Distance Walked Write a program to calculate how many mile, feet, and inches a person walks a day, given the stride length in inches (the stride length is measured from heel to heel and determines how far walk with each step], the number of steps per minute, and the minutes that person walks a day. Note that 1 mile is 5280 feet and 1 feet is 12 inches. In your program, there should be the follo constants: final Int FEET_PER_MILE = 5280; final Int INCHES_PER_FEET = 12; final Int INCHES_PER_MILE = FEET_PER_MILE * INCHES_PER_FEET; Hints: In the computation step, your program should first calculate the total inches that person walks a day. Then convert it to miles, remaining feet, and remaining inches. All variables should of int type. The following are two sample runs: Enter the stride length in inches: 28 Enter the average strides per minute: 10 Enter minutes walked: 30 Distance walked is 0 miles, 700 feet, and 0 inches. Enter the stride length in inches: 30 Enter the average strides per minute: 80 Enter minutes walked 22 Distance walked is 0 miles, 4400 feet, and 0 inches.