| Firewall // 1pt
Open the following ports and services: 443, http
| Account Management // 3 pts
From the csv, use the OS as the filter to complete the following tasks.
- Add each username and make sure to place it on the correct base dir. You can check the /etc/passwd to ensure it is correct.
roary001:x:1000:1000::/home/__OS__ /__COUNTRY__ /roary001:/bin/bash
- Each username must be part of the right primary group. See filter below
roary001:x:1000:1020::/home/__OS__ /__COUNTRY__ /roary001:/bin/bash
- Each home folder must contain the corresponding files. See filter below
- Add the right content to the about file.
* All text must be lower case
* Single space characters
* No extra characters at the end of the document
- Base directory = /home/mac/
- Primary group = color
$ ls /home/mac/canada/roary001/
$ cat /home/mac/canada/roary001/about
first last
- Base directory = /home/windows/
- Primary group = fruits
$ ls /home/windows/mexico/roary002/
$ cat /home/windows/mexico/roary002/about
last first
Ubuntu // 4pts
| Firewall // 1pt
Open the following ports and services: 21, 22, 53, 143, 443
| Apache2 // 3pt
Install Apache on the server
$ apt-get install apache2
From the csv, use the permission as the filter to complete the following tasks.
- Create a base directory under the /var/www/html for each permission
→ /var/www/html/permission/ // all, create, delete, drop, execute, insert, select, update
- From the CSV, filter all users that match each permission and create a new directory for each month of the year for which your users were born.
fh7058,forrester,hochstein,m,august 9 1998,ghana,plum,bananas,mac,/bin/tcsh,execute
gm1513,greydon,merrick,m,september 21 1992,bahrain,medium_aquamarine,grapes,mac,/bin/csh,select
iw7165,iriana,weick,f,august 20 1987,cyprus,medium_purple,plums,windows,/bin/tcsh,select
→ /var/www/html/select/september
- Inside of each folder above, create an index.html file and add all matching users data int the following order: country,color,fruits,os,shell,username,first,last,gender
→ cat /var/www/html/select/september/index.html
Fedora // 2pts
// scripts
All scripts must be placed on the /root folder.
Scripts can not be executed prior to submission. This will cause issues.
Make sure to test your scripts before turning in the assignment.
* Ensure that all file references in your scripts are absolute paths.
| useradd
Create a script named useradd.sh. This script will complete the same steps outlined on CentOS, but will run them on demand.
| httpd
Create a script named httpd.sh. This script will complete the same steps outlined on Ubuntu, but will run them on demand.
* Keep in mind that to install apache2 on Fedora you need to use the command below. The folder structure for the web server is the same.
$ dnf install httpd.