Charles tyrwhitt shirts
Assignment 1
MGMT 20143 Think BiG
30 march 2018
Charles Tyrwhitt Shirts Student 12345678 Page 14 of 14
Executive summary
This report explores the Charles Tyrwhitt business model using the nine component Business Model Canvas approach to identify the features that had such an immediate impact on Australian fashion retailing. The analysis relies on publically available information.
Charles Tyrwhitt’s online model draws on core elements of a direct mail order business relying heavily on renting mailing lists of potential customers with the propensity to buy using the internet capture orders.
Growth in inventory holdings and a slowing of the inventory cycle have been compounded by opening new stores in low growth markets and largescale owner capital drawings.
Charles Tyrwhitt can reshape its business model and avoid being disrupted by potential new entrants. The following are recommended to achieve future growth:
· Move from a propensity driven to a job to be done customer segmentation model
· Better understand whether the disruptive innovation concept of zero consumption competition applies to CT
· Halt UK store growth and focus on applying the lessons learned in Germany and Australia to Scandinavia and other English speaking markets respectively.
Charles Tyrwhitt Shirts Student 12345678 Page 3 of 14
Table of Contents
Executive summary 2
Table of Contents 3
List of Tables 3
I. Introduction 4
II. Business model 4
A. Building blocks 4
1. Customer segments 4
2. Key partners 4
3. Value proposition 5
4. Key activities 5
5. Channels 5
6. Revenue streams 5
7. Cost structure 6
8. Key resources 6
9. Customer relationships 6
B. Interrelationships 6
C. Critical success factors 6
D. Downside risks 7
E. Business model changes 7
III. Conclusion 7
IV. Recommendations 8
Appendix 1 – Charles Tyrwhitt Business Model Canvas 9
Appendix 2 – Charles Tyrwhitt performance benchmarks & comparators 10
References 12
List of Tables
Table 1 Charles Tyrwhitt UK & US mailing list profiles 4
Table 2: Charles Tyrwhitt web referral commissions Australia 5
Table 3: Charles Tyrwhitt sales supported per store by major market 5
Table 4: Charles Tyrwhitt Australian sales (2013-2016) 6
Table 5: Charles Tyrwhitt Business Model Canvas 9
Table 6: Charles Tyrwhitt Australian fashion industry comparison 10
Table 7: Charles Tyrwhitt LLP & Shirts Ltd financial perf