Assignment 2
Deadline: Tuesday 03/11/2020@ 23:59
[Total Mark for this Assignment is 5]
Decision Support System
College of Computing and Informatics
Question One
1.5 Marks
Learning Outcome(s): LO2
Analyze various industrial applications of DSS and their limitations.
Briefly explain what VoC (Voice of Customer) is and how organizations use it to gain benefits.
Question Two
1.5 Marks
Learning Outcome(s): LO2
Analyze various industrial applications of DSS and their limitations.
Define the SEO techniques. What are the differences between black hat SEO and white hat SEO?
Question Three
2 Marks
Learning Outcome(s): LO3
Use some DSS and demonstrate the database working with DSS and statistical models
Consider the following Decision Tree generated with Weka.
The model is generated based on 150 flowers. 3 classes are defined: 1/Iris-setosa 2/Iris-virginica and 3/ Iris-versicolor.
1- Describe the model in few lines.
2- Classify the following flowers: