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Civilize them with a stick summary

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Civilize Them with a Stick 571




Few students are aware of our nation's policies toward Native Americans, which included the separation of Indian children from their families and cultures so that these children could be "civilized" into the dominant society. Consequently, beginning in 1879, thousands of Native American children were forced to leave the reservation to attend boarding schools, day schools, or schools in converted army posts. These total institutions used tactics sim­ ilar to those used by the military to resociaIize the young Native Americans. The peak period for Native American boarding schools was 1879-1930, but they continue, in some places, today. In the following selection, taken from Lakota Woman (1990), Mary Crow Dog and Richard Erdoes reveal how the in­ stitution of education can be an agent of social control whose purpose is to assimilate racial-ethnic populations, such as Native Americans, into the dominant culture. Crow Dog is a Native American activist and Erdoes is the ghostwriter of her autobiography .

. . . Gathered from the cabin, tlze wickiup, and the tepee, partly by cajolenj and partly by threats; partly by bribery and partly by force, they are induced to leave their kindred to enter these schools and take upon themselves the outward appearance of civilized life.


I t is almost impossible to explain to a sympathetic white person what a typical old Indian boarding school was like; how it affected the Indian child suddenly dumped into it like a small creature from another world, helpless, defenseless, bewildered, trying desperately and instinctively to sur­ vive and sometimes not surviving at alL I think such children were like the victims of Nazi concentration camps trying to tell average, middle-class

Mary Crow Dog and Richard Erdoes, "Civilize Them with a Stick" from Lakota Woman. Copyright © 1990 by Mary Crow Dog and Rkhard Erdoes. Reprinted with the permission of GrovelAtlantic, Inc.

572 Mary Crow Dog • Richard Erdoes

Americans what their experience had been like. Even now, when these schools are much improved, when the buildings are new, all gleaming steel and glass, the food tolerable, the teachers well trained and well intentioned, even trained in child psychology-unfortunately the psychology of white children, which is different from ours-the shock to the child upon arrival is still tremendous. Some just seem to shrivel up, don't speak for days on end, and have an empty look in their eyes. I know of an ll-year-old on another reservation who hanged herself, and in our school, while I was there, a girl jumped out of the window, trying to kill herself to escape an unbearable situation. That first shock is always there.

Although the old tiyospaye has been destroyed, in the traditional Sioux families, especially in those where there is no drinking, the child is never left alone. It is always surrounded by relatives, carried around, enveloped in warmth. It is treated with the respect due to any human being, even a small one. It is seldom forced to do anything against its will, seldom screamed at, and never beaten. That much, at least, is left of the old family group among full-bloods. And then suddenly a bus or car arrives, full of strangers, usually white strangers, who yank the child out of the arms of those who love it, tak­ ing it screaming to the boarding school. The only word I can think of for what is done to these children is kidnapping.

Even now, in a good school, there is impersonality instead of close human contact; a sterile, cold atmosphere, an unfamiliar routine, language problems, and above all the maza-skan-skan, that damn clock-white man's time as opposed to Indian time, which is natural time. Like eating when you are hungry and sleeping when you are tired, not when that damn clock says you must. But I was not taken to one of the better, modem schools. I was

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taken to the old-fashioned mission school at St. Francis, run by the nuns and '~ ;;

Catholic fathers, built sometime around the tum of the century and not -" improved a bit when I arrived, not improved as far as the buildings, the food, ,{:

the teachers, or their methods were concerned. '.,~~

In the old days, nature was our people's only school and they needed no '.~ -"'I other. Girls had their toy tipis and dolls, boys their toy bows and arrows. Both rode and swam and played the rough Indian games together. Kids watched their peers and elders and naturally grew from children into adults. Life in the tipi circle was harmonious-until the whiskey peddlers arrived with their wagons and barrels of "Injun whiskey." I often wished I could have grown up in the old, before-whiskey days.

Oddly enough, we owed our unspeakable boarding schools to the do­ gooders, the white Indian-lovers. The schools were intended as an alterna­ tive to the outright extermination seriously advocated by generals Sherman and Sheridan, as well as by most settlers and prospectors overrunning our land. "You don't have to kill those poor benighted heathen/' the do-gooders

-:said, "in order to solve the Indian Problem. Just give us a chance to turn them into useful farmhands, laborers, and chambermaids who will break their backs for you at low wages." In that way the boarding schools were born.

-"The kids were taken away from their villages and pueblos, in their blankets of




Civilize Them with a Stick 573

and moccasins, kept completely isolated from their families-sometimes for as long as ten years-suddenly coming back, their short hair slick with po­ made, their necks raw from stiff, high collars, their thick jackets always short in the sleeves and pinching under the arms, their tight patent leather shoes giving them corns, the girls in starched white blouses and clumsy, high­ buttoned boots-caricatures of white people. When they found out-and they found out quickly-that they were neither wanted by whites nor by Indians, they got good and drunk, many of them staying drunk for the rest of their lives. I still have a poster I found among my grandfather's stuff, given to him by the missionaries to tack up on his walL It reads:

1. Let Jesus save you. 2. Come out of your blanket, cut your hair, and dress like a white man. 3. Have a Christian family with one wife for life only. 4. Live in a house like your white brother. Work hard and wash often. 5. Learn the value of a hard-earned dollar. Do not waste your money on

giveaways. Be punctual. 6. Believe that property and wealth are signs of divine approval. 7. Keep away from saloons and strong spirits. 8. Speak the language of your white brother. Send your children to

school to do likewise. 9. Go to church often and regularly.

10. Do not go to Indian dances or to the medicine men.

The people who were stuck upon "solving the Indian Problem" by making us into whites retreated from this position only step by step in the wake of Indian protests.

The mission school at St. Francis was a curse for our family for genera­ tions. My grandmother went there, then my mother, then my sisters and 1. At one time or other, everyone of us tried to run away. Grandma told me once about the bad times she had experienced at St. Francis. In those days they let students go home only for one week every year. Two days were used up for transportation, which meant spending just five days out of 365 with her fam­ ily. And that was an improvement. Before grandma's time, on many reserva­ tions they did not let the students go home at all until they had finished school. Anybody who disobeyed the nuns was severely punished. The build­ ing in which my grandmother stayed had three floors, for girls only. Way up in the attic were little cells, about five by five by ten feet. One time she was in church and instead of prayingshe was playing jacks. As punishment they took her to one of those little cubicles where she stayed in darkness because the windows had been boarded up. They left her there for a whole week with only bread and water for nourishment. After she came out she promptly ran away, together with three other girls. They were found and brought back. The nuns stripped them naked and whipped them. They used a horse buggy whip on my grandmother. Then she was put back into the attic-for two weeks.

My mother had much the same experiences but never wanted to talk .. about them, and then there I was, in the same place. The school is now run by

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~ j 574 Mary Crow Dog • Richard Erdoes

the BIA-the Bureau of Indian Affairs-but only since about 15 years ago. When I was there, during the 1960s, it was still run by the Church. The Jesuit '- I fathers ran the boys' wing and the Sisters of the Sacred Heart ran us-with the help of the strap. Nothing had changed since my grandmother's days. I have been told recently that even in the '70s they were still beating children at that school. All I got out of school was being taught how to pray. I learned quickly that I would be beaten if I failed in my devotions or, God forbid, prayed the wrong way, especially prayed in Indian to Wakan Tanka, the Indian Creator.

The girls' wing was built like an F and was run like a penal institution. Every morning at five o'clock the sisters would come into our large dormitory to wake us up, and immediately we had to kneel down at the sides of Our beds and recite the prayers. At six o'clock we were herded into the church for more of the same. I did not take kindly to the discipline and to marching by the clock, left-right, left-right. I was never one to like being forced to do something. I do something because I feel like doing it. I felt this way always, as far as I can remember, and my sister Barbara felt the same way. An old medicine man once told me: "Us Lakotas are not like dogs who can be trained, who can be beaten and keep on wagging their tails,licking the hand that whipped them. We are like cats, little cats, big cats, wildcats, bobcats, mountain lions. It doesn't matter what kind, but cats who can't be tamed, who scratch if you step on their tails." But I was only a kitten and my claws were still small.

Barbara was still in the school when I arrived and during my first year or two she could still protect me a little bit. When Barb was a seventh grader she ran away together with five other girls, early in the morning before sunrise. They brought them back in the evening. The girls had to wait for two hours in front of the mother superior's office. They were hungry and cold, frozen through. It was wintertime and they had been running the whole day with­ out food, trying to make good their escape. The mother superior asked each girl, "Would you do this again?" She told them that as punishment they ~ would not be allowed to visit horne for a month and that she'd keep them busy on work details until the skin on their knees and elbows had worn off. At the end of her speech she told each girl, "Get up from this chair and lean over it." She then lifted the girls' skirts and pulled down their underpants. Not little girls either, but teenagers. She had a leather strap about a foot long and four inches wide fastened to a stick, and beat the girls, one after another, until they cried. Barb did not give her that satisfaction but just clenched her ""i teeth. There was one girl, Barb told me, the nun kept on beating and beating until her arm got tired. .......'

I did not escape my share of the strap. Once, when I was 13 years old, I refused to go to Mass. I did not want to go to church because I did not feel well. A nun grabbed me by the hair, dragged me upstairs, made me stoop over, pulled my dress up (we were not allowed at the time to wear jeans), pulled my panties down, and gave me what they called "swats"-25 swats with a board around which Scotch tape had been wound. She hurt me badly.

Civilize Them with l1 Stick 575

My classroom was right next to the principal's office and almost every day I could hear him swatting the boys. Beating was the common punishment for not doing one's homework, or for being late to schooL It had such a bad effect upon me that I hated and mistrusted every white person on sight, be­ cause I met only one kind. It was not until much later that I met sincere white people I could relate to and be friends with. Racism breeds racism in reverse.

The routine at St. Francis was dreary. Six A.M., kneeling in church for an hour or so; seven o'clock, breakfast; eight o'clock, scrub the floor, peel spuds, make classes. We had to mop the dining room twice every day and scrub the tables. If you were caught taking a rest, doodling on the bench with a finger­ nail or knife, or just rapping, the nun would come up with a dish towel and just slap it across your face, saying, "You're not supposed to be talking, you're supposed to be working!" Monday mornings we had cornmeal mush, Tuesday oatmeal, Wednesday rice and raisins, Thursday cornflakes, and Friday all the leftovers mixed together or sometimes fish. Frequently the food had bugs or rocks in it. We were eating hot dogs that were weeks old, while the nuns were dining on ham, whipped potatoes, sweet peas, and cranberry sauce. In winter our dorm was icy cold while the nuns' rooms were always warm.

I have seen little girls arrive at the school, first graders, just fresh from home and totally unprepared for what awaited them, little girls with pretty braids, and the first thing the nuns did was chop their hair off and tie up what was left behind their ears. Next they would dump the children into tubs of alcohol, a sort of rubbing alcohot "to get the germs off." Many of the nuns

.,. were German immigrants, some from Bavaria, so that we sometimes specu­ lated whether Bavaria was some sort of Dracula country inhabited by mon­ sters. For the sake of objectivity I ought to mention that two of the German


fathers were great linguists and that the only Lakota-English dictionaries and grammars which are worth anything were put together by them.

At night some of the girls would huddle in bed together for comfort and reassurance. Then the nun in charge of the dorm would come in and say, "What are the two of you doing in bed together? I smell evil in this room. You

"- girls are evil incarnate. You are sinning. You are going to hell and burn for­ ever. You can act that way in the devil's frying pan." She would get them out of bed in the middle of the night, making them kneel and pray until morning. We had not the slightest idea what it was all about. At home we slept two and three in a bed for animal warmth and a feeling of security.

The nuns and the girls in the two top grades were constantly battling it out physically with fists, nails, and hair-pulling. I myself was growing from a kitten into an undersized cat. My claws were getting bigger and were itch­ ing for action. About 1969 or 1970 a strange young white girl appeared on the reservation. She looked about 18 or 20 years old. She was pretty and had long, blond hair down to her waist, patched jeans, boots, and a backpack. She was different from any other white person we had met before. I think her name was Wise. I do not know how she managed to overcome our reluctance and distrust, getting us into a corner, making us listen to her, asking us how

:' ~

576 Mary Crow Dog • Richard Erdoes 1 " ...... ';" -'1 .''~'1.

we were treated. She told us that she was from New York. She was the first real , "

1 hippie or Yippie we had come across. She told us of people called the Black .~~ Panthers, Young Lords, and Weathermen. She said, "Black people are getting .j

it on. Indians are getting it on in St. Paul and California. How about you?" ,.~ ­She also said, "Why don't you put out an underground paper, mimeograph

it. It's easy. Tell it like it is. Let it all hang out." She spoke a strange lingo but we caught on fast.

Charlene Left Hand Bull and Gina One Star were two full-blood girls I used to hang out with. We did everything together. They were willing to join me in a Sioux uprising. We put together a newspaper which we called the Red Panther. In it we wrote how bad the school was, what kind of slop we had -' to eat-slimy, rotten, blackened potatoes for two weeks-the way we were beaten. I think I was the one who wrote the worst article about our principal of the moment, Father Keeler. I put all my anger and venom into it. I called him a goddam wasicun son of a bitch. I wrote that he knew nothing about Indians and should go back to where he came from, teaching white children whom he could relate to. I wrote that we knew which priests slept with which nuns and that all they ever could think about was filling their bellies and buying a new car. It was the kind of writing which foamed at the mouth, but which also lifted a great deal of weight from one's soul.

On Saint Patrick's Day, when everybody was at the big powwow, we dis­ tributed our newspapers. We put them on windshields and bulletin boards, in desks and pews, in dorms and toilets. But someone saw us and snitched on us. The shit hit the fan. The three of us were taken before a board meeting. Our parents, in my case my mother, had to come. They were told that ours was a most serious matter, the worst thing that had ever happened in the school's long history. One of the nuns told my mother, "Your daughter really needs to be talked to." "What's wrong with my daughter?" my mother asked. She was given one of our Red Panther newspapers. The nun pointed out its name to her and then my piece, waiting for mom's reaction. After a while she asked, "Well, what have you got to say to this? What do you think?"

My mother said, "Well, when I went to school here, some years back, I was treated a lot worse than these kids are. I really can't see how they can have any complaints, because we was treated a lot stricter. We could not even wear skirts halfway up our knees. These girls have it made. But you should forgive them because they are young. And it's supposed to be a free country, free speech and all that. I don't believe what they done is wrong." So all I got out


of it was scrubbing six flights of stairs on my hands and knees, every day. And no boy-side privileges.

The boys and girls were still pretty much separated. The only time one k could meet a member of the opposite sex was during free time, between t '"" 4 and 5:30, in the study hall or on benches or the volleyball court outside, and

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that was strictly supervised. One day Charlene and I went over to the boys' side. We were on the ball team and they had to let us practice. We played

J; three extra minutes, only three minutes more than we were supposed to. _'I { Here was the nuns' opportunity for revenge. We got 25 swats. I told f!

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Civilize Them with a Stick 577

Charlene, "We are getting too old to have our bare asses whipped that way. We are old enough to have babies. Enough of this shit. Next time we fight back." Charlene only said, "Hoka-hay!" ...

In a school like this there is always a lot of favoritism. At St. Francis it was strongly tinged with racism. Girls who were near-white, who came from what the nuns called "nice families," got preferential treatment. They waited on the faculty and got to eat ham or eggs and bacon in the morning. They got the easy jobs while the skins, who did not have the right kind of background-myself among them-always wound up in the laundry room sorting out lO-bushel baskets of dirty boys' socks every day. Or we wound up scrubbing the floors and doing all the dishes. The school therefore fos­ tered fights and antagonism between whites and breeds, and between breeds and skins. At one time Charlene and I had to iron all the robes and vestments the priests wore when saying Mass. We had to fold them up and put them into a chest in the back of the church. In a comer, looking over our shoulders, was a statue of the crucified Savior, all bloody and beaten up. Charlene looked up and said, "Look at that poor Indian. The pigs sure worked him over." That was the closest I ever came to seeing Jesus.

I was held up as a bad example and didn't mind. I was old enough to have a boyfriend and promptly got one. At the school we had an hour and a half 'for ourselves. Between the boys' and the girls' wings were some benches where one could sit. My boyfriend and I used to go there just to hold hands and talk. The nuns were very uptight about any boy-girl stuff. They had an exaggerated fear of anything having even the faintest connection with sex. One day in religion class, an all-girl class, Sister Bernard singled me out for some remarks, pointing me out as a bad example, an example that should be shown. She said that I was too free with my body. That I was hold­ ing hands which meant that I was not a good example to follow. She also said that I wore unchaste dresses, skirts which were too short, too sugges­ tive, shorter than regulations permitted, and for that I would be punished. She dressed me down before the whole class, carrying on and on about my unchastity....

We got a new priest in English. During one of his first classes he asked one of the boys a certain question. The boy was shy. He spoke poor English, but he had the right answer. The priest told him, "You did not say it right. Correct yourself. Say it over again." The boy got flustered and stammered. He could hardly get out a word. But the priest kept after him: "Didn't you hear? I told you to do the whole thing over. Get it right this time." He kept on and on.

I stood up and said, "Father, don't be doing that. !fyou go into an Indian's home and try to talk Indian, they might laugh at you and say, 'Do it over cor­ rectly. Get it right this time!'"

He shouted at me, "Mary, you stay after class. Sit down right now!" I stayed after class, until after the bell. He told me, "Get over here!" He

grabbed me by the arm, pushing me against the blackboard, shouting, "Why are you always mocking us? You have no reason to do this."

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