FIRE SUPPRESSIONSTAT-X AEROSOL SUPPRESSIONStat-X aeroSol technology iS different:■Most efficient fire suppression by weight■Effective on A, B & C Class fires■Negligible residue, minimal clean-up■Non-toxic, EPA listed halon substituteYOUR ChOICE fOR SPECIALhAzARd fIRE PROTECTION
Water deluge and chemical agent fixed systems protect high value assets and processes not possible with sprinkler-based fire protection. But this technology remains basically unchanged over the years; a supply of agent is stored under pressure, released through a piping distribution network, floods the space, and suppresses the fire. Water Deluge System■Water Mist (NFPA 750)■Foam-water spray (NFPA 16)Chemical Agent Fixed System■Inert Gas (NFPA 2001)■Dry Chemical (NFPA 17)■Carbon Dioxide (NFPA 12)■Halocarbon Gas (NFPA 2001)Traditional piped systems require costly installation adaptations like:■Extra space for agent containers and piping■Robust fixtures to handle weight and discharge■System isn’t easily reconfigured if space changes■Extensive and frequent maintenance burden■Special measures for recharging at remote sitesTRAdITIONAL SPECIAL hAzARd fIRE PROTECTIONcentreS around two technologieSSTAT-X® AEROSOL TEChNOLOgY an effective and economical alternativeStat-X Aerosol Fire Suppression■Fixed Aerosol Fire-extinguishing System (NFPA 2010)Stat-X aeroSol technologyiS different:■NO distribution piping, manifold, or nozzles■NO floor space requirement or shoring up for weight■NO special handling for compressed gas cylinders■NO venting or ceiling tile clips for discharge forces■NO solenoid actuators, control heads, or hoses■NO water drains or pipe freeze protection■NO system pressurization or room integrity tests For safety professionals who need effective and economical special hazard fire protection, Stat-X aerosol technology delivers up to 35% savings in equipment and lifecycle costs compared to traditional systems. This is due to lower initial expense plus minimal ongoing service costs.