Develop Engaging Learning Activities
Learning Activity
The learning activity in this assignment involves the use of a learning management system or LMS to help a student go through various levels of Bloom's learning taxonomy. The learning management system involves a gaming system called Serious Gaming Interactive Questions or SGIQ (Šimic, G. et al.,2015). This gaming system forms a large part of the learning activity, and the following table shows the Bloom's learning levels and activities involved.
URL’s Off LMS:
Bloom’s Level
Learning Outcome
Comparing, distinguishing and identifying the online professional resources for conducting research both in class assignments and professional environments.
Familiarize yourself with a L.M.S.
Students will be required to;
- Compare various online resources such as videos, audios, journal and e-books regarding professional resources and those that are not.
- Identify the resources within the L.M.S resource center that are related and can be cited for a particular topic.
Assessment will be done by giving the students an essay question or topic in which they will be required to use the resources in the school’s LMS system for research. They will be required to cite and reference those resources.
Communicate, contribute and respond to other course colleagues on posted topics via the discussion groups and email.
Students will be required to;
- Reply to at least two of their classmates’ posts in a weekly discussion forum via the SGIQ portal.
- Participate in a discussion forum by posting their views on a particular topic related to classwork and e-activity.
Students will be assessed on a weekly basis on skills learned; Teachers will use the L.M.S. embedded testing module to produce tests, quizzes, true/false questions or matching (i.e. click and drag type questions) and other types of media/videos can be uploaded for additional assessments entities.
Recalling, defining and presenting to the class without referring.
Students will be required to;
- Present their finding in the class on the importance of using Learning Management Systems.
- Defining the Learning management system
- Recall the LMS registration details they provided in the first week to reset their accounts and advance to the main examination of the course.
This will not involve any exercise but the ability to advance to module 2, or the main examination LMS section will show that the student has met the outcomes of this Boom's level.
Operating and modifying out-of-classroom objects using the knowledge learned.
Students will be required to;
- Apply the knowledge learned from the LMS and use of Microsoft Office suite to perform a qualitative research on a topic of their own.
- Operate and modify various online word processing templates to generate customized documents and submit them through the learning portal.
Assessment will include the weekly exercise on the use of the LMS questions area to submit sections of the essays. The essay will be done in bits and the final paper submitted in the final week.
Explaining the working of the LMS
Students will be required to;
- Explain to a new student the steps taken for them to open an LMS student portal account.
- Explain how to post a discussion post and how to submit an answer to weekly assignments
An exercise will then be given that will involve the students' understanding of how to use the LMS to do a ten-question test. The test will be timed, and after the allocated time elapses, it will submit the answers and grade the students.
Acquiring skills in computers and computer applications that will help them solve computer related problems outside the classroom.
Students are required to;
- Create word documents, excel worksheets, and access databases using Microsoft suit.
- Modify templates in Microsoft Office Word to generate customized documents and submit them through the learning portal.
- Create their online portals by submitting their details and credentials.
- Devise a way to extract useful and professional information from the internet for academic needs and also other purposes.
Assessment of this activities will include giving them the exercise of the usage and application of MS Office and also asking them to provide online professional resources for a particular discussion topic.
Analysis of the learner experience
This learning activity assimilates some useful technologies and ideas that can help a student expand their experiences on real world instructional options using the tools in an LMS. The experience is exciting because it involves watching videos identify various professional resources and also having an oral class presentation. The activity is also based on a learning management system that can be a bit new to the students and therefore making them learn the basic and advanced features of the game.
The LMS's questions are also timed, and this creates a nice experience for the student to test their time management skills. Concentrating on the same question which they are not sure about can lead to time loud and hence poor results. Arranging one's time is a key skill that the learners will acquire during the experience in this activity. The activity also made a few modifications to include the Microsoft Office suite of the packages like Word processors, worksheets and databases are extremely important in the class and outside the class.
Herlo, D. (2011). E-learning tools for teaching and learning. Journal Plus Education, 7(2), 110-
Papanikolaou, K., & Boubouka, M. (2011). Promoting collaboration in a project-based e-
learning context.
Šimic, G., Jevremovic, A., Kostic, Z., & Ðordevic, D. (2015). Assessment based on serious
gaming interactive questions (sgiq).
Tsai, F., Tsai, C., & Lin, K. (2015). The evaluation of different gaming modes and feedback
types on game-based formative assessment in an online learning environment.