Excel 2016 Chapter 1 Creating and Editing Workbooks
USING MICROSOFT EXCEL 2016 Independent Project 1-4
Independent Project 1 -4 As staff at Blue Lake Sports Company, you are expected to prepare the monthly sales worksheet. You edit and format data, complete calculations, and prepare the workbook for distribution. You also copy the sheet for next month’s data.
Skills Covered in This Project
Open and save a workbook. Choose a workbook theme. Edit and format data. Merge & Center. Use SUM and the Fill Handle.
Adjust column width and row height. Insert a header and a footer. Adjust page layout options. Copy and rename a worksheet.
1. Open the BlueLakeSports-01.xlsx start file. If the workbook opens in Protected View, click the
Enable Editing button so you can modify it.
2. The file will be renamed automatically to include your name. Change the project file name if
directed to do so by your instructor, and save it.
3. Apply the Slice theme to the worksheet.
4. Edit worksheet data.
a. Edit the title in cell A2 to display Monthly Sales by Department. b. Edit cell D6 to 1950.
5. Select cells A1:F2 and click the Alignment
launcher [Home tab]. Click the Horizontal
arrow, choose Center Across Selection,
and click OK.
6. Select and delete row .
7. Use the Fill Handle to complete a series.
a. Select cell B3.
b. Use the Fill Handle to complete the
series to Week 4 in column E.
c. AutoFit the columns to display the
complete label.
8. Use SUM and the Fill Handle to calculate
a. Use the AutoSum button to build a SUM
function in cell F4.
b. Use the Fill Handle to copy the formula
in cell F4 to cells F5:F16.
c. Delete the contents of cell F17 if you
copied the formula to that cell.
d. Select cells B17:F17 and click the
AutoSum button. The SUM formula is inserted, and a Quick Analysis options button appears
(Figure 1-98).
e. Press to ignore the Quick Analysis options.
9. Format labels and values.
a. Select cells A1:A2 and increase the font size to 18.
b. Increase the row height of rows 1:2 to 24 (32 pixels).
c. Format cells A3:F3 as Bold and increase the row height to 18 (24 pixels).
d. Center the data in cells B3:F3.
e. Format all values with Comma Style and decrease the decimal two times.
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Excel 2016 Chapter 1 Creating and Editing Workbooks Last Updated: 9/1/16 Page 2
USING MICROSOFT EXCEL 2016 Independent Project 1-4
f. Apply the All Borders format to cells A3:F17.
g. Select cells B17:F17 and apply the Accounting Number Format with no decimal places.
h. AutoFit each column that does not display all data.
10. Finalize the worksheet.
a. Click the Insert tab and click the Header & Footer button.
b. In the right header section, insert the Sheet Name field.
c. Go to the footer and click the right section.
d. Type [your first and last name] (Figure 1-99).
e. Click a cell in the worksheet and return to Normal view.
f. Center the worksheet horizontally on the page.
11. Copy and rename a worksheet.
a. Right-click the January sheet tab and choose Move or Copy.
b. Make a copy of the sheet at the end.
c. Rename the copied sheet February. d. Format the February sheet tab color to Dark Blue, Accent 1.
e. Delete the values in cells B4:E16 and press Ctrl+Home.
f. Return to the January sheet.
12. Preview the January sheet.
13. Save and close the workbook (Figure 1-100).
14. Upload and save your project file.
15. Submit project for grading.
Upload & Save
Grade my Project
Excel 2016 Chapter 1 Creating and Editing Workbooks Last Updated: 9/1/16 Page 3
USING MICROSOFT EXCEL 2016 Independent Project 1-4