Week Three Text book exercises • Ch. 11: Exercises 10 & 30 10. Your friend says that what makes one element distinct from another is the number of electrons about the atomic nucleus. Do you agree wholeheartedly, partially, or not at all? Explain. 30. The atoms that constitute your body are mostly empty space, and structures such as the chair you’re sitting on are composed of atoms that are also mostly empty space. So why don’t you fall through the chair? • Ch. 12: Exercises 9 & 30 9. What happens to the density of water when it freezes to ice? 30. Why is it easier to start a fire with kindling rather than with large sticks and logs of the same kind of work? • Ch. 13: Exercises 7 & 20 7. Why is blood pressure measured in the upper arm, at the elevation of your heart? 20. If you’ve wondered about the flushing of toilets on the upper floors of skyscrapers, how do you suppose the plumbing is designed so that there is not an enormous impact of sewage arriving at the basement level? (Check your speculation with someone who is knowledgeable about architecture) • Ch. 14: Exercises 9 & 38 9. When an air bubble rises in water, what happens to its mass, volume, and density? 38. Two identical balloons of the same volume are pumped up with air to more than atmospheric pressure and suspended on the ends of a stick that is horizontally balanced. One of the balloons is then punctured. Is the balance of the stick upset? If so, which way does it tip? • Ch. 15: Exercises 7 & 28 7. Which has the greater amount of internal energy, an iceberg or a cup of hot coffee? Defend your answer 28. Desert sand is very hot in the day and very cool at night. What does this indicate about its specific hear capacity? • Ch. 16: Exercises 8 & 37 8. In terms of physics, why do restaurants serve baked potatoes wrapped in aluminum foil? 37. Some ceiling fans are reversible so that they drive air down or pull it up. In which direction should the fan drive the air during winter? In which direction for summer? • Ch. 17: Exercises 16 & 36 16. Why are icebergs often surrounded by fog? 36. When you boil potatoes, will your cooking time be reduced with vigorously boiling water instead of gently boiling water? (Directions for cooking spaghetti call for vigorously boiling water, not to lessen cooling time but to prevent something else. If you don’t know what that is, ask a cook). • Ch. 18: Exercises 16 & 39 16. What is the ultimate source of energy in coal, oil, and wood? Why do we call energy from wood renewable but energy from coal and oil nonrenewable? 39. The ocean possesses enormous numbers of molecules, all with kinetic energy. Can this energy be extracted and used as a power source? Defend your answer. ...