MICROSOFT WORD (15 points) You will create a business portfolio using the tools in MS Word to go with your Final Exam for CIS105. You will demonstrate your ability to work with the features of MS Word by creating a document, inserting a table of contents, and describing your final exam.
a) Create a new document.
b) Create a Title Page with the following information centered on the page:
a. Your First and Last Name
b. Course and Section Number
c. Date
c) Add your MEID as a footer. d) Insert a Table of Contents.
e) Create a section for each of the components of the Final Exam.
a. PowerPoint Presentation
b. Excel Spreadsheet
c. Access Database
f) For each section, write at least one paragraph describing the outcome of each
assignment on the Final Project.
a. What worked well?
b. What did you struggle with?
c. How long did it take you to complete the assignment? g) Make sure that each of the three topics above are referenced in the Table of
Contents and set to automatically update.
h) Apply bold formatting to one item.
i) Apply italics to at least one item. j) Apply Arial 12 point font to the entire document.
k) Save the file as Portfolio_YourName.docx.
CIS105 At-Home Final Exam Part 1: Project – 70 points
MICROSOFT POWERPOINT (15 points) You will be creating a presentation for Buena Vista Apartments. You are presenting an overview of the financial outlook for the company. The presentation will include
specific points you want to remember to cover during the meeting. a) Create a new presentation.
b) Select the Aspect or Trek Theme.
c) Add a new slide with the title text “Buena Vista Apartments – Business
Outlook” as right aligned. d) Type the subtitle text as “by – Your Full Name & MEID” as right aligned.
e) Modify title text and subtitle placeholders to accommodate the text on the right
side of the slide.