Resource Management for Individuals
and Families
FiFth Edition
Elizabeth Goldsmith Florida State University
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Goldsmith, Elizabeth B. Resource management for individuals and families / Elizabeth Goldsmith.—5th ed. p. cm. ISBN-13: 978-0-13-295514-0 ISBN-10: 0-13-295514-8 1. Life skills. 2. Lifestyles. 3. Resource allocation. 4. Stress management. 5. Time management. 6. Work and family. I. Title. HQ2037.G65 2013 646.7—dc23 2012021630
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
ISBN-10: 0-13-295514-8 ISBN-13: 978-0-13-295514-0
Theory and Management 52 • Application of Systems Theory to Households 54 • Human Ecology and Ecosystems 55
Economic Theory 57 Optimization and Satisficing 57 • Risk Aversion 60
Summary 61
Key Terms 61
Review Questions 62
References 62
For Further Reading 63
3 Values, Attitudes, Goals, and Motivation | 65 Main Topics 65
Values and Attitudes 68 Types of Values 71 • Values, Lifestyles, and Consumption 75 • Societal and Cultural Values 76 • Families, Values, Standards, and Households 77 • Value Chains 79 • Attitudes 80
Goals and Motivation 81 Goals Versus Habits 82 • Goal Attributes 82 • Types of Goals 83
• Goals and Performance, Creativity, and Learning 84 • Setting Goals 86 • Disengaging from Goals 90 • College Students’ Values, Goals, and Life Outcomes 92 • Motivation 95
Summary 97
Key Terms 97
Review Questions 98
References 98
4 Resources | 101 Main Topics 101
Resources Defined 104 Types of Resources 106 • Economics and Resources 108 • Resource Attributes and a Model 115 • Resource-Advantage Theory 116 • Other Resource
Preface vii About the Author xii
1 Management Today | 3 Main Topics 3
What Is Family Resource Management? 4 Introduction to Family and Household Trends 5 • Management as
a Process 9 • Successful Plans: Putting Management into Action 13 • Why Manage? 14 • Who Manages? 14 • Influences on Management Styles 15 • Interdisciplinary Foundation 17
Life Management for Individuals and Families 20 Managing the Second Half of Life 20 • Singles, Households, Nonfamily Households, and Families 22 • Changes in Family and Household Composition 26
What Lies Ahead? 28
Summary 28
Key Terms 28
Review Questions 29
References 29
2 Management History and Theories | 31 Main Topics 31
History of Management 33 The Early Years of Management 33 • Household Production/Consumption System I: Premodern (Early 1900s) 38 • Household Production/Consumption System II: Modern (1950s to 1990s) 40 • Household Production/Consumption System III: Postmodern (Early 21st Century) 40 • Four Eras of Management 42
Theory Overview 45 Functions of Theory 46 • Theories Ahead 46
Systems Theory 47 Open and Closed Families 47 • Subsystems and System Elements 48 • The Personal System 52 • Family Systems
iv contents
Allocation Factors: Utility and Accessibility 119 • Decision Making and Resources 119 • Knowledge, Education, and Health: Vital Resources 120 • Cultural Perceptions of Resources 120
Resources, Families, and Households 122 Consumption: China Using More Resources 123 • Strategy and the Conservation of Resources Theory 125
Summary 125
Key Terms 126
Review Questions 126
References 126
5 Decision Making and Problem Solving | 129 Main Topics 129
Decisions Defined and Explored 132 Decision Making as Part of Management 133 • Steps in Decision Making 135 • Self-Doubt, Self- Ambivalence, and Decision Making 137 • Models, Rules, and Utility 138 • Reference Groups 140 • Personal Decision Making 141
Family Decision Making, Including Division of Household Work 144
Consumer Decision Making in Families 149 • Getting Out of the House 151
Problem Solving 152 Definition, Analysis/Timing, and Plan of Action 153 • Uncertainty, Risk, and Success 156 • The GO Model: Visualization of a Problem- Solving Process 159
Summary 161
Key Terms 161
Review Questions 161
References 162
6 Planning, Implementing, and Evaluating | 165 Main Topics 165
What Is Planning? 169 The Planning Process and Task 170 • Need Fulfillment 171 • Time, Stress, and Planning 171 • Planning in Families and Other Groups 176 • Standard Setting 178 • Scheduling, Sequencing, and Multitasking 179 • Attributes of Plans 181 • Types of Plans 182
What Is Implementing? 185 Actuating 186 • Checking and Controlling 186
What Is Evaluating? 187
Summary 190
Key Terms 190
Review Questions 190
References 191
7 Communication | 193 Main Topics 193
Communication as Part of the Management Process 195 Channels, Noise, and Setting 197 • Sending and Receiving 199 • Listening 200 • Messages 202
• Channels and Feedback 205
Communication Conflicts 206 In Families 207 • Cultures and Subcultures 212
Communication in Small Groups 215 Group Discussions and Cohesion 215
Information and Communications Technology 216 Social Networks and Social Network Sites 216 • Information Overload and Habitual Decision Making 218 • The Internet and the Human Capacity to Process Information 219 • The Role of the Home and the Individual 220
Summary 221
Key Terms 222
Review Questions 222
References 223
8 Managing Human Needs | 225 Main Topics 225
Changes in Population 226 Population Terms and Trends 228 • Population Age and Composition 230 • Households and Families 232
The Nature of Change 232 Mobility 233 • Managing Change 233
Meeting Individual, Family, and Societal Needs 235 Two-Earner Families 235 • Child
Care 236 • Caregiving for Older Persons and the Elderly 239 • Adjusting to Retirement 243 • The Homeless 244 • Individuals with Disabilities 246 • Single-Parent, Remarriage, and Stepfamilies or Blended Families 248 • Poverty and Low-Income Families 251
contents v
Summary 253
Key Terms 253
Review Questions 253
References 254
9 Managing Time | 257 Main Topics 257
Time as a Resource 263 Discretionary Versus Nondiscretionary Time 264 • Children, Adolescents, and Time 265 • Adults and Time 265 • Modern Tools of Time Management 269 • The ABC Method of Time Control and Goals 270 • Time Perceptions 272 • Perceptions of Time across Cultures 274 • Biological Time Patterns 277
Quantitative and Qualitative Time Measures 277 Demands, Sequencing, and Standards 280
Summary 285
Key Terms 285
Review Questions 285
References 286
10 Managing Work and Family | 289 Main Topics 289
Introduction to Work and Family Research 291
Overview of Work and Family 292 Work and Family Conflicts 293 • Benefits of Work and Spillover to Families 295 • Resolving Work and Family Conflicts 296 • Social Support and Work and Family 299 • Family-Supportive Workplace Policies 300
The Meaning of Work and Leisure 303 Feeling Overworked 304 • Work Ethic 305 • Workaholism and Vacations 306 • The Three Ps: Procrastination, Parkinson’s Law, and Pareto’s Principle 308 • Workforce Trends 309 • Home- Based Work and Telecommuting 311 • Volunteer Work 314 • Leisure 314
Summary 316
Key Terms 317
Review Questions 317
References 317
11 Managing Stress and Fatigue | 321 Main Topics 321
Theoretical Frameworks 323
Stress Research 324 Crises and Adaptation to Stress 326 • Planning and Organizing 328 • Outsourcing 329 • Decision Making and Stress 332 • The Body’s Response to Stress 334 • Diet, Exercise, and Stress 335
Stress Management 336 Type A and Type B Personalities 337
• Techniques for Reducing Stress 338 • Job Stress 340 • Burnout 342 • Stress and Nonevents 344 • Parents, Children, Stress, Burnout 345 • College Students and Stress 347
Fatigue 350 The Body and Fatigue 351 • Systems Theory: Sleep, Energy, and Fatigue 351
Summary 356
Key Terms 357
Review Questions 357
References 358
12 Managing Environmental Resources | 361 Main Topics 361 • Sustainability 362
The Ecosystem and Environmentalism 366 Problem Recognition 368 • Biodegradability 369 • Biological Diversity 370 • Individual and Family Decision Making 370 • Incorporating Agriculture into Communities 371
Environmental Problems and Solutions 373
Water Quality and Availability 373 • Energy 376 • Noise 384 • Waste and Recycling 385 • Air Quality 387
Summary 390
Key Terms 390
Review Questions 390
References 391
vi contents
13 Managing Finances | 393 Main Topics 393
Financial Management and Security 397
Family Economics: Avoiding Economic Fallout, Building Toward the Future 398 The Business Cycle and Inflation 398 • Individuals and Families as Producers and Consumers 402
Income, Taxes, Net Worth, Budgets, and Saving 403
Managing Credit and Reducing Debt 408 • Banking, Investments, and Insurance 412 • Children, Expenses, and Financial Literacy 414 • Saving for College 416 • College Students, Starting Out 417
Retirement and Financial Planning 419 Financial Planning 423
Further Family Economic Issues 425 The Gender Gap, Earnings Gap, and the Glass Ceiling 425 • Wealth and Poverty 426
Summary 428
Key Terms 428
Review Questions 428
References 429
14 Managing Tomorrow | 431 Main Topics 431
Technology and Innovation 432 Visionary Leadership and Managerial Judgment 434 • Household Innovations 436 • Adopting Innovations and Applying Technology 439 • The 5S Management Concept 440 • Information and Innovation Overload 442
Family, Home, and Global Change 443
Quality of Life and Well-Being 445 • Multiculturalism 447 • Sustainability, Environment, and Consumption 447 • Health Care and the Food Supply 449
Summary 449
Key Terms 450
Review Questions 450
References 450
Glossary 453 indEx 459
Oh, how things have changed since the last
edition of Resource Management for Individuals
and Families. The latest census reveals that
Americans are within mere percentage points of
being a majority single nation. Only 51 percent of
adults today are married. Twenty-eight percent of
all households have just one person—the highest
level in U.S. history.
The economy worldwide continues to strug-
gle. Everywhere, families make sacrifices and
postpone expenses. More than ever before, people
want to know what actions to take and what goals
to pursue. The word “sustainability” has taken on
new meaning in people’s lives.
This fifth edition continues to pay close atten-
tion to meeting the standards and criteria for the
Certified Family Life Educator (CFLE) designation
of the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR).
My thanks are extended to NCFR for their recog-
nition of how important it is to know and apply
management principles. In this edition, there are
many more cases, photos, charts, solo and family
examples, and critical thinking exercises designed
to engage students in their search for insightful
I wrote this edition of Resource Management
for Individuals and Families to capture the nuances
of managing today. The study of resource man-
agement is relevant to an individual’s everyday life
and provides insight into how others behave.
When visiting with instructors and students in
Europe, Australia, Asia, Africa, Central and South
America, the United States, the Caribbean, and
Canada, it became clear that making informed
choices is a universal concern. Stress, fatigue, and
financial and time management problems have no
national boundaries.
Making choices—those made yesterday
and those to be made today and tomorrow—and
how those choices affect lives is a central theme
in the book. People can improve. This edition has
much more on the steps needed to achieve goals.
Happiness, social networks, and well-being are
explored in new ways.
Thanks are extended to all who took the
time to tell me how they are using the book from
Australia to Singapore. The latest census data and
world population statistics are included in this
edition along with the newest technologies impact-
ing households. An updated and extended Human
Development Index is included in the last chapter.
Individuals continue to search for the best
ways to balance work and personal life. In recogni-
tion of this, more coverage is devoted to how every-
one is responding to change in the world of work
as well as on the home front. You will find theories
and models such as value chains, Conservation
of Resources Theory, the Resource-Advantage
Theory, and the GO model in this edition. The GO
model is a goal-oriented problem-solving model.
In response to requests by instructors, the
finances chapter is extended to include more on
managing debt and on the value of diversification.
The stress and fatigue chapter has been expanded
with more on the importance of sleep and how
to improve its quality. Researchers are finding
more evidence of how sleep impacts our ability
to reason and function effectively. The chapter
on managing human resources is given the new
title of “Managing Human Needs” to better reflect
the content and to differentiate it from the way the
term “human resources” is often used to mean
personnel management in organizational settings.
My Fulbright awards to Malta and Trinidad
and Tobago allowed me the privilege of teach-
ing family resource management to students at
the University of Malta and the University of the
West Indies. Their insights coupled with those
of my students at Florida State University have
enriched this edition. The students, reviewers, and
instructors said time and time again that they did
not want the basic structure of the book (i.e., the
chapter flow from theory and history to applica-
tion to future challenges) changed, but that they
wanted expanded coverage on certain topics. The
most popular chapters with students are those on
time, stress, and fatigue management. Often this
book is referred to as the time management book
because how you spend your time is reflective of
everything else you manage and value in life. In
addition, students find the application-oriented
chapters on work and family, the environment, and
finances to be extremely useful.
Inclusion is a hallmark of each edition
of Resource Management for Individuals and
Families. I recognize the choices one makes in
personal life within the greater context of family,
friends, and the environment. The first edition of
this book set itself apart from others in its empha-
sis on the management problems faced by singles
and single parents as well as on those faced by
two-parent families. This approach is even more
relevant today as indicated in the opening para-
graph of this preface.
More students are graduating and return-
ing to live at home with their parents or with
siblings or establishing themselves in new places
in careers and living alone in apartments enjoying
friendships with other singles. In 1950, 1 percent
of Americans in their 20s lived alone; now it is
over 10 percent. Instructors like historical per-
spective and the historic homes section of this
book and references to the past are a way to give
perspective to what is currently happening. Every
effort is made to speak to a wide variety of stu-
dents, capturing their interests and taking into
account their concerns. More has been added on
viii preface
positive psychology, leadership, and success and on
the challenges of managing the second half of life
and the retirement years.
organization of this text Resource Management for Individuals and Families
contains 14 well-organized chapters divided into
four parts to introduce students to the best of man-
agement thinking and practice.
Part I begins with an explanation of manage-
ment as a process of using resources to achieve
goals and adds in quality aspects such as success
and happiness. It establishes the foundation and
introduces the management process model used
throughout the book.
Chapter 1 gives basic definitions and
addresses three questions:
• What is management?
• Why manage?
• Who manages?
Chapter 2 covers the interdisciplinary, histori-
cal, and theoretical foundations of the field.
The history of the home continues to fascinate,
and the public is interested in improving
home environments as evidenced by home
improvement shows and networks and supply
stores and websites devoted to homes. This
emphasis on home and environment as a
context within which individuals and families
operate sets this book apart from books that
focus strictly on family relations.
Part II examines the basic concepts underlying
the field of management. These concepts, such as
values, resources, and plans, are timeless and pro-
vide the foundation for the more application-oriented
chapters that follow.
Chapter 3 focuses on values, attitudes,
and goals with a special section on college
students’ values and goals.
Chapter 4 goes right to the heart of the subject
by exploring resources and resource strategy.
Conservation of Resources Theory is added to
this edition.
Chapter 5 provides the steps in decision
making and explains how to solve problems.
The effect of moods and the concept of self-
ambivalence have been added.
Chapter 6 analyzes planning, implementing,
and evaluating. This chapter helps the reader
visualize the steps necessary for success.
Chapter 7 explores communication, social
networks, and the feedback part of the
management process. Plans often fail because
they are not properly communicated.
Part III is about management applications and
each chapter begins with the verb “managing.”
This is a “how-to” section with many practical sug-
gestions. The text goes beyond merely stating the
problems and suggests possible solutions.
Chapter 8 explores population shifts and how
they impact management and resource use.
Chapter 9 shows ways to use time more
Chapter 10 discusses workaholism and the
problems associated with balancing work and
Chapter 11 explains what we know from
stress research and how to reduce fatigue.
Sleep and the vagaries of human energy are
also explored.
Chapter 12 brings up environmental problems
and provides solutions. Sustainability, water,
energy, noise, waste and recycling, and air
quality are all discussed.
Chapter 13 on managing finances, is one of
the most important chapters. Students are
setting up their credit and financial patterns
and establishing households. The chapter
explores how to make money stretch further in
a changing economy.
Part IV is about the future of management,
issues, and probabilities.
Chapter 14 concludes the text with an innova-
tive analysis of technology, quality of life, and
family and global change. This section brings
the book full circle—from the introductory
discussions of the history of the study of
management and the problems of contem-
porary families to the management issues on
the horizon.
distinctive Features Resource Management for Individuals and Families
offers a new, interactive approach to teaching
resource management through special features that
are specifically designed to reflect the themes of
choice and decision making, supporting students’
interest and learning. To engage the reader, many
chapters begin with a case or story from the news
about families.
• Management as a Process Approach
Throughout the book, a five-step model is used
to illustrate the thinking and action parts of the
management process. The model begins with
identifying problems, needs, wants, or goals,
then progresses to clarifying values and iden-
tifying resources. Next it moves on to deciding,
planning, and implementing, and ends with
accomplishing goals and evaluating. The
model takes place within an environmental
context and is held together by feedback.
• An Emphasis on Systems and Economic
Theories Rather than relying on only one
theory, this text applies many theories to
decision-making behavior. No particular area
of the field is overemphasized at the expense
of others.
This text is meant to be introductory yet inclusive.
• Pedagogy Current research and managerial
implications are presented in a readable and
interesting style. Examples and photos are
included to stimulate student interest.
• Each chapter begins with two Did You Know?
statements and an epigraph.
• Critical Thinking activities are woven into
each chapter that encourage students to react
to the material presented. They are asked to
agree or disagree and explain their reasoning.
preface ix
Critical thinking, essential for a thoughtful
life, adds a values-based or an evaluation
• Many chapters contain a feature, Suggested
Activities, with ideas for class or group dis-
cussion or for individual reflection, such as
recording sleeping patterns for three days
and comparing one’s sleeping pattern to the
content in the text. The Suggested Activities are
provided in response to instructors’ demand for
more ideas about how to apply the text to their
students’ lives. Professors have told me that
they use this feature to stimulate class discus-
sion or provide in-class activities.
Each chapter ending has the following study aids:
• Summary. A brief review of the major topics
• Key Terms. A list of important concepts dis-
cussed in each chapter. To help the reader
locate them, the key terms appear in boldface
type within the chapter text.
• Review Questions. A list of questions meant to
provide the basis for a review of textual mate-
rial and to encourage thought and discussion
on the chapter’s content.
• References. Full details of references cited in
the chapter. An additional list of relevant his-
toric and classic books appears at the end of
Chapter 2.
• The book concludes with a Glossary of the key
terms defined in the chapters and an Index.
x preface
Acknow ledgme
Resourc e Mana
gement for Ind
ividuals and Fa
milies w ould no
t have b een pos
sible wi th-
out the inspira
tion fro m colle
agues, instruc
tors, stu dents, a
nd my own gr
aduate experie
at Mich igan St
ate Un iversity
. Profes sors Ta
hira Hi ra of Io
wa Sta te Univ
ersity, S uzanne
Piscopo of the
Univers ity of M
alta, Ca rlisle Pe
mberto n of the
Univer sity of
the We st Indie
Rachel Pettigr
ew and Ruth B
erry of the Un
iversity of Ma
nitoba, France
s Lawre nce of
Louisia na Sta
te Univ ersity, a
nd Jing Xiao of
the Un iversity
of Rho de Isla
nd hav e added
the con cepts in
this bo ok as le
aders in financ
ial liter acy an
d resou rce
manag ement.
Sue M cGrego
r of Mo unt Sa
int Vinc ent Un
iversity in
Canad a provi
ded ins ight int
o the e volution
of the manag
ement process
model. Anita
Subram aniam
, forme rly of M
ontclai r State
Univer sity
and Pu rdue U
niversit y and n
ow in I ndia, a
dded h er stud
ents’ vi ews on
manag ement
. Shelb y Hun
t of Tex as Tech
Univer sity an
d I hav e had
wonde rful con
versatio ns abo
ut his R esourc
e-Adva ntage T
heory and
the wa ys it is
compa tible w
ith fam ily reso
urce th eory. S
herma n Han
of Ohi o State
Unive rsity pr
ovided update
s on ec onomic
theory and ri
Holly H unts of
Mont ana St
ate Un iversity
teache s probl
em-so lving
techniq ues wh
ich are origin
al to th e field.
Much of the
cross- cultura
and hi storica
l conte nt of t
he boo k was
influen ced by
my Fu lbright
and sa bbatica
ls in W ashing
ton DC and a
broad. I am
indebt ed to B
Monk man, c
urator emeri
tus of the Wh
ite Ho use, fo
r her g uidanc
e rega rding
techno logy a
t the W hite H
ouse in Chap
ter 1, a nd cur
ators o f the N
ationa l
Museu m of A
merica n Hist
ory at the S
mithso nian I
nstitut ion for
their c ritique
of the three s
ystem s of ho
usehol d prod
uction /consu
mption given
in Cha pter 2.
I am t hankfu
l for th e resea
rch su pport
from t he Visi
ting Fe llow P
rogram at
the H oover
Institu tion at
Stanf ord Un
iversity , the F
inanci al Ind
ustry Regula
Autho rity In
vestor Educa
tion F ounda
tion (F INRA
), the Smith
sonian Instit
ution Office
of Fell owship
s and Grant
s, Duk e Univ
ersity, and t
he He rbert H
oover Presid
ential Librar
Mem bers o
f the P earson
staff should
be re cogniz
ed for their
work and en
thusia sm. S
apprec iation
is exte nded t
o Sara Eilert
, Doug Greiv
e, and Vern
Antho ny, Ed
itor-in -Chie