www.seekscience.orgAcid Rain –Can chalk dissolve? –Results TableInitial ObservationHow hard is the chalk? Can it be scratched by a fingernail? Is it easy to break in half?Chalk SampleLiquid usedPredictionObservations during the experimentObservations at the end of the experiment1Water2VinegarAny other comments / ideas?
www.seekscience.orgAIM:To observe the effects of different pH solutions on chalk, relating it to the effects of acid rain.CURRICULUM LINK:KS2: Sc3 Materials and their Properties, Groupingand Classifying Materials. 1(d)KS2: Sc3 Materials and their Properties, Changing Materials 2(a) and (f)Introduction to KS3: Sc3 Materials and their Properties, Patterns of Behaviour. 3 (d), (e), and (g)TIME:30 minutesMATERIALS REQUIRED:Per group:2pieces of chalk (Calcium carbonate) (not ‘dustless’ synthetic chalk)2 x 50 ml glass or polypropylene beakers25 ml Vinegar (change volumes to ensure chalk is covered)25 ml tap water2 teaspoons2 pieces of blotting paper or thick tissue about 5 x 5 –10x 10 cm sizeStop clockResults table [PDF version] [Word version] METHODS: