Subject Code and Title
PRO100 Information Systems Project Management Written Report
1500 words (+/- 10%)
Due by 11:55pm AEST/AEDT end of Module 2.2 (Week 4)
100 marks
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In the first two Modules of PRO100, you learnt some of the core concepts in project management including the definition of a project, and how a project is different from repetitive and routine work as well as the environment in which a project operates, and how to select a project. You were also introduced to the processes in the initiating process group, and how to identify and categorise stakeholders and manage stakeholder engagement.
In this assessment, you will demonstrate your understanding of:
the concept of a project;
the role of a project charter;
the concept of a stakeholder;
as well as your ability to
identify a project and the objective of a project;
develop a project charter;
and perform a stakeholder analysis and develop a stakeholder register.
PRO100_Assessment 1_Brief. Revised 27/11/2020
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Learning Outcomes
The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include:
a) Describe and analyse PM knowledge areas and process groups
b) Differentiate between PM methodologies and discuss relevance for Information Systems (IS)
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Total Marks
Please read the PRO100_Real-World-Scenario-Project.
Complete the following assessment tasks:
Task 1.
Develop a business case for this project in a Microsoft Word document using no more than 400 words. The business case should include a cost and benefit analysis using the NPV model over the next 10 years. Use 2% as the discounting factor. Apart from financial criteria, are there any other non-financial criteria to consider?
Please note that you are required to make reasonable assumptions about this project to develop a business case for it, for example, the initial investment of this project, the operating cost of the system, the cost the University would be able to save, etc.
Task 2.
You are now appointed as the project manager for this project and your first task is to develop a project charter.
The project charter (in a Microsoft Word document) must contain, as a minimum, the following:
Title page
Project purpose and justification
Project objectives and product characteristics
High-level requirements
Project assumptions, constraints, high-level descriptions and boundaries
Project success criteria
High-level risks
Summary schedule and key milestones
Summary budget
Stakeholder list and the type of each stakeholder
Project approval requirements and approval authority
Project manager assigned to project
Signatory block
You are also required to identify key stakeholders in this project and compile a stakeholder register (in a Microsoft Excel document). The register must contain the following columns: