case analysis
Business Finance
Question Description
To receive full credit, each question response must cite at least one to two journal articles or trade publications. Please cite all sources at the bottom of your responses using your choice of either APA or MLA style (Google scholar has an easy tool for copying citations). All writing must be based on some facts or literature research, not purely based on your opinions.
This case challenges students to use CDK’s big data and analytics capabilities to address the inherent conflict between dealers and manufacturers: when marketing to potential customers, manufacturers wanted consistency across dealer websites to maximize sales of their targeted brands, while dealers wanted flexibility to sell what they had in inventory.
After reading and analyzing the case, students will be able to:
· Demonstrate how big data and analytics can be used to solve channel conflict
· Explain how franchisors and franchisees have different perspectives on the value of data on retail operations
· Recognize benefits of big data and analytics that reach well beyond the obvious potential improvements to marketing and operational effectiveness
· Articulate the value of data analytics for channel management
· Appraise the benefits of real-time website customization
ANSWER Module 6: Case Analysis Questions
(1) What misalignment(s) caused channel conflict between manufacturers and dealers in the automotive industry? How was this conflict reflected in the attitudes of GM and its dealers toward the CDK Digital program?
(2) How would you characterize CDK Digital’s core competencies as of 2011?
(3) Suppose a car shopper’s interests could be known when she visited a dealer website. How would the dealer want to treat her? What about the OEM?
(4) How can CDK Digital leverage its core competencies to provide a website solution that both GM and its dealers consider to serve their interests?