The sample all-purpose flowchart above(attach) might solve quite a few problems during your career, but generally flowcharts are more complex.
Review the description and narrative summary below and create an accurate and attractive flowchart of the process described. Your flowchart should be uploaded to the appropriate Discussion forum as an attachment in PDF format. Your Discussion post should include at least 300 words describing your experience creating the flowchart. What was easy about the application you selected? What was confusing or difficult? Would you recommend this application to other students who must create a flowchart? Why or why not?
Your flowchart may be created using any software or online application you choose, but cannot be submitted in a hand-drawn format. Some options are Microsoft Visio, Microsoft Excel, ArgoUML, and Gliffy.
Visio and Excel, along with many other useful software applications, are available for free use by USF students a the USF Application Gateway (you may need to copy and paste this link): (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
You will need to create an account and log in using your USF NETId and Password.
Apache OpenOffice is a free application suite that includes the Draw utility and is available from (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
ArgoUML is an open source engineering tool that allows the user to create diagrams and other visuals. The software is a collaborative project that is free to download and use (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Gliffy is an online diagram utility that allows free trial of the application