you are required to reply to 2 other classmates’ threads. Each reply must be a minimum of 100 words and must cite at least 2 academic sources. One source has to be biblical.. Acceptable sources include the textbook, peer-reviewed journal articles, government sources/websites, and professional association websites. In addition to academic support, students must apply a Chrisitian worldview perspective and integrate Biblical scripture support for all posts.
Responding to a classmate’s post requires both the addition of new ideas and analysis. A particular point made by the classmate must be addressed and built upon by your analysis in order to move the conversation forward. Thus, the response post is a rigorous assignment that requires you to build upon initial posts to develop deeper and more thorough discussion of the ideas introduced in the initial posts. As such, reply posts that merely affirm, restate or unprofessionally quarrel with the previous post(s) and fail to make a valuable, substantive contribution to the discussion will receive appropriate point deductions.
replies are due by 10:59 p.m. (CST) on Monday of the same modules/weeks
1st reply
Michael Carter
The first article that i reviewed discusses one of three former college students accused of rape/ sexual assault on the campus of Eastern Michigan University. The case(s) centers on the (3) men who while students, frequented a fraternity house on campus where they partied and bragged about their sexual exploits. In at lease one case, one of the accused laughed at the victim after he sexually assaulted her. “While he was sexually assaulting these victims, he was howling like a dog and then once he was done sexually assaulting the victims, he laughed at them to humiliate them,” she said. (Moran 2020) What's more troubling is that this appeared to be a competition of sorts as the men all met, and allegedly assaulted these women all at the same location. Moreover, one of the accused men, went on to become a Sheriff's Deputy in a nearby town. The assaults took place involving all 3 men approximately 2 years ago 2018-2019 with as many as (7) women.
Link to the story:
The second story is from a rape case earlier this month in Charlotte, NC. On 09/02/2020 a woman was approached by stranger who attempted to engage her in a conversation. When she terminated the encounter and began walking away, the suspect gave chase. He caught her, then sexually assaulted and robbed her of her personal belongings. A passerby-er called 911 and as the police arrived on scene, the victim gave them a great physical description which assist the responding officers with locating the suspect in the area. The 57-year old suspect was confirmed by the victim as the suspect and he was consequentially arrested. In this case, the combination of a Good Samaritan coming to the aid of the victim " Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ." (Galatians 6:2) and strong/ resilient victim lead to an immediate arrest.
The link for this story:
There are a number of factors that cause rapes/ sex assault cases to be challenging for law enforcement. In the 1st example above, the victims all came forward some time after the assaults took place which most certainly impacted the collection of physical evidence in these cases. After (2) years, it appears that this evidence is lost. However, due to the presence of social media and cells phones, it is entirely possible that cell phone data from the parties involved is still available and may have great value in this case. "...delay in reporting increases the challenge to investigators because it allows for contamination and diminishes, if not effectively eliminates, and any physical evidence, particularly biological evidence such as semen, blood, or hairs, that could be used to identify an unknown assailant or build a case for prosecution." (Cho, et. al., 2017)
Other issues for investigating these crimes include the fact that sometimes victim's are not great witnesses. The police aren't always able to respond quickly enough to apprehend the offender. Some victim's don't report their assaults at all when avenues to save evidence for possible future prosecutions exist, i.e. blind reporting procedure which save the assault victim's privacy and confidential while preserving some physical evidence and sharing certain information with law enforcement.
Cho, H., Hess, K. Orthman, C. (2017) Criminal Investigations (2013)
Bible Gateway
2nd reply
Angela Thompson
In Christian County a registered sex offender is facing new charges following allegations of inappropriate behavior which involved two females ages 18 and 14. Andrew Fairchild was charged on Tuesday with rape, sodomy, and sexual abuse. Fairchild met the victims on Snapchat and agreed to hang out with them at his house located in Ozark. Fairchild age 29, lied to the two victims telling them that he was only 22. The article states that while they were hanging out Fairchild gave both victims alcohol and a pill and told them that it was Adderall. Both victims reported that they became tired and blacked out. The 18-year-old woman reported waking up to Fairchild inappropriately touching her which led to rape. The 14-year-old girl said she woke up to Fairchild on top of her with nothing but his shorts on. Thankfully the 14-year-old was able to get away from him. Fairchild later drove the victims’ home where they then went to Mercy Hospital for sexual assault exams. The article states that Fairchild is a registered sex offender out of Florida. In 2003 he sexually abused a 14-year-old stranger. Fairchild is now being held in Christian County Jail, if convicted he may be facing a life sentence.
In Winston Salem, NC Tavon Demaris Taylor, age 20 is being held on multiple charges including breaking and entering, assault, kidnapping, and rape. On Thursday, September 24th at 10:20 pm, officers were dispatched to a young woman’s apartment on a reported rape call. “through investigations, officers found that a young adult female had returned to her apartment and was opening the door when a man approached her from behind and forced his way into her apartment. The suspect was a stranger to the victim” (Bennett,2020). Once Taylor was inside of the apartment, he then strangled the victim and then forced her to engage in multiple sex acts against her will. Eventually, the victim was able to escape and call 911, the suspect fled the scene. The victim was then taken to a local hospital for treatment. The next morning officers received a similar call which involved a young male forcing himself into the home of a woman and then once inside he began to assault her. The woman fought back and was able to escape while yelling for help. The neighbor came to her aid and she used the neighbor’s phone to call 911. The suspect eventually fled the scene. police were able to link both incidents to Taylor and he is being held in Forsyth County Detention Center under a secured bond of $250,000,00.
“It is virtually impossible to obtain a conviction on the victim’s testimony alone. Factors that strengthen the prosecutor's case include medical evidence, physical evidence such as torn clothing, evidence of injuries, and a complaint reported reasonably close to the time of the assault. The more evidence the stronger the case” (Hess, Orthmann, Cho, 2017).
“You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Galatians 5:14)
Matison Hess, K., Hess Orthmann, C., & Lim Cho, S. (2017). Criminal Investigation (11th ed.). Boston: Cengage Learning.