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Career development interventions in the 21st century 5th edition

03/12/2021 Client: muhammad11 Deadline: 2 Day

2, 3 a. theories and models of career development, counseling, and decision making;

1, 2, 3, 8 b. approaches for conceptualizing the interrelationships among and between work, mental well-being, relationships, and other life roles and factors;

6, 7 c. processes for identifying and using career, avocational, educational, occupational and labor market information resources, technology, and information systems;

1, 2, 3, 4 d. approaches for assessing the conditions of the work environment on clients’ life experiences;

1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9 e. strategies for assessing abilities, interests, values, personality, and other factors that contribute to career development;

10, 11, 12, 13, 14 f. strategies for career development program planning, organization, implementation, administration, and evaluation;

1, 4 g. strategies for advocating for diverse clients’ career and educational development and employment opportunities in a global economy;

8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 h. strategies for facilitating client skill development for career, educational, and life-work planning and management;

1, 8 i. methods of identifying and using assessment tools and techniques relevant to career planning and decision making;

4, 15 j. ethical and culturally relevant strategies for addressing career development.

Career Development—studies that provide an understanding of career development and related life factors, including all of the following:

2016 CACREP StAndARdS RElAtEd to CAREER dEvEloPmEnt

Source: Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs. (2015). 2016 CACREP Standards. Alexandria, VA: Author.

Book Chapter CACREP Standard

2, 3 a. theories and models of career development, counseling, and decision making;

1, 2, 3, 8 b. approaches for conceptualizing the interrelationships among and between work, mental well-being, relationships, and other life roles and factors;

6, 7 c. processes for identifying and using career, avocational, educational, occupational and labor market information resources, technology, and information systems;

1, 2, 3, 4 d. approaches for assessing the conditions of the work environment on clients’ life experiences;

1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9 e. strategies for assessing abilities, interests, values, personality, and other factors that contribute to career development;

10, 11, 12, 13, 14 f. strategies for career development program planning, organization, implementation, administration, and evaluation;

1, 4 g. strategies for advocating for diverse clients’ career and educational development and employment opportunities in a global economy;

8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 h. strategies for facilitating client skill development for career, educational, and life-work planning and management;

1, 8 i. methods of identifying and using assessment tools and techniques relevant to career planning and decision making;

4, 15 j. ethical and culturally relevant strategies for addressing career development.

Career Development—studies that provide an understanding of career development and related life factors, including all of the following:

2016 CACREP StAndARdS RElAtEd to CAREER dEvEloPmEnt

Source: Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs. (2015). 2016 CACREP Standards. Alexandria, VA: Author.

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Career Development InterventIons

FIFth eDItIon

Spencer G. Niles The College of William & Mary

JoAnn Harris-Bowlsbey Kuder, Inc., Adel, Iowa

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Niles, Spencer G., author. [Career development interventions in the 21st century] Career development interventions / Spencer G. Niles, JoAnn Harris-Bowlsbey.—Fifth edition. pages cm Earlier editions published as: Career development interventions in the 21st century. ISBN 978-0-13-428630-3 – ISBN 0-13-428630-8 1. Career development. 2. Career development–Case studies. I. Harris-Bowlsbey, JoAnn, author. II. Title. HF5381.N547 2017 650.14–dc23 2015031672

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

ISBN 10: 0-13-428630-8 ISBN 13: 978-0-13-428630-3

Cover Design Director: Diane Ernsberger Cover Photo: Shutterstock/©Markus Gann Full-Service Project Management: Mohinder Singh,

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We have taught career courses to students in numerous universities in the United States as well as in Canada, Japan, Denmark, Portugal, England, Turkey, Australia, United Arab Emirates, Ire- land, Qatar, and Spain, to mention just a few. Wherever students are interested in learning about career development theory and practice, we are eager to go! In each instance, however, not only are we teaching students about career development interventions, but students also teach us. The idea for this book began in response to student requests (pleas) for a career development text- book that was readable, useful, and interesting. These are high but reasonable expectations, which have served as our guiding principles as we composed the chapters of this book.

new to this edition

In addition to consistently updating this textbook to reflect the most cutting-edge research, trends, and pedagogy, we have made the following changes to this edition:

• Greater use of case studies representing clients from diverse contexts in all chapters • Extensive updates of current literature applying to each chapter • Updated statistics related to demographic trends related to labor market participation and

an expanded discussion of the implications of these trends for career development inter- ventions

• Separate chapters addressing career development interventions in elementary school, middle school, and high school

• Expanded discussion of the changing landscape of career development interventions in higher education

• Expansion of the research and work of recent theorists, with an eye toward their applica- bility for diverse populations

• Incorporation of the 2016 CACREP Standards and the 2015 National Career Develop- ment Association Code of Ethics

• Extensive rewriting of the chapter on the use of technology in career guidance ( Chapter 7) to discuss the use of social media in the job-seeking process



• New in-text student assignments and activities to encourage application and practice of the theoretical concepts presented in each chapter

• Continued use of student assignments based upon video content we created for this book

The video feature continues to be unique to this career development text. The videos pro- vide outstanding examples of how leading career development experts conduct career counsel- ing with diverse career counseling clients. The clients are real clients with genuine career concerns. The career counseling sessions were not scripted, rehearsed, or edited in any way. The career counselors had very little information, and in some cases none, about their clients prior to their career counseling sessions. Thus, the videos offer a realistic view of how nationally recog- nized career counseling experts conduct career counseling. We also provide video interviews with leading career development theorists and/or representatives of the leading theories who were close collaborators with the theorists they represent. These videos are designed to show how theory translates to practice and can be accessed through the Video and Resource Library on the MyCounselingLab® Web site. (See below for more information about MyCounselingLab.)

One important goal of this text is to convey to our readers the deep respect and long-term commitment we have for career development theory and practice. We emphasize this goal in Chapter 1. As we note in the book, few things are more personal than career choice, and we remained cognizant of this fact as we wrote each chapter. Making career decisions involves decid- ing how we will spend one of the most precious commodities we have—our time on Earth. We realize that these decisions are often difficult and overwhelming. Thus, we draw upon the work of our colleagues in the field to present readers with state-of-the-art career theory and practice. However, the current situation evolved from the past contributions of many leaders in the field. We acknowledge their important foundational contributions in Chapter 1.

Although we cover a wide variety of theoretical perspectives in the book (especially in Chap- ters 2 and 3), we emphasize that careers develop over time. A decision point in one’s career development is just that: a point in time at which one makes decisions based on previous and current career development experiences. Although knowing how to help people at these impor- tant points in their career development is crucial, career practitioners can also intervene proac- tively in the lives of children, adolescents, and adults in ways that facilitate positive career development prior to the occurrence of career crises. Being able to provide assistance in both instances is critical.

We are especially concerned that career development theory and practice be inclusive. Con- structing culturally inclusive career development interventions should be standard practice within the field. Unfortunately, this has not traditionally been the case. In part because of their historical context, career theories and practices have focused primarily on the career experiences of European American middle-class males. Although we devote a chapter to providing culturally competent career development interventions (Chapter 4), throughout the book we also address the need for inclusive career interventions. Our case studies highlight the career experiences of clients from diverse backgrounds. We think both approaches (having a single chapter devoted to the topic and infusing diversity throughout the book) are needed to begin to more adequately address the career development needs of all people. We are proud of the career counseling vid- eos we produced for this book as they provide excellent examples of career counseling with diverse clients.

The need to provide clients with culturally sensitive career interventions provides an impor- tant foundation for discussing career counseling interventions in Chapter 8 and career assessment


approaches in Chapter 5. The career counseling process and outcomes information provided here reflect the most recent work within the field. We also provide career information, resources, and Web site references (Chapters 6 and 7) that represent important aspects of the career devel- opment process. We highlight the essential considerations in designing and implementing career development programs in Chapter 9. We also emphasize in Chapter 9 the importance of engag- ing in the ongoing evaluation of career services. This is important for improving service delivery. However, when resources are limited, as they are in many situations, the need for both account- ability and the ability to demonstrate effectiveness is great. Finally, we highlight developmental approaches to providing career assistance in the schools (elementary, middle, and high), higher education, and community settings in Chapters 10 through 14.

Of course, the desire to engage in ethical practice is also a standard in the field. However, there are many challenges confronting career practitioners. Web-based services such as career counseling and career assessment, the possibility of dual relationships, and theories with deeply rooted value sets present challenges to practitioners as they engage in ethical practice. Thus, we address many of these current ethical challenges in Chapter 15 using the 2015 National Career Development Association (NCDA) Code of Ethics. This is the first, and still one of the few, career development textbooks with a chapter devoted to ethical practice.

To make the book even more useful to readers, we use a framework developed by the NCDA. Specifically, we use the NCDA’s career counseling competencies and the 2016 Council for Accred- itation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) Standards to guide us in the identification of chapter topics. These competencies and standards appear in the appendices at the end of the book.

Please note that printed on the inside front cover is a grid identifying the chapters that are most relevant to each competency category and the 2016 CACREP standards. For those focused on career interventions in K–12 settings, we also incorporate the National Career Development Guidelines into Chapters 10 (elementary school), 11 (middle school), and 12 (high school).

We hope that we have accomplished the goals that motivated us to write this book. We also hope that we have fulfilled our students’ expectations. In teaching our career courses, we con- sider it high praise when students tell us that they have a new respect and appreciation for career development interventions as a result of the class experience. This is what we hope occurs with this book. We invite readers to send us their feedback directly (sgniles@wm.edu; bowlsbeyj@ kuder.com). We are committed to improving the book in any way that we can. Although collec- tively we have nearly a century devoted to the study and practice of career development, we have much yet to learn and we are eager to do so. Your comments will guide us in the revisions that we make. We are also happy to speak (either in person or virtually) to classes that are using our text. Simply contact us with such requests, and we will arrange for a time to make this happen. Finally, we wish you the very best as you embark on an exciting adventure with regard to your ongoing professional development.

also available with myCounselinglab®

This title is also available with MyCounselingLab–an online homework, tutorial, and assess- ment program designed to work with the text to engage students and improve results. Within its structured environment, students see key concepts demonstrated through video clips, practice

vi Preface

what they learn, test their understanding, and receive feedback to guide their learning and ensure they master key learning outcomes.

• Learning Outcomes and Standards measure student results. MycounselingLab organizes all assignments around essential learning outcomes and national standards for counselors.

• Video- and Case-Based Assignments develop decision-making skills. Video- and case-based assignments introduce students to a broader range of clients, and therefore a broader range of presenting problems, than they will encounter in their own pre-profes- sional clinical experiences. Students watch videos of actual client-therapist sessions or high-quality role-play scenarios featuring expert counselors. They are then guided in their analysis of the videos through a series of short-answer questions. These exercises help students develop the techniques and decision-making skills they need to be effective counselors before they are in a critical situation with a real client.

• Licensure Quizzes help students prepare for certification. automatically graded, multiple-choice Licensure Quizzes help students prepare for their certification examina- tions, master foundational course content, and improve their performance in the course.

• Video Library offers a wealth of observation opportunities. The Video Library pro- vides more than 400 video clips of actual client-therapist sessions and high-quality role plays in a database organized by topic and searchable by keyword. The Video Library includes every video clip from the MycounselingLab courses plus additional videos from Pearson’s extensive library of footage. Instructors can create additional assignments around the videos or use them for in-class activities. Students can expand their observation expe- riences to include other course areas and increase the amount of time they spend watching expert counselors in action.

• Comprehensive online course content. filled with a wealth of content that is tightly integrated with your textbook, MyLab lets you easily add, remove, or modify existing instructional material. You can also add your own course materials to suit the needs of your students or department. In short, MyLab lets you teach exactly as you’d like.

• Robust gradebook tracking. The online gradebook automatically tracks your students’ results on tests, homework, and practice exercises and gives you control over managing results and calculating grades. The gradebook provides a number of flexible grading options, including exporting grades to a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft excel. and, it lets you measure and document your students’ learning outcomes.

access to MycounselingLab can be packaged with this textbook or purchased standalone. To find out how to package student access to this website and gain access as an Instructor, go to www.MycounselingLab.com, email us at counseling@pearson.com, or contact your Pearson sales representative.


I am grateful for and humbled by the support and love I have received from my family members and mentors. My mother, Pauline, taught me at an early age about the importance of Donald Super’s life-space theory segment as she balanced work and family demands as a single parent. She was a pioneer who lived with grace and dignity, despite substantial challenges presented both to professional women and single parents.

Preface vii

My children, Jenny and Jonathan, teach me about love each day and help to make me a bet- ter person. I am fortunate to have the opportunity to watch as their careers unfold. I am particu- larly thrilled that they both work in the field of education, one as an elementary school counselor (Jenny) and one as a trainer in the area of career development (Jonathan). I am profoundly proud of the people they are and the important work that they do.

My professional mentors and cherished friends have guided me through multiple career development tasks. edwin L. Herr was the first to provide support and guidance, and he has continued to do so for more than 25 years. He embodies the best of what a mentor should repre- sent. I will forever be indebted to ed for his personal and professional assistance. Mark L. Savickas and Donald e. Super have also provided guidance, and I am honored that, at various times in my career, they have cared. finally, I have been honored to coauthor this book with Joann Harris- Bowlsbey. She is incredibly knowledgeable, wise, gracious, and kind. She too, is a valued mentor and dear friend. I look forward to future editions and opportunities to work together.

Spencer G. Niles

Like Spencer, my life was molded by a mother who was a single parent and who worked incredibly hard to ensure that I had a level of education and access that she never enjoyed. She taught me the principles of faith, responsibility, commitment, and service. I want to acknowledge her role in laying the foundation that made my present life and contributions possible.

My most valued professional mentor was Donald e. Super, who was kind enough to share his writings and thoughts with me for 30 years. I have personally enjoyed the fullness of his career rainbow in my life. Nancy Schlossberg and David Tiedeman also contributed mightily to my conception of the process of career development and have enriched the well from which the content of this book flows.

My professional contributions would not have been possible without the ongoing support of my late husband, Stan. for the 33 years of our marriage, he placed a very high priority on my career and helped all that he could—editing, proofreading, doing home chores—to nourish it, never pressuring for more of my time. finally, my ongoing friendship with and respect for Spen- cer Niles deepens as we experience the authorship of this book and other professional pursuits together.

Joann Harris-Bowlsbey

We both appreciate the dedicated assistance and support provided by Kevin Davis and Lau- ren carlson at Pearson.

We wish to thank those who reviewed the fourth edition and made suggestions for improve- ment that we have incorporated into this fifth edition of the book: Stephanie Tursic Burns, West- ern Michigan University; James M. O’Neil, University of connecticut; chester r. robinson, Texas a&M University–commerce; and Joan N. Strutton, The University of Texas at Tyler.

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Brief Contents

CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Career Development Interventions 1

CHAPTER 2 Understanding and Applying Theories of Career Development 31

CHAPTER 3 Understanding and Applying Recent Theories of Career Development 71

CHAPTER 4 Providing Culturally Competent Career Development Interventions 97

CHAPTER 5 Assessment and Career Planning 126

CHAPTER 6 Career Information and Resources 157

CHAPTER 7 Using Information and Communication Technologies to Support Career Counseling and Planning 180

CHAPTER 8 Career Counseling Strategies and Techniques for the 21st Century 200

CHAPTER 9 Designing, Implementing, and Evaluating Career Development Programs and Services 231

CHAPTER 10 Career Development Interventions in the Elementary Schools 269

CHAPTER 11 Career Development Interventions in Middle Schools 306

CHAPTER 12 Career Development Interventions in High Schools 325

CHAPTER 13 Career Development Interventions in Higher Education 355

CHAPTER 14 Career Development Interventions in Community Settings 388

CHAPTER 15 Ethical Issues in Career Development Interventions 408


NCDA Code of Ethics Preamble A-1 APPEnDIx B

Educational and Career Planning Portfolio A-28


Career Counseling Competencies of the national Career Development Association (nCDA) A-34


2016 CACREP Standards Related to Career Development A-38


national Career Development Guidelines (nCDG) Framework A-39


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Introduction to Career Development Interventions 1 The Meaning of Work Across Time 6 Linking Work with Worth 9 Providing Systematic Career Development

Interventions 10 Definition of Terms 11

Career 12 Career Development 12 Career Development Interventions 12 Career Counseling 12 Career Education 13 Career Development Programs 13 Career Development Practitioners 13

Important Events in the History of Career Development Interventions 13

Frank Parsons 14 Future Trends in Career Development

Interventions 25 Move to Viewing Career Decisions as Values-Based

Decisions 26 Move Beyond Objective Assessment 26 Move to Counseling-Based Career

Assistance 27 Move to a Stronger Emphasis on Multicultural

Career Development Theories and Interventions 27

Move to Focusing on Multiple Life Roles 28 Move to Advocating for Social Justice 28 SuMMARy 29 CASE STuDy 29 STuDEnT ACTIVITIES 30


understanding and Applying Theories of Career Development 31 Career Development Theories 32 Super’s Life-Span, Life-Space Theory 34

Life Span 37 Life Space 40 Self-Concepts 41 Applying Super’s Theory 42 Contextual Factors Influencing Life-Role

Salience 44 Evaluating Super’s Theory 47

Anne Roe’s Personality Theory of Career Choice 48 Evaluating Roe’s Theory 49

Linda Gottfredson’s Theory of Circumscription, Compromise, and Self-Creation 49 Stage One: Orientation to Size and Power 50 Stage Two: Orientation to Sex Roles 50 Stage Three: Orientation to Social Valuation 51 Stage Four: Orientation to the Internal,

Unique Self 51



xii contents

Applying Gottfredson’s Theory to Practice 51 Evaluating Gottfredson’s Theory 52

John Holland’s theory of types and Person- environment Interactions 53 The Realistic Type 54 The Investigative Type 54 The Artistic Type 54 The Social Type 55 The Enterprising Type 55 The Conventional Type 55 Congruence 56 Differentiation 57 Consistency 58 Vocational Identity 58 Applying Holland’s Theory 58 Evaluating Holland’s Theory 61

John Krumboltz’s Learning theory of career counseling 63 Social Learning Theory of Career Decision

Making 63 Learning Theory of Career Counseling 66 Applying LTCC 67 Evaluating Career Development

Interventions 68 Evaluating LTCC 68

summary 69 student actIvItIes 69

cHaPter 3

understanding and applying recent theories of career development 71 recent theories 72 Lent, Brown, and Hackett’s social cognitive

career theory 73 Applying SCCT 74 Evaluating SCCT 76

the cognitive Information Processing approach 78 Applying the CIP Approach 80 Evaluating CIP 82

savickas’s career construction theory 84 Applying Career Construction Theory 85 Evaluating Career Construction Theory 86

Hansen’s Integrative Life Planning 86

Applying ILP 88 Evaluating ILP 88

Postmodern approaches 88 Creating Narratives 89 Constructivist Career Counseling 90 Chaos Theory of Careers 92 Evaluating the Chaos Theory of Careers 93

summary 94 case study 95 student actIvItIes 96

cHaPter 4

Providing culturally competent career development Interventions 97 traditional assumptions of career theories in the

united states 101 universal versus culture-specific models 102 ethnocentrism 103 acculturation 104 Identity development models 105

Racial Identity Models 106 Gender Identity Models 108 Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender/ Questioning

Identity Models 111 Persons with Disabilities 114

assessment 118 recommendations for culturally effective career

counseling 121 summary 123 case study 124 student actIvItIes 124

cHaPter 5

assessment and career Planning 126 The Relationship of Assessment to the Career

Planning Process 129 Step 1: Become Aware of the Need to Make Career

Decisions 129 Step 2: Learn About or Reevaluate Vocational Self-

Concept 130 Step 3: Identify Occupational Alternatives 130 Step 4: Obtain Information About Identified

Alternatives 130

contents xiii

Step 5: Make Tentative Choices from Among Available Occupations 130

Step 6: Make Educational Choices 130 Step 7: Implement a Vocational Choice 131

Purposes of Assessment 132 Learning More About the Needs of an Individual

or Group 132 Learning More About the Characteristics of

Individuals and Helping Them Learn More About Themselves 133

Determining the Change or Progress of an Individual or Group 134

Responsibilities and competencies of the counselor 135 Possess General Knowledge About Assessment 135 Have Detailed Knowledge About the Instruments

Used 135 Evaluate the Instrument for Usefulness with Diverse

Populations 137 Prepare Students or Clients Adequately 138 Administer Instruments Properly 139 Interpret Instruments Properly 139 Follow Through with Clients 140

Informal Assessments 141 Formal Assessments 143

Types of Formal Assessments 145 Ways in Which Assessment Instruments May Be

Administered 150 types of Reports 152 selection of Instruments 154 suMMARy 155 cAse study 155 student ActIvItIes 155

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