Capsim Com-XM Exam
Final Exam BUAD 1010 (COMP –XM EXAM)
What is the exam? The exam has two components: 4 simulation rounds and 5 sets of questions. The questions are called “Board Queries”.
How do I take the exam? 1. Register online at using the code found in the upper left hand corner of the inside
page of your COMP-XM exam booklet. This is the partial booklet given to you in class. You may notice that there is a fee associated with the exam. The fee has already been paid. All you need is the code on the exam booklet.
2. Read the COMP-XM booklet distributed in class and posted online in the class site. When you take the exam remember to save your work!
3. Download the Comp-XM Excel Spreadsheet. The download procedure is identical to the download procedure for the regular simulation.
4. Play round one and answer the questions online for round one. When you are satisfied with your answers, save your work and then advance to the next round.
5. Play round two and answer the questions online for round two. When you are satisfied with your answers, save your work and then advance to the next round.
6. Play round three and answer the questions online for round three. When you are satisfied with your answers, save your work and then advance to the next round.
7. Play round four and answer the questions online for round four. When you are satisfied with your answers, save your work and then advance to the next round.
8. There is no round 5 to play; there is a final set of Board Queries which you must answer online.
How will I be graded? Points earned towards overall course grade
Exam EXAM Score in Points*
100 points Exam is complete. 4 rounds played and 5 sets of questions answered.
Final combined score over 150 points.
75 points Exam is complete. 4 rounds played and 5 sets of questions answered.
Final combined score between 125 points and 149 points.
50 points Exam is complete. 4 rounds played and 5 sets of questions answered.
Final combined score under 125 points.
0 points ANY part of the exam incomplete regardless of point total.
ANY part of the exam incomplete regardless of final score point total.