparable Worth 408 Sexual Harassment 410 Study Corner 414 Case 11.1: Minority Set-Asides 415 Case 11.2: Hoop Dreams 417 Case 11.3: Raising the Ante 419 Case 11.4: Consenting to Sexual Harassment 420 Case 11.5: Facial Discrimination 423
SuggeStionS for further reading 425
noteS 429
index 449
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It is difficult to imagine an area of study that has greater importance to society or greater relevance to students than business ethics. As this text enters its eighth edition, business ethics has become a well- established academic subject. Most colleges and universities offer courses in it, and scholarly interest continues to grow.
Yet some people still scoff at the idea of business ethics, jesting that the very concept is an oxymoron. To be sure, recent years have seen the newspapers filled with lurid stories of corporate misconduct and felonious behavior by individual businesspeople, and many suspect that what the media report represents only the proverbial tip of the iceberg. However, these scandals should prompt a reflective person not to make fun of business ethics but rather to think more deeply about the nature and purpose of business in our society and about the ethical choices individuals must inevitably make in their business and profes- sional lives.
Business ethics has an interdisciplinary character. Questions of economic policy and business practice intertwine with issues in politics, sociology, and organizational theory. Although business ethics remains anchored in philosophy, even here abstract questions in normative ethics and political philosophy mingle with analysis of practical problems and concrete moral dilemmas. Furthermore, business ethics is not just an academic study but also an invitation to reflect on our own values and on our own responses to the hard moral choices that the world of business can pose.
• • •
goal s, org ani z at ion, and topics Business Ethics has four goals: to expose students to the important moral issues that arise in various business contexts; to provide students with an understanding of the moral, social, and economic environ- ments within which those problems occur; to introduce students to the ethical and other concepts that are relevant for resolving those problems; and to assist students in developing the necessary reasoning and analytical skills for doing so. Although the book’s primary emphasis is on business, its scope extends to related moral issues in other organizational and professional contexts.
The book has four parts. Part one, “Moral Philosophy and Business,” discusses the nature of morality and presents the main theories of normative ethics and the leading approaches to questions of economic justice. Part Two, “American Business and Its Basis,” examines the institutional foundations of business, focusing on capitalism as an economic system and the nature and role of corporations in our society. Part Three, “Business and Society,” concerns moral problems involving business, consumers, and the natural environment. Part Four, “The organization and the People in It,” identifies a variety of ethical issues and moral challenges that arise out of the interplay of employers and employees within an organization, includ- ing the problem of discrimination.
Case studies enhance the main text. These cases vary in kind and in length, and are designed to enable instructors and students to pursue further some of the issues discussed in the text and to analyze them in more specific contexts. The case studies should provide a lively springboard for classroom discus- sions and the application of ethical concepts.
Business Ethics covers a wide range of topics relevant to today’s world. Three of these are worth drawing particular attention to.
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x PrEfaCE
Business and Globalization The moral challenges facing business in today’s globalized world economy are well represented in the book and seamlessly integrated into the chapters. For example, Chapter 1 discusses ethical relativism, Chapter 4 outsourcing and globalization, and Chapter 8 overseas bribery and the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act; and there are international examples or comparisons throughout the book. Moreover, almost all the basic issues discussed in the book (such as corporate responsibility, the nature of moral reasoning, and the value of the natural world—to name just three) are as crucial to making moral decisions in an international business context as they are to making them at home. In addition, cases 1.1, 2.3, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 6.3, 7.2, 7.5, 9.5, and 10.4 deal explicitly with moral issues arising in today’s global economic system.
The Environment Because of its ongoing relevance and heightened importance in today’s world, an entire chapter, Chapter 7, is devoted to this topic. In particular, it highlights recent environmental disasters, the environmental dilemmas and challenges we face, and their social and business costs, as well as the changing attitude of business toward the environment and ecology.
Health and Health Care Far from being a narrow academic pursuit, the study of business ethics is relevant to a wide range of important social issues—for example, to health and health care, which is currently the subject of much discussion and debate in the United States. Aspects of this topic are addressed in the text and developed in the following cases: 2.3: Blood for Sale, 4.2: Licensing and Laissez Faire, 5.2: Drug Dilemmas, 6.1: Breast Implants, 8.1: AIDS in the Workplace, and 9.4: Protecting the Unborn at Work.
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changes in th is ed it ion Your Textbook Instructors who have used the previous edition will find the organization and general content of the book familiar. They will, however, also be struck by its fresh design and by the graphs, tables, photographs, and other information that now supplement the pedagogical features introduced in previous editions.
Feedback from students and instructors suggests that readers benefit greatly not only from marginal summaries and highlights but also from visual breaks, visual guidance, and visual presentation of data and information. So, the new design was crafted to help readers navigate the text more easily, retain content more effectively, and review and prepare for tests more successfully. In addition, the Study Corner now also includes “For Further Reflection,” a set of open-ended questions intended to help students articulate their own response to some of the issues discussed in the text. An updated Suggestions for Further Reading is intended to provide appropriate material for independent research by students on topics cov- ered in Business Ethics.